配信名【Meg's Monster】I heard this is good
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 3 9.00 \1,208
SGD SGD 2 7.00 \703
£ GBP 1 2.00 \333
---- ---- ---- ---- \2,244
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:14:04 £2.00   ScribblingOnTheWalls Hi Yura, how was your literal speed run?
2 04月24日
  🧣TheStimerGames / スティマーゲーム⚜️ 1
3 01:51:10 $5.00   Logan Agle HNNNNGG......Chibi Yura...so cute! ...I need to...take her home... and give her...Milk & Chocolate Chip Cookies!...
4 04:18:19 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi YOU CAN'T HURT ME, GOLAN!
5 04:37:28 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
See ya...space ghoul. 🫡🫡
6 04:46:12   🧣TheStimerGames / スティマーゲーム⚜️ In memory of our best boys Roy and his buddy... Let's have a minute of silence in the chat
7 05:12:23 SGD5.00   Kusa Chama Recommand it to other people to play so you can spread the fun (Evil smile)
8 05:13:34   ChunkyCooneㄥㄥㄥ Thanks for da stream yura. my god da story is so emotional, Roy best boi. I should get dis game thanks for playing it yura, time for me to go otsuyura
9 05:19:13 SGD2.00   Kusa Chama
replenishing some of your lost water
10 04月25日
  HyperEpsilon (Millenia) Thank you for the stream Yura.
11 05:19:53   InuKirito alt 2 I don't know what to say but...Sleep well Yura~