配信名【Terraria】My soul is burning but I need materials
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 5 34.48 \4,513
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
A$ AUD 1 2.00 \178
---- ---- ---- ---- \4,891
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月04日
  Joe PaPa Patata ⚜⚜️ (メンバーシップ入り)
2 01月05日
  Dragonlord placidusax (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:08:40 $1.49   Wyndstrom Apfelstrudel
4 00:11:10 $5.00   Kevin Nezuko jk Yura, have u heard that Kevin Conroy passed away, if u know who he is. May his soul rest in Peace.
5 00:12:00 A$2.00   Captain Thunderbolt You certainly have the pumpkins covered!
6 01月05日
  Kusa Chama 5
7 01:08:52   Zodiac slayer (メンバーシップ入り)
8 04:32:42 $4.99   Airi’s Bed Bike ride fee
9 04:35:11 $20.00   Zodiac slayer Thanks for the chill stream, it's been really relaxing to listen to while I draw.
10 05:20:34   Uebagi I have a normal sleep schedule I swear
11 05:54:11 $3.00   Conrad Seeto Yura's new Terraria addiction brings back memories
12 06:04:23   InuKirito Alt 3 Thanks for the stream Yura..remember to eat well and have fun learning japanese and bullying koheita..I'll be there to witness it later~
13 06:05:50 ¥200   R.オルド おつゆら~