配信名:【 Just Chatting 】Thumbnail extremely unrelated, just a normal zatsudan
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02月02日 02:35:10 Noir Vesper wtf is this thumbnail
02月02日 02:36:31 Noir Vesper I made it, I remember making it, I don't remember why I made it about basketball
02月02日 02:36:55 Noir Vesper why do people have different colored names
02月02日 02:36:57 Noir Vesper I fear change
02月02日 02:37:54 Noir Vesper more like hyperchad, gottem
02月02日 02:40:01 Noir Vesper I was strongly considering deleetus tweetus again but I decided not to
02月02日 02:40:18 Noir Vesper its that meme of moomin pulling out a switchblade, then putting it away slowly
02月02日 02:41:43 Noir Vesper basically yeah
02月02日 02:42:32 Noir Vesper chat, falling down stairs is fun but dangerous
02月02日 02:42:34 Noir Vesper do it in moderation
02月02日 02:43:16 Noir Vesper Ive been known to fall down stairs when the mood strikes me, yes
02月02日 02:43:52 Noir Vesper huh that would be pretty funny if I started the stream early
02月02日 02:44:04 Noir Vesper drunk I'm just dumb is all
02月02日 02:57:11 Banzoin Hakka I think you have to scroll down on obs!
02月02日 02:57:31 Banzoin Hakka on the chat window :o
02月02日 02:58:04 Banzoin Hakka HELLO ILY
02月02日 02:59:20 Banzoin Hakka that is so weird, maybe create the source again :o
02月02日 05:26:32 Banzoin Hakka Linus tech tips collab when ?
02月02日 05:27:16 Banzoin Hakka we all wear sandals
02月02日 05:29:01 Banzoin Hakka LMFAO