配信名:【League of Legends】Axelotls will be a very cute sprite in this game tbh
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07月07日 03:39:02 Axel Syrios I got gifted 2000 rp from riot wtf
07月07日 03:39:06 Axel Syrios lets goooo lmao
07月07日 04:08:06 Regis Altare maybe a dev gave it to you!
07月07日 04:08:48 Regis Altare ... its 3 pm LOL
07月07日 04:15:08 Regis Altare im silver 1 rn
07月07日 04:15:42 Regis Altare oki
07月07日 04:25:36 Regis Altare he clearly hasnt read any fanfics
07月07日 04:26:10 Regis Altare yeah
07月07日 04:30:20 Regis Altare m-m-monster hunter T_T
07月07日 04:30:31 Regis Altare cleaning your room, with the BOYS
07月07日 04:30:44 Regis Altare grocery shopping with your grandma, with the BOYS
07月07日 04:37:01 Regis Altare i love that teemo animation lol
07月07日 04:41:07 Regis Altare ahri OP
07月07日 04:44:22 Regis Altare yaya lets dm abotu it later!
07月07日 04:58:09 Regis Altare altair holland
07月07日 05:00:58 Regis Altare my work here is done
07月07日 05:12:55 Regis Altare azir is super fun
07月07日 05:23:52 Regis Altare same
07月07日 05:27:41 Regis Altare oh thats cute
07月07日 05:31:09 Regis Altare hey man, your song content is really amazing. i look up to you for that man we all have our strengths and weaknesses
07月07日 05:49:58 Regis Altare thats the build im doing rn LOL