トップ ※配信中の配信者同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 short singing sesh~
08/12 04:12:03 Regis Altare i'm a lil sick, got the sniffles and sneezes, hope i still sound ok xP
08/12 06:00:27 Regis Altare cant do dean or joji for now, permissions-wise!
08/12 11:00:31 Regis Altare welcome MAGNATION!!!
08/12 11:00:40 Regis Altare and hello my lovely Altventurers
08/12 11:13:56 Magni Dezmond no shot you just forgot Frank Sinatra's name
08/12 11:41:29 Regis Altare thanks for joining Altventurers, im glad i was able to sing for you