配信名:【 League of Legends 】This thumbnail reminds me of the college days
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04月13日 16:29:54 Noir Vesper Don't worry VOD should go back up for everyone, I think they want us to edit out general/world chat or something just as a precaution
04月13日 16:30:10 Noir Vesper should I do the league tutorial off stream? or while streaming
04月13日 16:31:00 Noir Vesper I've played 0 hours of league, 0 hours of DOTA2, I played the original DOTA on WC3 for a few years with friends but I was bad
04月13日 16:31:09 Noir Vesper and I think I played DOTA1 like 15 years ago
04月13日 16:31:27 Noir Vesper k
04月13日 16:31:36 Noir Vesper I will play the tutorial off stream then
04月13日 16:31:40 Noir Vesper time to sleep
04月13日 16:31:57 Noir Vesper KC, me too, my favorite TC was cube and wintermaul
04月13日 16:32:40 Noir Vesper I'm gonna try my best to have fun playing this game lol
04月14日 02:03:01 Noir Vesper My first game wasnt a tutorial I accidentally played co-op vs ai
04月14日 04:42:52 Gavis Bettel LEAGUE OF LEGENDS YES!
04月14日 04:43:05 Gavis Bettel OK GOOD ULT
04月14日 05:31:52 Gavis Bettel lmao riot employee
04月14日 05:32:14 Gavis Bettel you cant have riot in ur name other wise
04月14日 05:32:34 Gavis Bettel yaya
04月14日 05:34:25 Gavis Bettel yeh
04月14日 05:37:29 Gavis Bettel B A N N E D