配信名:【Minecraft】Post Horror Watchalong Minecraft to ease the spooky
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07月01日 14:10:54 Josuiji Shinri grabbing some food real quick after the membership stream, will be live soon ish!
07月01日 14:18:41 Josuiji Shinri here's the playlist for the second horror shorts watchalong! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
07月01日 14:19:47 Josuiji Shinri spicy rice and toasted seaweed
07月01日 16:41:20 Josuiji Shinri noooooo
07月01日 16:41:41 Josuiji Shinri ISP kun is telling me to go to sleep, lmao
07月01日 16:41:49 Josuiji Shinri hang on a minute, let's see if it connects