トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   41     607.98   87,103円
 CA$  CAD    3      25.00    2,699円
 PHP  PHP    5     750.00    1,872円
 NZ$  NZD    2      20.00    1,705円
  A$  AUD    2      15.00    1,440円
 UYU  UYU    3     225.00      786円
 SGD  SGD    1       5.00      509円
 MX$  MXN    2      70.00      501円
 MYR  MYR    1      15.00      474円
 IDR  IDR    2   40000.00      382円
 NT$  TWD    1      75.00      342円
 CLP  CLP    1       1000      155円
  R$  BRL    1       5.00      136円
---- ---- ----       ----   98,104円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/19
  Kye (メンバーシップ入り)
2 09/19
  Town (メンバーシップ入り)
3 09/19
  FickleFerret (メンバーシップ入り)
4 09/19
  Drache (メンバーシップ入り)
5 09/19
  Vanilla Thunder バニラサンダー (メンバーシップ入り)
6 09/19
  Strem (メンバーシップ入り)
7 09/20
  Coffee_Coyote (メンバーシップ入り)
8 09/20
  Tracker (メンバーシップ入り)
9 09/20
  ZeroSky3D (メンバーシップ入り)
10 09/20
  Plagon (メンバーシップ入り)
11 09/20
  Yx_Shorty_xY (メンバーシップ入り)
12 09/20
  Shotdown147 (メンバーシップ入り)
13 09/20
  𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙 (メンバーシップ入り)
14 09/20
  Riizzy 10 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
15 09/20
  Not Jessica 20 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
16 09/20
  munmai (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:03:04   gaby [ギャビー] (メンバーシップ入り)
18 09/20
  Kismet Nightingale 20 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
19 00:04:38   Brokenzero25 (メンバーシップ入り)
20 09/20
  Norah[ノラ] 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
21 00:05:18   Violetta (メンバーシップ入り)
22 09/20
  Intetsun (メンバーシップ入り)
23 00:06:17 $200.00   Ara Ara (無言スパチャ)
24 00:06:38 $10.00   TheNomade5 You should draw a character for Manager-San like how Myth did for their Manager's!
25 09/20
  kkinos キノス 10 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
26 09/20
  arenei 10 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
27 09/20
  Julibee 10 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
28 09/20
  Suppapong 1 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
29 00:10:57   renn_ nyan (メンバーシップ入り)
30 00:11:02 CA$10.00   Julibee Yes it's me :^)
31 09/20
  JimmyBoombox 1 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
32 09/20
  Shadow2145 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
33 09/20
  Intetsun (メンバーシップ入り)
34 09/20
  Lambdadelta 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
35 00:12:38 $5.00   UlyssesFartknocker You're a damn talented artist Magni
36 00:13:06   Slugien (メンバーシップ入り)
37 00:13:46   Rusty Shackleford (メンバーシップ入り)
38 00:14:44 UYU75.00   kkinos キノス Get in the Magmech, we're going shopping!
39 00:16:06 $5.00   CreativeBurst I routing against you and Vesper in Worms so you can commentate the rest of it.
40 00:16:09 MX$50.00   nunally I swear it doesn't matter how many times I see you draw you always leave me speechless, incredible
41 00:18:24 $5.00   KRØW "It's too complicated" *proceeds to draw the most cracked mech I've ever seen*
42 00:19:31   PJSkh25 (メンバーシップ入り)
43 00:19:46 CA$10.00   Michi Wow I guess back in the day you wouldn't list "no furry, no mecha" in your commission info
44 09/20
  Lambdadelta 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
45 00:21:08 $5.00   2D. DEWiE Draw what children between TEMPUS MEMBERS would look like
46 00:22:55 CA$5.00   ArkahnX I just want to say that the speed at which you draw will never not astound me
47 00:23:20   VinnyDigac (メンバーシップ入り)
48 00:23:06 PHP125.00   Selvariabell Magz, will there be a WWE match where John and Jeff would settle the score in the ring?
49 09/20
  skycompass 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
50 00:24:36 $10.00   NekoNeme if he gets CSP before next year he can keep the current CSP you got w/o sub
51 00:25:01 A$10.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Magni, I hear you're an artist. a performance artist. Hired to fulfill people's fantasies...their deep. dark. fantasies.You wanted to be like Stan Lee, but became a memetuber instead.
52 00:27:06 UYU75.00   kkinos キノス
Gamma-senpai ignored in chat. F.
53 00:28:57 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
Remember Magni, All you gotta do is Swish n Flick that wand and recite "Levio SAAAA not Leviosa.." wait wrong profession and tool....
54 00:29:30 MYR15.00   Hachu (8raffah) I'm drawing along with you so I'm having a ton of fun actually! It's like an art jam session
55 00:29:44   disco ディスコ (メンバーシップ入り)
56 00:29:38 $20.00   alceo i love ur art streams cuz they motivate me to sketch alongside
57 00:30:15 $10.00   Maggedlad your lordship, i just got my face slapped with a hurricane down here in puerto rico. Can you insult it for me and make my powerless day feel better
58 00:31:26 NZ$10.00   Garfield Idea: A doodle collab with Ina Senpai where you doodle one another fighting each other using your glove cloak and Ina's tentacles. I always thought you two would have a cool dynamic!
59 00:32:57 $5.00   sigal vartan i like working on art while others draw too so this is fun! it feels like I'm being kept on track (if that makes sense!)
60 00:33:31 $20.00   Stellazzia What parts of a mech's visual design do you feel make it immediately recognizable that it's a mech? I've tried drawing mechs before but they end up looking like suits of armor for normal size guys, and that doesn't feel right
61 00:33:40   Anbu (メンバーシップ入り)
62 00:33:49 $5.00   Sanders I opened another Lost Origin booster box and still no Giratina... At least I got a radiant and a gold card this box
63 00:34:01   eruerufu (メンバーシップ入り)
64 00:34:11 NZ$10.00   Garfield
Ok how about you and Ina Senpai fight something evil using your glove cloak and Ina's tentacles, like that collab with 39daph where you fought a horde of zombies
65 00:34:35 $9.99   Akamaid I really enjoy your art streams! I’ve been in such a funk with my art lately and watching your art streams really gets me motivated to start drawing more again~
66 00:35:21   Santalab (メンバーシップ入り)
67 00:35:27   Narzz Gameland (メンバーシップ入り)
68 00:36:28 $10.00   Arnulfo Mendez I could see this as a real gundam/gunpla
69 00:37:04 PHP250.00   Jay Sunday Love the chill art streams, Dez o7 - also the mech reminds me of Noisy Boy from the Real Steel movie
70 00:37:29   Vyro (メンバーシップ入り)
71 00:40:26 IDR20,000.00   slowhand_DNP will you open art class for magmites someday?
72 00:41:07 $10.00   Shadow2145 Is it bad that I can imagine "Ragus" just yelling in the distance asking "WHERE DID OUR FUNDS GO?"
73 00:41:37 $4.99   CasaMasa This looks MAGnificent! I love this art!
74 00:41:56   MilkyOats (メンバーシップ入り)
75 00:42:26 $10.00   Noname Hypothetical speaking, how would you feel if you found out you're a clone and you found original Magni's corpse buried in your backyard? You also have no memory of cloning yourself or being replaced.
76 00:43:00 $2.00   Hello World That's a sick drawing.
77 00:44:26 PHP125.00   I'm Just A Little Guy
78 00:44:39 UYU75.00   kkinos キノス
*clicks tongue* Nice.
79 00:44:29 $10.00   Inkswirl Breaking news: Famous Vtuber doesn't know how to draw his own groups logo. Jk though magmech is based!
80 00:45:03 $10.00   Akuアク Zankoku na tenshi no maguni
81 00:45:20 $10.00   Magius Fantasia Hey Dez! Have you heard of #Inktober? If so, do you usually participate? Last year I was able to do an entry every day for the first time. Hope to see some drawings from you this year!
82 00:45:45 $10.00   CreativeBurst
Maybe a simplified version when the logo is that small.
83 00:45:52 $10.00   GrumbleDogg Dude, really good artwork you got there! Now time to make an original Anime OP to along with it.
84 00:46:17 $5.00   Dgamer Calamity hey Magni love your streams just wanted too say I started drawing and found a new passion even though I'm still learning the basics
85 00:47:48 MX$20.00   The 8 Madness ¡DRAW A HORNI JAIL FOR HOLOTEMPUS!
86 00:48:00 CLP1,000   Sophie Who will be part of Gartic collab?
87 00:48:19 $100.00   Ara Ara
You are too powerful Magni.
88 00:49:19 $2.00   Erin ty for drawing my new oshi
89 00:49:50 $10.00   paopandan Since you mentioned Digimon earlier, do you have a digimon you like or would want as a partner?
90 00:49:56   HKハルカ (メンバーシップ入り)
91 00:50:15 PHP125.00   I'm Just A Little Guy
Omega Alpha in shambles.
92 00:51:46 $2.00   DeeDoubleU GET MAGGED DEZ
93 00:53:08 $5.00   MH_Ziggy Of course it's Renamon.....Great taste my guy.
94 00:52:56 $5.00   Inkswirl
Osh-C making stream? Also Digimon BASED!
95 00:53:21 R$5.00   GM Lemmy How about something we'd see in a heavy metal poster!!
96 00:54:09 IDR20,000.00   RunBaa What if Daniel Maggington joins next gen?
97 00:55:32 $10.00   Treacherous Saint Howdy MagLord
98 00:56:32 $5.00   Seishun Vampire bard
99 00:57:19 $2.00   YangWendi Carnivorous plant instrument?
100 00:57:43 $5.00   Inkswirl
Could use more carnivorous plants like a Venus fly trap
101 09/20
  Konstantine (メンバーシップ入り)
102 01:09:30 SGD5.00   izu kaze POV: you are magni's glove
103 01:15:08 $10.00   TsukikoIchinose Ever get those moments when you sketch something for fun and then you end up accidentally working so hard on it knowing no one cares but the details just gets to you? Yeah, that's me rn
104 01:18:43   Luumu557 (メンバーシップ入り)
105 01:19:32 $10.00   Inkswirl
You may not have said much but still watching you animate is really interesting and fun!
106 09/20
  nodayomi 10 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
107 01:21:07   thesimplesins (メンバーシップ入り)
108 01:22:06   jun (メンバーシップ入り)
109 01:22:33 $5.00   Inkswirl
Looks like Magnations blasting off agaaaaaaiiiiiinn!! *ting*
110 01:26:01 PHP125.00   Riizzy Axel look out! oh no he has his earpods he can't hear us!!
111 09/20
  Jessie 20 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
112 01:31:09 $5.00   TsukikoIchinose
Me when i go from being a magmite in Dez's stream over to an axelotl in Axel's stream
113 01:31:27 $5.00   Daisyhead It's confirmed. Magni turned us into prinnies.
114 09/20
  Meltedicecubes 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
115 01:37:28   *FaiFai* (メンバーシップ入り)
116 01:37:56   Silbox (メンバーシップ入り)
117 09/20
  亞特蘭提斯 Atlantis 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
118 01:38:36 NT$75.00   Amemia NICE WORK
119 09/20
  suwin onkong 5 件の Magni Dezmond Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
120 01:40:01 $20.00   Liquid Richard Not gonna lie, that mech piece would go hard on a black t shirt.
121 09/20
$5.00   JimmyBoombox (無言スパチャ)