配信名【 Dredge 】I'm going to make this the deadliest boat that ever touched water
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 45 307.96 \41,956
£ GBP 9 76.94 \13,197
NOK NOK 1 200.00 \2,564
EUR EUR 2 15.00 \2,276
CA$ CAD 3 13.20 \1,317
NT$ TWD 1 150.00 \664
SEK SEK 1 50.00 \664
---- ---- ---- ---- \62,638
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月01日
  mimlemel 5
2 05月01日
  mimlemel 5
3 05月01日
  NanoAugur This looks interesting.
4 05月01日
  Carlos He Hates Us
5 05月01日
  Sakura Mikage 1
6 05月01日
  SUSHI 50
7 00:01:28   千樓ChianLou (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:02:03 £5.00   Joseph Duffy HE BAITS US
9 05月01日
  BunnyMaiMai 1
10 05月01日
  mowo (ieka95) 1
11 05月01日
  eugeal 1
12 05月01日
  rangerFGO 1
13 05月01日
  BunnyMaiMai 1
14 05月01日
  Claudio Nunes 5
15 05月01日
  Mog Fails Ahoyyyy captain
16 05月01日
  ChiLLver🍤 CAP'N NOIR
17 00:04:58   Satoshi Harada Sea dog Vesper tskr
18 05月01日
  Kairi Haven't caught you live in forever, will be sleeping to this stream tonight love your hat captain! have a fun stream
19 00:05:30   Queqs Oh my God, its the captain of Star Blazers/Battleship Yamato!
20 00:05:36 £5.00   3 Player Politics HE HATS US
21 00:05:37 $10.00   Gerthddyn Vesper, "You're going to need a bigger boat"
22 00:05:58 €5.00   Muffin Pirate King Vesper D Noir
23 05月01日
  Itachiato HE YARS US
24 00:06:19 $10.00   NeoMatrix Are ya ready kids? AYE AYE CAPTAIN! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~
25 00:06:32   HoloKnight He baits us!
26 00:06:42   たこtaco Old man fishing, let's goooo
27 00:06:48   DunkstersMcGee AYE AYE CAPTAIN
28 00:06:57 $5.00   MathYiu, Rice Seeker Cap'n remember to eat your lemons for Vitamin C, or you'll get League-ma.
29 00:08:19 $5.00   CrushMe I like the cut of your jib, sailor.
30 05月01日
  rangerFGO 1
31 05月01日
  acidtreat101 (Eric) 1
32 00:11:51 $20.00   Dingus Khaan Today, on another episode of Grand-Dadliest Catch
33 00:12:43   acidtreat101 (Eric) (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:13:22 $5.00   MathYiu, Rice Seeker
I hope the Ocean blesses us with Noir's Nonstop Nelsonic Nonsense. Isn't that right, Ocean?
35 00:15:33   ToastCrust When do we open the beers, Ves?
36 00:27:48   Moonlight Dream YEEE
37 00:28:44 $25.00   Luxandhonor (a無言スパチャ)
38 00:30:03   ollie me wish ye a safe voyage on these here oceans. She mayhaps be a cruel mistress.
39 00:31:28 $10.00   Action_Ichi Cap'n! be ye a scurvy seadog with ink on yer leather from days past of maroonin empire's men? (not irl lol)
40 00:33:05 €10.00   cozyjozy aye cap'n granpire, i got me a whale of a case of the scurb. i won't be long for this life, throw me to the sirens! catch the big one for me cap'n
41 05月01日
  Kay Debt Evasion is a crime Gramps
42 00:45:48 $20.00   TheVtuberHoleDeepens Yar Cap'n, thought ye'd like t'know me an' the crew found a wee bat on the Tweetbook lookin' for a name, an' got 'er named Vesper in honor of our Cap'n.Look at Random Acts Org when ye get th' chance t'take a look at the lass.
43 00:45:58 $5.00   TheNomade5 You best start believing in ghost stories Mr.Noir. YOUR IN ONE!
44 00:52:32 $5.00   Woodlandsage I did 5 shots an hour for three hours and now I sleep. I rest to your live. Good luck, and wish me the best please.
45 00:54:47 $5.00   TheNomade5
Your off the edge of the map now! Here there be monsters!
46 00:55:24   chain chomp [📗🧤] you sound like willem dafoe in the lighthouse
47 05月01日
48 00:57:22 $5.00   ඞ Watotodile🏆🔎 Vesper Noir: Salty Seaman and Master Baiter
49 00:58:14 $2.00   chain chomp [📗🧤] flounder? i hardly know her
50 01:03:09 $10.00   Sir Sorgum I deliberately destroyed my first hard drive today via power drill. What's your favorite method of hard drive destruction?
51 01:03:48 $5.00   Daisyhead This is a wierd version of old man and the sea
52 01:08:00   zanard Ayy captain, did we christen our salty dog yet? Me's gonna suggest it'd be name ye "Obra Dong" but me's wake up too late, I did.
53 01:10:33 NOK200.00   ThatGuyNikolas Time To Crack out oars out upon these fettid waters and seek thy destiny with The cursed White whale
54 01:12:36 $5.00   chain chomp [📗🧤]
cap'n, could ye wish a happy birthday to KC? it were yesterday, 'n he'd be happy as a clam to hear it from ye <3
55 01:15:55 $5.00   Leonel Contreras If you can't tell good booty when you see it, then we have nothing to talk about - A Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Npc
56 01:24:23 $5.00   BunnyMaiMai Good Luck Captain Grandpa Vesper! The Blue Marlin is rooting for ya! May you catch a bigger fish than I in the darkest of seas!
57 01:26:32 $5.00   MathYiu, Rice Seeker
58 01:29:45 $4.99   chamomile :)) 📗 YARR!! Buy a man eat fish, he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime.
59 01:30:02   Ikkanoa Maybe you could use a soup spoon or something to replace the pipe...
60 01:33:23 $10.00   Daisyhead
Yar, reading do be a "novel" thing.
61 01:39:18   PyriteBacon yo Ves, its my bday. no longer a teen! thanks for being a silly little guy. am i a silly little guy now?
62 01:41:16   Boaty Bae (メンバーシップ入り)
63 01:42:17 CA$5.50   Soseji Boots Mutant fish surely be FDA approved, d'yarr
64 01:46:58 $5.00   Ved is In The Shadow Realm Just wrapped up a grueling week-long project now, with you on in the background. Now I get to relax. Have five (5) doubloons to mark the occasion.
65 01:48:54 £5.00   Zenithinia Do any of ye mateys know any good sea shanties? Yarr
66 01:55:35 $5.00   Adrian Canales Captain. did you know you can toss passengers overboard?
67 01:56:18 CA$2.20   ChurchOfShinrisPecs Captain did ye be knowin ye can rotate her?
68 01:56:23   solis [ソリス] enmortalis It be for the bit cap’n
69 02:04:30   Yovany Herrera leaver her johnny leave her
70 02:05:18 $4.99   LuchaDandy Sorry Cap'n, I was out wit' scurvy. The doctor had t' chop me leg, but I got this smart peg leg now!
71 05月01日
  Politi Yuuto Hello Grandpa! Good day for fishing ain't it hu ha
72 02:12:33 $9.99   LuchaDandy
Aye, perhaps trustin' a doctor that takes bounty in candies wasn’t the greatest idea. Sorry Cap'n.
73 02:14:00 $5.00   ඞ Watotodile🏆🔎
You got this gramps, just take the advice a wise old Vampire once said, "Ol' grandpa Vesper will make it fit!", actual quote you said at one point lol
74 02:14:51 $5.00   DakkaNoms Yarr i'd be appreciatin if you read the foul beasties text cap'n
75 02:16:01 SEK50.00   Astrea Love Another boat game I think you'd like is the Pale Beyond, it's a Resource Management Survival game, about a crew that goes to Antarctica. It's 10-12h.
76 02:25:17 £19.99   The last scottish Shadowstriker How about checking that ominous black stone you just passed last night captain I’m sure nothing bad will happen
77 02:38:52   Genie yarr
78 02:39:22   DarksouldragonX Avast!
79 02:39:31 £19.99   The last scottish Shadowstriker
No more yargh capn before we jump overboard to meet Davy jones and his neighbour Cthulhu
80 02:40:07   iSandRocks Were gonna need a bigger boat
81 02:40:40   Peter D. Aargh, cap'n. Watch fer the rocks
82 02:50:37 £4.99   The last scottish Shadowstriker
These seas are full of salty sea dogs capn
83 02:55:20   Verixa Okblek Oh god the hat and pipe fits perfectly on Vesper ... Hope an admiral/sailor getup would be open for one of your outfits
84 02:57:21 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren Are ya winning grandpire?
85 02:57:46 $10.00   MisterVeeg boat be lookin' mighty tasty cap'n
86 03:11:19   Rick Raptor Cap'n! I just saw a lady with a fish tail swimming in the ocean, I swear ye! Do ye think she's edible?
87 03:15:25 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren
Ye not be a bilgerat! Yer nothin but a PACKRAT! ARRRRR!!!!
88 03:27:24 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren
Cap'n, let me tell ye a trick that I be using in me own time. If ye look through yer telescope, ye see what fish and flotsam be on the waves from afar
89 03:28:15   GHO5786 (メンバーシップ入り)
90 03:28:46   Unusual Heights Ye found your little rocky boy Cap'n
91 03:29:02 £1.99   The last scottish Shadowstriker
I believe you got jebaited capn
92 05月01日
  Frances Bean c Fair sails Cap'n! Apologies but I be making it rain a lil for my bday
93 05月01日
  Frances Bean c 5
94 03:44:44 $2.00   Principal Flame Wrong game, but: "CAPTAIN!! LOOK!!!!!!"
95 03:45:28 $5.00   eidorianseeker The crab cycle. There is only one step and it is crab.
96 03:45:54   LeonKerensky OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN!
97 03:46:44 $5.00   BunnyMaiMai
McEnd me funds
98 03:56:25 $2.00   Principal Flame
Wait. Vesper's a guy, and he catches freaky fish..
99 04:06:25 £4.99   The last scottish Shadowstriker
There’s a abandoned dock at the back of the island have you checked yet captain
100 04:13:26 £9.99   The last scottish Shadowstriker
Have you tried the abandoned dock at the back of the island capn
101 04:26:56 $10.00   Sakura Mikage I'm super late. Good afternoon. Are you enjoying Dredge so far?
102 04:32:18 $5.00   RockStrongo Mountain Dew or Crab Juice?
103 05月01日
  Verdandi 5
104 04:41:01 $1.99   real life mothman ayo?
105 04:44:27 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren
You should think about buying the soundtrack for this game. It's actually got a lot of really good music in it that's great for relaxing.
106 04:46:56 $5.00   LuigisApartment he vespered vespily down the street as his vespers vesped vespily from side to side
107 05:00:02 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren
You thought it'd be an eldritch horror, but it was actually AYE, DIO! ARRRRR!
108 05:13:58 $10.00   SpecterVonBaren
Vesper: Just one more chat, just one more chat, just one more chat. We can totally do one more and then we're done. For real this time. Stop calling me a penguin! I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM!
109 05:14:32 $5.00   Kale capn ves i love you
110 05:16:47   unlucky cat i will set a 40 minute timer ves
111 05:26:39 CA$5.50   Kiruka Remember: in order to become truly great at fishing, you must first master bait.
112 05:37:45 NT$150.00   RKK (a無言スパチャ)
113 05:58:17 $5.00   Sakura Mikage
fyi Leader is live if you wanna redirect when you're done ofc
114 06:01:59   興趣使然 good morning vesper, seems like I'm late