配信名【DMC5】HAKKITO MAY CRY! #holotempus #banzoinhakka【EN】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 15 47.97 \6,447
THB THB 1 179.00 \711
SGD SGD 2 7.00 \708
PHP PHP 1 137.50 \334
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \298
A$ AUD 1 2.99 \267
R$ BRL 1 2.20 \59
---- ---- ---- ---- \8,824
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月05日
  AlesongtheBrewer 1
2 00:01:35   Procrastination Queen 👑 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:07:43 $4.99   Haru Kiba-Cure Taurus [EN Vtuber] Hope you feel better, might rest too for celebrating too much on my birthday.
4 05月05日
  LuChu Lee (メンバーシップ入り)
5 00:21:28 SGD2.00   🔅hakkitoes🔅 (a無言スパチャ)
6 00:25:56 THB179.00   LuChu Lee This game brings me nostalgia listening to the song called “Devils Trigger” (Nero’s Theme Song)
7 00:32:57 SGD5.00   🔅hakkitoes🔅
finally have time to sit down and watch your stream bc its my off day its been a while! hope you're having a great evening and enjoying the game :D
8 00:34:53 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi WHAT IS Y? WHO IS Y? WHY IS Y?
9 00:46:39 €2.00   Kairi Ákida Ch. Going to bed now, have fun with the bike combos!
10 00:49:23 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
I am one with the 4th, the 4th is with me.
11 00:51:03 $2.00   DS does a sick ollie *jingles keys in front of you* here here lookie!
12 00:54:12 $4.99   Cs You should check out the soundtrack for the dlc character when you beat the main campaign
13 01:08:10   arenei (メンバーシップ入り)
14 01:09:17 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi
DT actives summon swords in tandem with normal attacks, but with Sword, you only need 2 meter, then Hold Y to activate this effect for a limited time.
15 01:11:24 PHP137.50   Spirits of the Children🪽 Parry this Hakka.
16 05月05日
  1Abiodun 10
17 01:11:47 $1.99   Cs
Wait until you see the next boss
18 01:18:15 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
Confirmed: You can punch the dog. 10/10 Game
19 05月05日
  Sundonower 1
20 01:58:24   nunally (メンバーシップ入り)
21 05月05日
22 02:43:53 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
A storm is approaching...
23 02:44:18 $2.00   Pesadilla The rain blesses our strawberry fields
24 05月05日
  ramencat did you know that one month ago you got attacked by a rainbow? your reaction made me join membership right away. I haven't regretted it since
25 03:08:05 A$2.99   lunchables Well done Hakka! You absolutely rock, keep it up
26 03:08:36 $5.00   raysmashbrawl176 Dante in this game is like playing with half of the roster in Marvel vs Capcom 3.
27 03:08:37 $2.00   AlesongtheBrewer Food time!
28 03:09:09 R$2.20   rinne · bird in wolf skin 🐺 don't mind the time, you're doing great!!
29 03:09:26 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
30 05月05日
  star ☆ YOU POPPED OFF KING, absolutely killed it. enjoy your meal and rest up after this wrist workout
31 03:18:43 $5.00   Nick V the goth king
32 03:22:37 $5.00   Arnulfo Mendez thanks for the stream