配信名[Superchat Reading] OOO BOY I LIKE ALL THE PRETTY COLORS #gavisbettel #holotempus
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 90 644.80 \86,900
HK$ HKD 3 1250.00 \21,473
NOK NOK 2 1200.00 \15,688
CA$ CAD 16 152.58 \15,182
NT$ TWD 1 1500.00 \6,620
SGD SGD 8 45.96 \4,623
A$ AUD 7 44.00 \4,051
PHP PHP 10 1524.00 \3,728
IDR IDR 5 400000.00 \3,542
THB THB 4 500.00 \1,943
TRY TRY 2 200.00 \1,428
VND 3 250000 \1,418
MYR MYR 2 45.00 \1,366
CHF CHF 1 5.00 \727
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \718
WON KRW 1 5000 \517
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
PEN PEN 1 11.00 \385
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \130
---- ---- ---- ---- \170,939
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月23日
  RicOwO 5
2 02月23日
  Norah[ノラ] 10
3 00:02:12 $2.00   Diego Armando good luck galvanized banana
4 00:02:46 $20.00   arenei I got beef with you Bettel. I finished my Brisk and now I want another one, what do
5 02月23日
  Phạm Xuân Bách (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:04:15   Arte (メンバーシップ入り)
7 02月23日
  Alexandra H. 50
8 00:07:44 $1.99   Bettel’s Right Eye I’m watching you.
9 02月23日
  Norah[ノラ] 10
10 00:08:29 $20.00   Lemonalicious Yo Bettel I'm super tired right now and feeling super sappy, just wanted to thank you again for being such an awesome dude. Your streams are always a pleasure to come home to day after day and I'm excited for your future <3
11 00:09:18 $5.00   Xenohydra I've got nothing today, just have some candy money
12 00:10:45   ヴァナ (メンバーシップ入り)
13 00:11:17 $10.00   KiKi I thank you for always chucking me into a time machine and dropping the nostalgia bombs with your kareokes. You are a jester of fine taste.
14 00:12:36 ¥500   Osami 4869 hello^^, thanks for your hard work, btw i really like that white flowers on your robe so betsy do you have any flower that you like?
15 00:12:40 $10.00   Arte Hey bettel I got to know you recently, and I started to watch your vod from the beginning. Finally catched your live stream! I really love your sense of humor. Thanks for everything
16 00:14:50 $5.00   Kipchickie Summoning Chirpy Birby...
17 00:17:44 $4.99   Crusabi that moldy m&m was there for so long it turned purple
18 00:18:01 CA$5.00   Lisa b (a無言スパチャ)
19 00:18:17 $4.99   Sage Can you say hi to my friend Solo for science
20 00:19:14 SGD5.00   リズアルトlizalt gavity bavity my asthma inhalers are two different shades of purple and it's cool af
21 00:20:12 CA$5.00   Lisa b
22 00:21:07 €5.00   stella! for you!
23 00:21:19 $10.00   Sakura Mikage As someone with a flower name. Thanks.
24 00:21:49 $10.00   kieu i need advice. someone offered to buy me a ticket to a ghost concert as a graduation gift, but id have to drive three hours round trip to attend it. is it worth it guys...
25 00:21:59 $4.99   Lenin hi gut bubbles, i have a crush on you (of the hydraulic press variety) (not parasocial)
26 00:22:05 PHP125.00   ヤンカ flowers for gavis
27 00:23:48 $10.00   Boombot Hey Bettel! Hearing you scream lately reminds me of how a shiba inu would scream and now I cannot unsee or unhear it.
28 00:24:12 CA$5.00   Lisa b
haha it's not Lisa but appreciate the effort!!
29 00:24:12 $2.00   sigal vartan mine is a flower name too ! (violet rose)
30 00:24:15 SGD5.00   リズアルトlizalt
sorry but inhalers work by inhaling. the medicine into my lungs. not blowing it, that's the opposite of what you should do
31 00:24:44 $4.99   Pacsaj🪫 Hey Beavis, so I put my Bettel acrylic stand in the Air Fryer, I don't think he liked that. He's currently chasing me around the house with a gun help
32 00:25:05 $5.00   Devastron I gladly pay $5 bucks to hear you say my name. And plans for the rapidly approaching 100k sub mark?
33 00:25:15 $5.00   MarshKaleido🎩🏹 Hey bebble geetle, i just want u to kno my routine after coming home from work is watching ur streams, also can u say hi to Zair (my fianc)
34 00:25:20 ₫100,000   He couldn't pronounce my name so i changed it :v Hi bettel, I have a big competition tomorrow so i decided to join my first membership and send my first supa today, and you did not disappoint, messing up my name, kinda :D have a great day <3<3<3
35 00:25:33 $4.99   Hippopotamunstrascquibadaliphopia Hey Gastrointestinal Bloating, just like the real thing you make my sides hurt
36 00:27:07 $5.00   Diet-Wave geebus, I dreamt ur only piece of bday merch was an ice cube tray that had ur png behind every slot so when filled it looked like u were frozen in ice
37 00:28:00 NT$1,500.00   SUBArashi Hey funnyman, thank you for all the hardwork and entertainment! Always make me laugh crying watching your stream. Please keep up the great work!
38 00:28:41 $10.00   Doji You said your ideal merch would be a punching bag of you. I just signed up for the gym, do I have permission to bring a print out of your face to put on the punching bags when I work out?
39 00:31:23 PHP25.00   Inna (a無言スパチャ)
40 00:31:35 PHP125.00   Guru Medz Hey Gregetti Betty! Just popping a small money just to say hi!
41 00:31:48 NOK200.00   Arna hii geebe beebe, do u like cosy games? ive been curious to ask if u wanna try Sky: Children Of The Light!! its on switch, ps4/5 and mobiles! dont feel pressured into playing it tho! just wanted to mention it! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。*
42 00:31:55 PHP125.00   Bewwy Ahoy Gabble Bobs, Thank you for your streams! almost to 100k I always fall asleep with your streams...also can you put your elbows together? Ily
43 00:32:02 $10.00   Kevin牛 Being serious for once, I haven't been in a very good place lately, but watching your goofy streams and throwing money at you cheers me up a bit.
44 00:34:00 ₫50,000   Nhi Nguyễn If you know more songs, do you think you'll be able to do a 24 hours karaoke endurance stream like your senpai?
45 00:34:13 IDR50,000.00   Noelle More flowers for you! Thank you for always making us smile
46 00:34:33 $5.00   Reverie gonna change my picture, any recommendations so you can tell?
47 00:35:06 $5.00   Kipchickie
Cool guy test: Have you heard of/played Golden Sun?
48 00:35:35 $10.00   Oz Hypnogeist Hey blorbo! Could you wish my best friend Circus a happy birthday? I love them dearly and we livechat about your streams/rotate you in our brains like a rotisserie. Keep up the lovely nonsense <333
49 00:36:14 $5.00   Xenohydra
You've mentioned Machinima's before, were you ever into Freemans Mind or Civil Protection?
50 00:37:52 $2.00   Voleno I do it as well. Never said it was a restful sleep
51 00:39:18 $5.00   Fireduck I don't fall asleep to your streams, I black out to your Karaoke
52 00:39:44 THB100.00   𝙴𝚛𝚢𝚔𝚊 Hi Pelvis Britney! I'm busy lately but glad I can catch this stream. I'm hoping to finish a fanart for you soon. Thanks for your hard work as always
53 00:39:51 $5.00   KiKi
Indeed Bettel has the same serenading tone as loud music and construction right outside my home. Such a lovely tune
54 00:40:40 $4.99   xenio! i feel like a passenger waiting for their ticket to be stamped but in a superchat way. anyways update #3 i gave you a cool guitar in my drawing of you
55 00:40:59 $50.00   Ramari Hey Garden Bovine, thank you for your chaotic streams. I'm not super clever so just wanted to say I appreciate you and your streams are the highlight of my work day
56 00:41:09 A$10.00   kesyoo quick, should i have a pb&j or nutella sandwich for lunch
57 00:42:36 PHP250.00   Serinuma Tomoko Hey Betsy, if you can't butcher my name above; my name is actually Jean. This is my first time to send a supachat to a vtuber.You deserve it for your grinding hardworking for these past collab streams
58 00:43:47 $5.00   Reverie
already done my dude
59 00:44:29 ₩5,000   사프라스 Hello Grass Buster! I fell alseep during your amnesia stream, gonna watch vod after this. Was the game fun?
60 00:45:24 $5.00   雫・shizuku. sup Groovy Booty. i actually fell asleep during the last superchat reading because i was hammered but i woke up just in time to drink more for karaoke
61 00:45:23 $1.99   Jay hey bestie i forgor you were doing this today
62 00:46:34 THB100.00   ASNOTH Hi Gargantuan Barbecue! First time watching you live. Have my rose and small entrance fee you deserve it!
63 00:47:16 $5.00   Kipchickie
Aaaah, now my profile picture feels so naked. What shall I change mine to?
64 00:47:45 IDR100,000.00   Tjia's Thank you for your hardwork and your great content, including trying to pronounce my name, you do very supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Betsy Now, chicken or beef?
65 00:49:02 $5.00   Kevin牛
No hydration November
66 00:49:14 $5.00   KiKi
First time I've heard of someone using min max strats for water consumption. Bettel is a man ahead of his time.
67 00:48:29 PHP125.00   emcy ngl i wake up at 5am to watch u, ur streams work better than 5 shots of espresso
68 00:50:08 SGD5.00   リズアルトlizalt
i'm going to leave you stranded in the middle of the sahara so you can feel the highest ultimate hydration bliss in your life
69 00:50:21 $20.00   Jiemboh but MOMMM the clown man on Youtube told me glass was delicious and that I shouldn't drink water!!!
70 00:52:21 THB100.00   pear Hi Gavisu Bettelru, I showed my friend your karaoke and she said it haunted her dreams. I think that's a win! She'll join bettelion soon for sure.
71 00:52:39 $5.00   ari hi betsy! i got your acrylic standee yesterday and my cat proceeded to bite it and knock it down a bunch of times. i think he's your fan now
72 00:53:27 $5.00   Kipchickie
Hey Gracious Barnabas, this is my first SC to a v-tuber! (... Will he notice? ) Also, new pf incoming
73 00:53:44 $10.00   Rey hello again pebble! i had the grandest idea of eating an edible and then proceeding to watch one of your streams when it hits. wish me luck when that day comes
74 00:53:44 $5.00   Rinaris palace When I was younger I had an OC that only ate and showered in wood, metal, and glass. Is this you and if so how did you escape from my head??
75 00:54:24 $5.00   Hera Hi Garbage Bin this is my first superchat. You are also the first streamer I watch from beginning to end. Drink water normally please. Do better.
76 00:54:43 SGD6.98   KuraH Hi! I love your work funnyman! You never fail to make me laugh. I’m excited to work on your cosplay. Prints will take awhile tho>< 頑張れ!
77 00:55:05 ₫100,000   He couldn't pronounce my name so i changed it :v
im back after finally deciding on my name's pronunciation. it's like fam soon back :v anyways again, have a great day, I'll dedicate an akasupa to you should I actually win anything.
78 00:56:37 $5.00   imberribored Hi Gallon Bottle. This week I just realized I wasn't subbed to your channel despite catching your streams for a while now. Anyways, I'm subbed now.
79 00:57:53 CA$10.00   Lisa b
Hey Betsy, my friends made fun of me for always drinking water when I eat chocolate. Do you have any food and drink that absolutely have to be paired together whenever you have one or the other?
80 00:58:16 $1.99   heff jardy hey george bush, have you been sleeping well
81 00:59:59 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Bettel, can you show us that Pencil Trick? You know, the one that you place on the table and make it disappear...
82 01:00:41 CA$2.00   yuiezi wanted to support you, sorry about my name
83 01:02:24 $4.99   xenio!
my friends were so sick of me talking about you so i forced them to join your stream, sometimes we have a vod saturday. my influence is amazing:D
84 01:02:53 $4.99   NormalMar Good night and sweet dreams, Bibble
85 01:05:09 $5.00   MoistestShuya Your bones jingle in your flesh like a keychain
86 01:05:44 $10.00   kostanyanya hey Gavis Bettel, no funny name or anything embarrassing because the last part of my username is already embarrassing enough. have a great stream funny man
87 01:06:18 $10.00   Patware gavis i'm tired. not because of you i'm just tired. here's money
88 01:07:03 A$2.00   You should be studying YES... NO... MAYBE SO?
89 01:07:04 HK$500.00   Alexis (@lunedelstein) (a無言スパチャ)
90 01:07:55 CA$2.79   🍌🍌シュー叔母ちゃん I’m eating tomatoes. Are you really in my brain?
91 01:08:02 $10.00   KiKi
Entry #50 Species:Humanoid Jester?, Likes: Glass, Dehydration, ice cream, controversial food takes, SpongeBob. Habits: Mimicking human behavior
92 01:08:14 CA$20.00   Video Edits Hi Goblin Blaster, my first supa ever. Wondering if you will ever do an ASMR stream like whispering Magenta White into our ears? :) 3dio optional, i think whispers would be enough!
93 01:08:19 $4.99   salmontha I can relate to the watching something while eating not gonna lie I have put a headphone in while eating with someone bc I needed to watch something
94 01:09:35 HK$500.00   Alexis (@lunedelstein)
Dw I'm gonna be here until I become a Jerry /j
95 01:09:44 $5.00   Sayamodegone12 aug 19 is mumei birthday nothing to worry about
96 01:10:10 CA$5.00   にゃん real question now is, 7:43 at what time zone
97 01:10:14 $5.00   Hotdog Connoisseur The only thing better than drinking water with a dry mouth is having an edible beforehand. The ultimate dry to water rush.
98 01:10:58 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
Has anyone call you Beetlejuice yet (1988 Movie Beetlejuice)? cause you look and act just like him... Well.. I guess...All hail Gavis Beetlejuice...?
99 01:11:36 $5.00   Hazardousmix you are truly a walking disaster. but i love that for you. (also im sorry i will be changing my pfp the next time i send another supachat,,,)
100 01:11:52 PHP125.00   Sunacchi you saying you're a bit relatable reminded me of how my friend watched clips of you and said it felt like he was watching me and it scared him
101 01:12:00 PEN11.00   Julio Baptista Please be sure to stream the snipping standoff.
102 01:12:48   Luneko (メンバーシップ入り)
103 01:13:16 HK$250.00   Alexis (@lunedelstein)
For the jester I will live on forever, don't worry
104 01:14:04 $4.99   Maryisacrybaby Betbe can you help me motivate me to study please?
105 01:15:13   Tjia's (メンバーシップ入り)
106 01:15:43 $50.00   Jiemboh
Coming this summer, Gavis Bettel starts in Took, the reboot of the hit Taken series. Watch him struggle as he hunts down a man he can never forgive. Heff Jardy must pay.
107 01:16:06 $5.00   Kevin牛
i'm going to force all of my friends to watch you once i finally make some
108 01:17:23 CA$2.79   Chyico 🎭🎩 Seriously, please don’t die on my birthday…
109 01:17:34 $4.99   Didelphidae_art Dedicating this for a friend who’s watching one of the streams for the first time
110 01:17:38 A$15.00   Vizodi I just ordered a variety of cookies loaded with chocolate and fillings like nutella and caramel. Here's some money to get yourself cookies too... Phantom. (also Felix says hi)
111 01:17:41 SGD10.00   Anonymous Burrito Hello Gobble Borzoi. I was watching your karaoke stream while on the bus a few days ago, but the bus swerved on the highway and crashed so I was not able to finish it. Here is some money, I love you
112 01:18:38 NOK1,000.00   Arna
this is uhh... my first akasupa.... ever.. newguitarfunds ... oh also, bring back the blush.. thank you for amazing streams !!! <33
113 01:18:38 $10.00   Verdandi I tried eating lemon drops in bed, but when I went to flatten the empty bag, a fine sugar dust flew out all over my sheets and got in my eyes. I'm so uncomfortable. Please teach me how you eat in bed.
114 01:18:42 $20.00   arenei
Your streams are always at a time when I drive home from work. Audio-only Gavis Bettel is an experience, though that one Week in Review with the crash sound effects made my commute interesting
115 01:20:06 CHF5.00   pareidolie August 19th is actually Honey Bee Day.
116 01:21:13   NovaStitchesCosplay (メンバーシップ入り)
117 01:22:16   ASNOTH (メンバーシップ入り)
118 01:22:23 $5.00   KiKi
Shoot for the stars Betsy 100yrs. Even if you don't you'll be inmortal on the internet.
119 01:22:56 CA$5.00   yuiezi
good news, most people pronounce my name the way you do even though it's incorrect, good job i think that's an accomplishment
120 01:23:40 CA$10.00   allu hi betsy! my friend diet-wave had diff bday merch dream about you, here's my attempt at summarizing: it was all funeral themed in advance for whatever was going to happen in august. it was a (1/3)
121 01:23:43 $4.99   Emily Morningstar I am the friend watching for the first time. You are a funny little guy
122 01:24:08 CA$10.00   allu
brochure, a candle, and communion wafers that you were really proud of in particular, because the company you contacted harvested all the wheat by hand, and then you struggled to say "artisanal" (2/3)
123 01:24:32 CA$10.00   allu
for 30 seconds before closing the tab and pretending you never went over the merch, ended the stream, then you tweeted "you all must have consequences" and the merchandise never went public (3/3)
124 01:29:54 PHP125.00   Serinuma Tomoko
Betsy, hey. Can you do an "ey b0ss" impression like Pink Guy from The Filthy Frank Show?
125 02月23日
  ikirufuri [ee-key-roo-free] 5
126 01:34:00 CA$50.00   Lisa b
127 01:34:25 THB200.00   YolkPoint Heya GB! This is my first super chat, and congrats, you are somehow my oshi. Keep up the good work! Luv ya
128 01:34:34 $4.99   Jay
i remember you mentioning you’re watching an anime currently, what is it?
129 01:34:56 IDR100,000.00   MartabakAlmon Hey, Gaussian Blur. As much as I like to poke fun at you, your stream really do brighten my day. Thank you for all the hard work! All love for you
130 01:35:21 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
You know, if you were a Unicorn.. you'd would be the exact personification of Charlie the Unicorn. Don't get your kidneys stolen Gavis.....
131 02月23日
  eri pan 1
132 01:36:37 $1.99   Jay
chainsaw man based
133 01:37:07 $5.00   LeviathanVHS Hi broken playstation 3. You remind me of a long furby, it terrifies me, I lie awake fearing you will slither in through my vents. Have my money
134 01:38:23 $5.00   Xenohydra
Fist of the North Star, Captain Harlock, Hajime No Ippo, any takers?
135 01:39:06 MYR15.00   ikirufuri [ee-key-roo-free] hi betsy!! there was a family emergency this week so its been pretty hectic for me. catching your streams have helped so keep being funny!!
136 01:39:10 CA$5.00   Aimbee have you seen the announcement trailer for pluto? it's by the same author as monster! : D
137 01:40:18 $5.00   KiKi
Have u ever fallen into the idol pit hole? I've only seen Zombie Land Saga peak absurdist humor though
138 01:40:28 $2.00   Puka You might like Vinland Saga..
139 01:41:27 $5.00   Kipchickie
Kare Kano? Fruits Basket? Mushishi? Berserk?
140 01:42:24 A$2.00   You should be studying
Have you read Kingdom?
141 01:42:41 IDR100,000.00   MartabakAlmon
Have you read Oyasumi Punpun? It's pretty depressing read honestly, but also really good and feels super real.
142 02月23日
  bijou 5
143 01:47:56 R$5.00   Petitchoufleur You are stuck on an anime version of taken, who was taken? Phantom?
144 01:50:12 $5.00   ari
sorry if you mentioned it but have you watched soul eater?
145 01:50:53 CA$5.00   Lisa b
Do you have any anime or anime characters you consider kinda important or inspiring to you? and fave jojos part?
146 01:51:25 SGD5.00   Tsuiraku Why are you so loveable squishable??? You are amazing tq
147 01:52:44 $5.00   Anonymous Have you watched Hinamatsuri? It came out around Asobi Asobase and its pretty funny
148 01:53:54   owen (メンバーシップ入り)
149 01:54:04 TRY100.00   eda** hey bettel! how about cinema? which genre of movies do you enjoy? (sorry if you've talked about this already )
150 01:54:53 $4.99   Mario Gallardo Dandadan is by one of Fujimoto’s old assistants, it’s FIRE. And Look Back is better than Goodbye Eri (both worth reading though)
151 01:55:08 IDR50,000.00   Tjia's
I remember my first weeb comeback anime back then was Kill la Kill and boii it's an intense one, magical girl fight 10/10
152 01:57:03 $5.00   rat in its cage you'll love dandandan! it's the action comedy romance manga reads like a movie.
153 02:00:11 $5.00   LeviathanVHS
Hi again Gamecube 2, sorry for calling you a long furby. You just have muppet energy
154 02:00:58 $5.00   Abbie Johnson Hi Betsy, was wondering how skilled you are with your whip. can you grapple and swing off things like Indiana Jones or is it more like a ribbon baton?
155 02:02:35 $2.00   ari
first soul eater now this. unsubbing
156 02:02:39 PHP249.00   ヴァナ you got me into watching holo, thank you cabbage bottle
157 02:03:10 MYR30.00   KUBO! Have you read the webtoon omniscient reader's viewpoint?
158 02:05:30 $4.99   Jay
my name is yoshikage kira. i am 33 years old. my house is in the northeast section of morioh, where all the villas are, and i am not married.
159 02:07:44 $5.00   eri pan would love to hear some of your favorite podcasts if you'd like to share! i listen to them on my commute and need some new recommendations
160 02:12:21 $5.00   Liv [ 54BPM ] You've been drawn as Bocchi but have you watched it? I also think Dungeon Meshi would be your speed, (theoretical) foodie that you are.
161 02:13:12 $5.00   sam my friend took an edible and is watching you for the first time with me so this is the energy we've created in the stream tonight
162 02:14:27 $5.00   Xenohydra
Last one, If you are able, I highly recommend that you seek out the K-drama Signal (2016), it's right up your alley with psychological mystery
163 02:16:20 $5.00   (ᚷᚾᛟᛗᛖ) The Gnome's Silliest Prophet i dont have anything to say besides i hope you have a good 24 hours, after that though you're one your own. love you garnish bawheld thanks for stream
164 02:17:15 $5.00   KiKi
We all know your married to Siri? here hoping your counceling sessions are working and she doesn't take phantom in the divorce.
165 02:20:03 $5.00   Mario Gallardo
About Dungeon Meshi: great read, but the anime by Studio Trigger is in the works definitely recommend (loving the AniManga talk btw lol)
166 02:20:23 TRY100.00   eda**
last question: how do you feel about fantasy role-playing games like DND? I think you'd be good at them
167 02:21:21 $5.00   Rey
bettible funds for the betellion
168 02:21:55 $10.00   Seishun Hey Glavenus Bazelgeuse, are you interested in ever playing Monster Hunter at some point? (Have you ever?)
169 02:23:13 $5.00   Mario Gallardo
You can transmog in endgame...
170 02:26:41 $2.00   Voleno
The leveling and adventure is always more fun.
171 02:26:45 $9.99   LupesInculta Tuning in during my break at work. Seven nights of work in a row, let’s goooo!!! Hope you and the Betellion have a wonderful rest of the stream, Bettel!
172 02:27:53 SGD2.00   リズアルトlizalt
the treasure was the journey we had along the way
173 02:28:46 SGD6.98   SensitiveBunny “I’ll never be happy” - this. My own reality just hit me so hard why you do this to me u clown
174 02:29:46 PHP250.00   It's Maggin Time Clips hey Gavelocks Betelnuts, very understandable and relatable.