配信名【 LIMBO 】Is this really a game about Olympic Limbo?
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 31 330.67 \43,797
£ GBP 5 30.00 \4,893
SGD SGD 2 13.96 \1,391
EUR EUR 3 9.00 \1,293
PHP PHP 3 375.00 \914
CRC CRC 1 2500.00 \613
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \444
THB THB 1 100.00 \387
DKK DKK 1 20.00 \385
PLN PLN 1 10.00 \306
ILS ILS 1 6.00 \222
R$ BRL 2 7.70 \198
ARS ARS 1 225.00 \143
---- ---- ---- ---- \54,986
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月30日
  Kal Cranel (メンバーシップ入り)
2 03月30日
  crazymanjj1 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 03月30日
  Karver Lau (メンバーシップ入り)
4 03月30日
  Gavo KP (メンバーシップ入り)
5 03月31日
  Sakura Mikage 5
6 03月31日
7 03月31日
  TCB_NYC It's Thursday, you know what that means
8 03月31日
  nunally this is one of my favorite games! I hope you enjoy it Nowa oji!
9 00:04:54   PhiNick Gaming (メンバーシップ入り)
10 03月31日
11 00:05:01   Daabiel yaay limbo
12 00:05:28 PLN10.00   Mika's Chunky Bird Good luck, Vesper!
13 00:05:28 PHP137.50   Joseph Ralloma since grandpa will be playing somewhat spooky game, here's allowance for heart attack treatment
14 03月31日
  Ainslie Marie 5
15 03月31日
  Fenori yess so happy you are playing limbo!!!
16 03月31日
  mari m Played this when I was a kid, it's still in my mind to this day. Glad to see you pick it up!
17 00:07:05 CRC2,500.00   Luis Andres Rojas Barrientos Is it Limbo as in Nothingness, or Limbo as in the back breaker?
18 00:07:32   Genezis (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:08:22   Ming(˙—˙)つ are you winning gramps
20 03月31日
  Grey Hare Archie Nice Boat
21 00:12:22   Kay Can a Kid do these Physical Feats?
22 00:13:05 THB100.00   fah chanya UNDERSTOOD
23 00:14:09   Gabrielle let him cook
24 00:23:53   bloo mantis (メンバーシップ入り)
25 03月31日
  JettoTanku One month as a member! Thanks for all of your cozy streams, remember you're awesome.
26 03月31日
  Kazzy chan cooking like a true Chef
27 00:29:22   Celphied HE'S WIGGLIN'
28 00:30:24 $5.00   raysmashbrawl176 You just pulled a Looney Tunes gag
29 03月31日
  ゆか•₃•yuka がんばれー!
30 00:41:08 $5.00   Sakura Mikage You're actually doing well. This is a rough/dark game in general. ganba!
31 03月31日
  Vasilka 5
32 00:43:42 €2.00   Muffin Arent the spiders legs kinda spears? Spearder.
33 00:45:12 $4.99   Saint Guillotine Sir, any advice on buying swords? Looking to buy a shashka.
34 00:45:41   Neoshadow1235 Thank you for killing that spider. Here is a membership for you
35 00:45:53 £5.00   Zenithinia GET ROTATED SPIDER!
36 00:45:55 €5.00   Ringo Akikaze Ch. I kinda feel sorry that you pain entertains me so well. You can do it Vesper!
37 00:47:28 $5.00   Veny Palma SPIT TSKR!!!
38 00:47:51 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee it looks like a
39 00:48:26 A$5.00   Earthzooka Oh god, the coconut from before.....
40 00:49:09 $4.99   Saint Guillotine
Major rotations happening here tonight. Squeamish look away.
41 00:54:56 $5.00   bloo mantis Ah yes, body chalk. this is exactly what I joined for
42 00:55:13 $5.00   Poor Boat Draw me like one of your French paintings Vesper
43 00:55:54   League of penguins top 10 kids smashed by an hyraulic press
44 00:57:46 $5.00   TheSpartanProject1104 You see child I have won. Because with this other child as my chalk I have drawn you as the soy wojack and me as the chad granpire
45 01:03:06 ₪6.00   NoamVH Here lies Noir Vesper "Well I had to check!"
46 01:04:18   Sebastian Giles (メンバーシップ入り)
47 01:04:22   Yellowbmp This is why you don’t trust V-Faction
48 01:04:45 $100.00   V-Faction Well played
49 01:09:06 $10.00   rob TISKER CHU
50 01:10:45 DKK20.00   Nunya CHU CHU | |
51 01:15:42 $5.00   Solarkhan48 No hole its like Ratatouille
52 01:23:14 SGD6.98   tako vesper is just playing through his childhood donmai dayo
53 03月31日
  Pewter City Gym Leader Brock [ブロック] Hello Vesper, today is my birthday and I am happy to be able to spend part of it with Grandpa and the Vesties
54 01:28:57 $5.00   Timmy blink twice if you don't understand
55 01:34:08   Dehn Atreuh Man, you really like Nintendo Switch?
56 01:35:28 £10.00   Gorbz Never before have I so wanted to see someone do the limbo, while in a state of limbo, in the realm of Limbo.
57 01:41:02 ARS225.00   Mati Panzer that part reminded me of the 2nd jurassic park game for the genesis, with a boat slowly filling up while playing as Dr Grant, it made me anxious! :D
58 01:42:18   CummyPancakes (メンバーシップ入り)
59 01:42:22 $20.00   Jiemboh It all makes sense now. You are the same race as that guy who drinks from his head in the Star Wars Holiday Special.
60 01:53:27   Nicotine before i dip i hope you're enjoying the game and you understand and understood things a whole lot more now!
61 01:53:54 $5.00   bloo mantis
wormpire hates the light
62 01:55:14 $69.69   Pasokon Nice.
63 03月31日
64 01:57:10   Jabunga I like how "Not gonna die" turns into "One more for the road"!
65 01:57:11 $5.00   Jiemboh
MNF Vesper Noir Limbo Playthrough Full Length
66 03月31日
  mintea he kills children (/j for legal purposes)
67 01:59:47 $5.00   minks bro I'm at work and all I heard you say was "vasectomy" and "goated" in the same sentence happy Friday Eve!
68 02:04:24 R$5.50   GM Lemmy It's amazing how good LIMBO is at creating the atmosphere they were going for. Even 13 years later, few games can match it in that regard.
69 02:09:55 $2.00   Stacey?! I think we all -saw- that one coming, eh?
70 02:13:57   Cloudcutter (メンバーシップ入り)
71 02:18:56 PHP137.50   Joseph Ralloma
you gotta Steve Irwin this, gramps! Be nice! call em a cheeky bugger!
72 02:25:02   Reloki (メンバーシップ入り)
73 02:43:36 PHP100.00   Joseph Ralloma
100 pesos for 100 deaths, congrats
74 02:44:24 £5.00   Zenithinia
You didn't "die" you were "practicing"
75 03:13:48   sleepy hey grandpa/dad/uncle happy Thursday
76 03:40:13 $5.00   Cheezy You got rotates huh
77 03:56:24 $10.00   Arnulfo Mendez I do believe a clip of Korone playing this game is the reason I got stuck in the Vtuber rabbit hole, one day no Vtuber content at all next BOOM Vtubers
78 04:05:29 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee
79 04:10:33   john pertwee *pat pat*
80 04:22:23 €2.00   master117 You SAW that?
81 04:23:32   goosewalk limbo achieved
82 04:30:19   Janken Ch. じゃんけんポーン Congrats! You achieved being stuck in limbo
83 03月31日
  Renato Guimarães 🪐 It's not a bug, it's a FEATURE!
84 04:33:49 R$2.20   GM Lemmy
Obligatory "press At+F4" joke...
85 04:35:15 $5.00   Pasokon
Speaking of, I lost the game.
86 04:37:13 $5.00   V-Faction
87 04:37:39 $5.00   Sakura Mikage
I didn't expect this to happen. Sorry Vespy
88 04:39:44 $5.00   RickMick657 YESSSSSS
89 04:40:24   El Mangaka Unfortunately so many games break when running above 60 fps.
90 04:43:53 £5.00   Ayasano That's the treehouse in the real world. You were dead and made it to heaven with your sister. Hence, Limbo.
91 04:46:43 $5.00   Shinigami Miroku NGL, if vital information can ONLY be found on the Steam page of a game and not in the game itself, the devs have some issues with their storytelling.
92 03月31日
93 04:47:51 £5.00   Ayasano
In case it wasn't obvious, the treehouse on the main menu is in the real world. The ending scene was you reuniting with your sister in the afterlife.
94 03月31日
  emi [emifail]
95 04:48:03 SGD6.98   tako
otsu on the game gramps!! dont be too hard on yourself about it (also will you be using the artist asset for menshi? )
96 04:48:20   Pantstacular My favorite crazy old man. You can have all my donuts
97 04:48:27 $5.00   doomshot Donut Fund
98 04:48:26 $5.00   Solarkhan48
FINAL UNDERSTAND COUNT Understood: 75 | Understand: 144
99 04:49:13 $5.00   Sakura Mikage
Don't forget to change your settings back!
100 04:50:14 $5.00   bloo mantis
Happy I got to watch you play this Vesper thanks for the stream!