配信名[Week in Review] MOVING ARC HAS BEGUN! #gavisbettel #holotempus
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 69 838.88 \119,600
EUR EUR 1 100.00 \15,627
HK$ HKD 1 500.00 \9,105
A$ AUD 3 34.98 \3,309
CA$ CAD 4 25.99 \2,787
£ GBP 2 15.00 \2,737
SGD SGD 3 18.96 \2,004
MX$ MXN 2 150.00 \1,250
PHP PHP 3 375.00 \960
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \876
IDR IDR 2 70000.00 \656
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \457
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \340
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \146
---- ---- ---- ---- \159,854
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月11日
£10.00   Yvette Thanatos who are you
2 07月11日
  Yvette Thanatos 1
3 07月11日
  ai la mode 1
4 07月11日
  cervidaequus 1
5 07月11日
  ai la mode 1
6 07月11日
  NormalMar 1
7 07月11日
  Sakura Mikage 1
8 07月11日
  Speakz 1
9 07月11日
  Vizodi 1
10 07月11日
  Yvette Thanatos 5
11 07月11日
  riz 1
12 07月11日
  ai la mode 1
13 07月11日
  danya 1
14 07月11日
  Seishun 1
15 07月11日
  リズアルトlizalt 1
16 07月11日
  missmerc 5
17 07月11日
  Ghost 1
18 07月11日
  Diana Hurtado 1
19 07月11日
  ai la mode 1
20 07月11日
  Procrastination Queen 👑 1
21 07月11日
  Valeria[バレリア] 1
22 07月11日
  HermesMan99 (メンバーシップ入り)
23 07月11日
  rose_river 5
24 07月11日
  Eden 5
25 07月11日
$2.00   Diego Armando good luck gargantuan bee
26 07月11日
  stubborn old goat 1
27 00:01:33   Josh M. hello
28 07月11日
  bambi take care and wishing you all the best during your barbie dreamhouse moving arc, mr. online jester!
29 00:09:08 $9.99   Ella Eves i said i was gonna go home like a million times but im still actually at my job sitting here so i might be vod gang? just in case i hope you have a great stream and i love you all!
30 00:09:15   Liquid Richard We're back
31 00:09:37   HughJass greetings from mike ox huge
32 00:09:42   Sofia We are Free!! Chat didn't move for anyone. Also Woot Week in Review!
33 07月11日
  rat in its cage it was so lonely and dark in thereglad to be back
34 07月11日
  Bread_Art happy one month betsy!! wishing you max luck with moving arc!!
35 00:09:52   chidragon been happing a lot lately
36 00:09:56 $4.99   Kimmi We are back!!! Make sure you stay healthy sir!!
37 07月11日
  psyche gl with the moving arc
38 07月11日
  Liya Good morning
39 00:10:06   Hammerchuckery Longest chat freeze I saw today was 10+ minutes.
40 07月11日
  Sakura Mikage I was legit about to send my milestone message when chat broke and now I forgot what I had written. Oh well, another month.
41 07月11日
  SUSHI good luck on the moving arc!!
42 07月11日
  Chellas💫 Good luck with the moving!
43 00:10:54   pizza is seiso if WebMD was a guy
44 00:10:55   Jay R. hi benrey. your hardwood floors look like they taste like grape
45 00:10:58   onemorelight WebMD is frightening
46 00:11:25 $5.00   MikkiP0817 Good luck with the moving arc, and happy 5 months!
47 07月11日
  bricksmashtv - KFP Fire Controlman Hi Betsy been a while since I caught a stream, happy to be here again!
48 00:11:33 A$14.99   cervidaequus On mario party you mentioned pine trees(?) near the tent, have you had an allergen test? Pine sap and pine nuts can affect allergies/asthma/cause anaphylactic reactions
49 00:11:41   Pestering Jester Inhaler? I hardly know 'er!
50 07月11日
  lumafall happy to watch you stream on my birthday! i hope chat doesn't break again so sending this now. best of luck with moving!
51 00:11:51 $5.00   Laden Sparrow chat breaks, supas break, and YouTube will let you use your free membership message and just eat it
52 00:11:57 $5.00   Seishun 40 days remain.
53 00:12:11 $4.99   Bunny Lorevere Hi betrevel, good luck on your move! Also I saw ur vinyl collection and if you love those bands check out gazette is a Japanese rock band bye belvette
54 07月11日
  CandyBam Almost five months let’s go!!Good luck with the move betzel! Hopefully the new place has no hornets…
55 00:13:05 $5.00   alice yeah i understand completely with the webmd thing... take care yourself betsy, from one hypochondriac to another.
56 00:14:06 $9.99   AM Cosmos Air quality has been horrible lately because of the northern fires. You may want to invest in some air purifiers. Good luck Bettel!
57 00:14:26   𝙴𝚛𝚢𝚔𝚊 Make sure you leave a little gift for the new house owner before moving. How about a skeleton or two under the floorboards?
58 00:14:46   Choog Bettel's male living space arc
59 00:15:42 $2.00   HermesMan99 For your bedsheet fund
60 07月11日
61 00:16:00   lindoa (メンバーシップ入り)
62 00:16:11 $5.00   danya jay r is definitely doing something in your lungs you gotta evict that guy
63 00:16:52   Mandy Frost (メンバーシップ入り)
64 07月11日
  sharp hands heydid u know that th
65 00:17:12   🍌🍌シュー叔母ちゃん I hope the moving arc will go smoothly enough. I know how much of a pain and stressor it is.
66 07月11日
  Ranger Genevieve Hey Bettel, I've been feeling down recently but seeing your streams always cheers me up, keep being you, you funny man!
67 07月11日
  Teny Pas Wish you luck on your moving!
68 00:17:30 IDR50,000.00   cheer 🍎 pretend this is my milestone chat, youtube ate mine during the crash anyway happy 5 months (wow)
69 07月11日
70 07月11日
  smol mighto cheer up its time to move on
71 00:18:12 $5.00   Kimmi
Just need mushy food then it be a prison
72 00:19:14 SGD6.98   SensitiveBunny Know what cheers me up when I’m depressed? Kitty videos! And Gavis Bettel VODs
73 07月11日
74 07月11日
  Jabberwockys kiss the dead bees in your toaster goodbye for me
75 00:20:40   NyanekoArts (Magni Daki Enjoyer) I felt the same way moving in with my bf of 7 years. best decision I ever made though! good luck
76 00:20:46 $1.00   ai la mode (a無言スパチャ)
77 00:21:04 $2.00   ai la mode
78 07月11日
  Nodin Moving sucks good luck
79 00:21:20 $5.00   ai la mode
80 00:21:41 $10.00   ai la mode
81 00:21:47 HK$500.00   Alexis (@lunedelstein) (a無言スパチャ)
82 00:22:01 $20.00   ai la mode
83 00:22:23 $50.00   ai la mode
84 00:22:47 $10.00   AK (a無言スパチャ)
85 07月11日
  Kaitlin Hi Bendy, I caught the Big C today so I've been feeling rough. Hopefully your calm and dulcet tones will help cure my fever
86 00:23:11 $100.00   ai la mode
Hey Betsy! Since Saturday was your half-anniversary and also my birthday, I wanted to take the opportunity to send some love and show my appreciation for you always brightening my days I'm so proud to call you my kamioshi Happy 6 Months!
87 07月11日
  ai la mode 20
88 07月11日
  Tibbary Zal Good luck on your moving arc!
89 07月11日
  Raat_Baastard 1
90 07月11日
  CoolGirl_2 happy 6 months bingus
91 07月11日
  ᐅᓇᓕᒃ 1
92 07月11日
  Qian Jin Moving arc!
93 00:24:43 $50.00   ai la mode
Never wasted on you, Bingus
94 00:24:55   pexkool Happy Birthday Bingus!
95 07月11日
  erenmeii HAPPY 6 MONTHS VG
96 07月11日
  Valeria[バレリア] Take it easy with work! Moving out is exhausting, we understand Good luck with work
97 07月11日
  Altar of the Sky🎩 1
98 07月11日
  Rhys Umbra 1
99 07月11日
  ROSIE ☆彡 1
100 07月11日
  Shrimpy Zay 1
101 07月11日
  Alien One Guy 1
102 07月11日
  BubbieGator 1
103 07月11日
  ai la mode 1
104 07月11日
  Diana Hurtado 1
105 00:26:55   hue hi!! just joined, glad to see ya bettel!
106 07月11日
  Marsss 1
107 07月11日
  Evilwindful 1
108 07月11日
  AK 1
109 07月11日
  Vizodi 1
110 07月11日
111 07月11日
  stubborn old goat 1
112 07月11日
  horse appreciator 1
113 07月11日
  ☆Starrikka☆ 1
114 07月11日
  rose_river 1
115 07月11日
  fumika maji tenshi 1
116 07月11日
  YolkPoint 1
117 07月11日
  Furokuro 1
118 00:28:08 IDR20,000.00   clarissa u rlly made my morning. thanks for existing bettel
119 00:28:21   Rice Cakes We are all members here
120 07月11日
  Pei ちゃん 1
121 00:28:53   Finarael Megamiiiiiind!
122 00:28:54   NagaJule MEGAMIND
123 00:29:14 $5.00   Xiu God yes please I need to recover from the triangle of weird before the next one
124 00:30:40   🎃 Claire Crowles Which animated movie is your favourite? (aside from Megamind)
125 07月11日
  Rhys Umbra 5
126 07月11日
  Altar of the Sky🎩 5
127 07月11日
  Shrimpy Zay 5
128 07月11日
  ROSIE ☆彡 5
129 07月11日
  Mike vc 1
130 07月11日
  Eule 5
131 07月11日
  Diana Hurtado 5
132 07月11日
  RuneWithIt 5
133 00:32:33   Cliffpuncher My favorite is Porco Rosso. What a fun movie
134 00:32:51   garnet (メンバーシップ入り)
135 07月11日
  Xiu 5
136 07月11日
$10.00   BrohemianRhapsody Howl's Moving Castle good taste
137 07月11日
  Kimmi 5
138 00:33:48   AM Cosmos Kiki’s Delivery Service hits different when older.
139 00:33:54 R$5.00   Yokobluu Howl was my first childhood crush
140 07月11日
  isa ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ 1
141 07月11日
  stubborn old goat 5
142 00:34:30   Spades I got your guild card and definitely didn't curious about why you grow four centimeters(176cm→180cm) :D
143 07月11日
  Max UwU 1
144 00:35:33   NormalMar Oh he sweeping
145 07月11日
  Nessa HD BettelSweep!
146 00:36:07   zim57 Max luck Bettel sweep!
147 07月11日
  Shannonigans🍤🧤 Sometimes the universe is kind eh. Happy 6 month anniversary bruh
148 07月11日
  Wil Guess who got inspired by you and will be moving out
149 07月11日
  Sofia Your streams have really helped me with homesickness (been in Japan for a few months now) so I just wanted to thank you for being you
150 00:40:19   Fastra I’m with Christmasbob1, I can confirm it’s a raw chicken
151 00:42:23   Matthew Carrico I ended up getting the Con Crud from AX, only just now kicking it. Hoping for your good health during the move!
152 07月11日
  Kit Aaugust 19 7:43pm
153 00:44:36   Arkhelist Hey Bettel would you happen to know a good Amaretto recipe?
154 00:44:38   Tori Hey Bettel, my birthday was 2 days ago and I had fun watching the month in review with the VG boys. Thank you for the collabs and happy 6 months!
155 00:44:43 $5.00   Choog You wanting ice cream makes me want ice cream now.
156 00:44:49   kirodaze what's your go-to ice cream flavour? also good luck with the move !!!!
157 00:44:54 $2.00   isa ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ ice cream bar funds
158 00:45:01 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon did you leave the dog food at the old place? thought it would be in the background
159 07月11日
  satsuxx i also eat something cold like ice cream when im sick. it's not being irresponsible, it's building tolerance
160 00:45:49 $5.00   HipHipFrey Just wanna send a message saying I know things are stressful, but I think you're doing great. Hope your move goes smoothly!
161 00:45:54   Emily Hartley amaretto and vanilla ice cream is called a pink squirrel
162 00:47:25   Xenohydra I'd ask how your dating life is after Siri, but you couldn't get a date on a tombstone
163 00:48:34 CA$13.99   FinnamonToastCrunch i was feeling guilty about eating ice cream in bed the other day then i thought “it’s ok my oshi does it”. i was then immediately horrified when i realized what I just thought
164 00:50:13   Salty Weeb 5 months already
165 00:50:19 $10.00   Namakemono What if instead of immortal, you were immouto instead?
166 07月11日
167 00:51:43 $20.00   Phaewil Immortal; def: Living forever, never dying or decaying. If you are immortal, you just can't die. You can still get hurt and feel pain.
168 00:52:13 $10.00   Boombot The wife and I love to eat superman ice cream. Its a Midwestern ice cream flavor with Blue Moon, cherry & lemon.
169 00:52:27 $5.00   Speakz Have you had Blue Moon ice cream? it tastes like froot loops, unfortunately it might be a regional thing...it's my favorite.
170 00:53:11 $10.00   ROSIE ☆彡 a local ice cream shop sells tubs of ice cream and i always get the cookie monster one it's like cookies and cream but BETTER
171 00:53:34 A$14.99   cervidaequus
Got any boundaries regarding cuteness aggression towards phantomsonas? I’ve been wanting to commission art of you drop kicking mine across the room (as a fun game, he likes it)
172 00:54:55 $9.99   AM Cosmos
Topped Thick Mint is basically Ben & Jerry’s Girl Scout cookie ice cream. Highly recommend!
173 00:55:27 $10.00   Jess / じぇす borbie ice cream
174 00:55:40 PHP125.00   Serinuma Tomoko It's morning here in our place and while watching I'm eating Chocolate Rocky Road ice cream. This is the influence of the ice cream discussion
175 00:55:43 $10.00   ♡ Meowmoiselle ♡ Barbie Ice-cream funds (I only sponsor Barbie Related Activities)
176 00:56:10 CA$5.00   Rae Lynne Icecream funds
177 00:56:18 $5.00   Boombot
Do it for the bit
178 00:56:38 $5.00   Joyful Melori For the ice cream
179 07月11日
$20.00   TheSilverSky Ice cream money, keep the change kid.
180 00:57:10 $5.00   arenei you're not sorry at all, enjoy your pink ice cream
181 00:57:13 $100.00   Laden Sparrow
enjoy your ice cream soup lol
182 00:57:14 $17.00   RicOwO You don't tell me what to do.
183 00:57:35 $5.00   ROSIE ☆彡
you're OUR pink melted blob
184 00:57:37 $10.00   Sakura Mikage I have stressed induced asthma/coughs. Your coughing is probably something similar & probably will go away when the moving arc ends. Make sure to take it easy.
185 00:57:37 NT$75.00   Spades not icecream funds
186 07月11日
187 07月11日
  Anya now I want ice-cream
188 07月11日
  AstralOmen🔅🏹 I’m gonna go get the ice cream in my freezer
189 07月11日
  vale gavis bettel
190 00:59:10 $5.00   FlameBlame If you can't try it in time for snack time, can you tweet a review about your barbie soup??
191 00:59:36   Rhys_Pieces I just remembered I have this
192 01:00:21 $4.99   Kit Barbie funds
193 01:01:04 PLN25.00   Faerithil Now I want some ice cream but it's 3am, so here you go, take my ice cream money and enjoy your soup
194 07月11日
  Season salt Congrats on the 6 months! Congrats on the moving arc! Congrats on that pink, goopy, Barbie soup that you spent damn near $20 bucks on!
195 01:01:41 $5.00   arenei
my diagnosis is that you might be sick, trust me i'm not a doctor
196 07月11日
  Rarararemon [ラララレモン] Love forever bettel always take care!
197 07月11日
198 01:02:30 MX$100.00   Valeria (alt) your teeth ache and your throat hurts... great time to get ice cream (also I got shadowbanned on main idk why)
199 07月11日
$5.00   Kimmi
As a nurse, I think you are just super stress but then again, bone stuff is not my go to
200 01:02:52   Dipper Dawn When the skeleton doctor shows you the results, I hope you can only think about Jerry, but can say nothing out loud without confusing the doctor.
201 01:03:03 $5.00   Boombot
I'm proud of you sticking to the bit. Now you should stay on until the ice cream / soup arrives to review it.
202 01:03:08   Corvus Kurotori Well, now you convinced me to have a big bowl of cookies and cream ice cream and a load of peanut butter oreos. Thanks for that
203 01:03:16 $10.00   Mike vc Emergency Funds ( incase Moving goes wrong or use it for Barbie )
204 01:03:18 $5.00   T-Time I'm boombot's wife. sorry not sorry for the ice cream chaos he caused
205 01:03:27 $2.00   DeviledHamBeast Can we ice cream party watch-along after move?
206 01:03:36   mymbiiz gonna get gavis bettel colored ice cream
207 07月11日
  Skylimit Art hope you recover soon from whatever is ailing youenjoy the melted ice cream and good luck with the move
208 01:04:01 $4.99   christmasbob1 Do you think the barbie ice cream will look like kirby after he’s been trapped in a hot car
209 01:04:26 £5.00   AVR 039 I hope the skeleton doctor is Skeletor
210 01:04:31 SGD5.00   リズアルトlizalt i diagnose you with clown
211 01:04:41   knittyoddica Just had red velvet cheesecake ice cream with fudge chunks, not bad
212 07月11日
  Maryisacrybaby 1
213 07月11日
  Dennborg man I'm going to miss my one true oshi, MC door
214 07月11日
  Minion Broke & Homeless From Merchv11.0[LetheTea] hiya betsy! im a bad jesticles and need to catch up on VODs. shall use my recovery arc after surgery later this month to catch up on your great streams
215 01:08:21   ehNBeh (メンバーシップ入り)
216 01:08:25   Tareca Librav Thanks Geebis Beeble, you are my cats favorite Vtuber.
217 01:08:59   Alyss Kuriyama brother i beg you to look up "ice cream in a bag" recipes. vanilla, milk, salt, sugar, and ice and lots of aggressive shaking a bag. for the future.
218 07月11日
219 01:09:04   Sebby congrats on 6 months betsy!! goodluck on your moving arc and I hope the barbie ice cream heal you
220 01:10:05 PHP125.00   Max UwU Hey betsy been a while since I sent a sc, just wanted to wish you a smooth moving arc also yass chill week!
221 01:10:44 CA$2.00   garou super regional but MoonMist ice cream is the go-to
222 01:10:53   Kenji Clipz (メンバーシップ入り)
223 01:11:05 €100.00   melly ☆彡 Hoping that you will feel better soon, may the moving arc become less stressful with each day! Wishing you all the best with it, keep up all your wonderful work! And enjoy the Barbie ice cream once it arrives.
224 01:11:09 $10.00   Ninapedia I earned enough miles from sc/gifting to see my friend cross country. We're gonna see Barbie and Ghost in the same day in your honour. #worthit
225 01:11:35 $2.00   AK
Cookies n cream icecream never fails
226 07月11日
  steph ☆ i'm orb
227 01:12:04 MYR15.00   Izzy_Hime Do you like the baskin Robin cotton candy flavour betsy?
228 01:12:43 $9.99   StriderIncident I noticed this a while back in the chat but it’s Luma’s birthday!!! Happy birthday Luma!!!
229 01:12:54   Guru Medz Happy Moving, Going Betteland!
230 01:12:56   Vad The specific flavor is sugar.
231 01:13:52 $4.99   NormalMar Happy monday, chill sounds nice
232 01:14:14 $5.00   Xenohydra Hope the move works out for you bud, it's a big event
233 01:14:24 $10.00   Kevin牛 should I send you an aka supa or buy my niece & nephew $100 of pokemon cards?
234 01:14:43 $2.00   MikkiP0817
Just no thoughts, head empty.
235 07月11日
  Bleppyko Ghastly Bespoke. IYKYK.
236 01:15:22 $100.00   Kevin牛
jk i already got them the cards
237 07月11日
$5.00   FlameBlame
Bettel, did you recently see that KAngel had a 3d live concert. It's on the WSS playground youtube channel
238 07月11日
  Nyte thankful for the comfy chatting stream on my birthday! (at least in your timezone)good luck on the move bettel!
239 01:18:49   404Mintzha is there a plan of content that u wait for such a long time maybe with bettel 2?
240 01:19:44   RicOwO Bring back Gavis Better, please.
241 01:20:33 PHP125.00   Bread_Art hi bettel! got a meeting in a bit but good luck w moving arc!! you got this!! looking forward to chill week too!
242 01:21:09 A$5.00   Grace・グレース your dynamic with bettel 2 reminds me of mine with my own brother, which i guess makes me the you in my family. unfortunate
243 01:21:17 $4.99   Marsss You think they would notice if you took the mc door with you?
244 07月11日
  Ella Eves 5
245 07月11日
  YolkPoint before you move can you do some MC door VP or something? I'm gonna miss the MC door
246 01:22:48   Flippity Dippity Hey Bettel, have you ever broke something because of gamer rage? like a controller? dry wall? Bettel 2's feelings?
247 07月11日
  Lyn ☁️ 1
248 01:23:36   Vanillaginger The closet sounds like it's snoring
249 07月11日
SGD6.98   jaybo "what do you meaaan the door is missing? it was like that when i moved in"
250 01:23:59 $5.00   danya
why was your closet crying in pain
251 07月11日
  Batty excellent content, 10/10 on the door review
252 07月11日
  melohina pretty sure you summoned free soft serve ice cream to my house tonight, thanks? (happy 6 mths, i admire your comedy professionalism a lot )
253 01:24:31 $5.00   Choog
Ty for the rivetting door content Bettel
254 01:24:34 $9.99   Marsss
This sc is for mc door my oshi
255 01:26:53   Meri Celihl (メンバーシップ入り)
256 01:27:13 CA$5.00   Noushin Can't believe I'm saying this but I actually missed top hat on
257 01:28:08 MX$50.00   Vanreito Wait, are your toreba prizes going to arrive to your new place or to the tent btw chill week will be awesome, also scarf tisker
258 01:28:39   Annieplush Does top hat have a name?
259 01:28:56   azure empress SET UP MAIL FORWARDING
260 07月11日
261 07月11日
  ryo aww
262 01:34:01 $2.00   Chop9suey28 So what if the ice cream gets here melted?
263 01:34:41 $5.00   Bigrob What if the guy delivering ice cream is parked outside sitting there eating his own ice cream and will deliver yours when he finishes?
264 01:37:50   Roach I used to bite into coke cans after drinking them bc the soda made my teeth itch
265 01:38:36 $5.00   Choog
Idk why but the sound of styrofoam squeaks or chalkboard scratches make my jaw Tingle. I still don't know why.
266 01:42:44   hyxcynth oh god whats going on
267 01:45:27   Broken Glasses Hey Bettel, I hope the move will be smooth and I'm excited more things to come after you move! Especially for August 19th lmaoo
268 01:45:28 $10.00   Boombot
Enjoy your Barbie treat!
269 01:48:51   kasey good luck for moving arc & enjoy your leftover barbie soup