記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 15 88.98 \11,927
VND 2 258000 \1,467
CA$ CAD 2 10.00 \991
PHP PHP 3 375.00 \894
MX$ MXN 1 65.00 \447
A$ AUD 1 2.00 \180
THB THB 1 20.00 \77
NT$ TWD 1 15.00 \65
---- ---- ---- ---- \16,048
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 12月29日
  Leichenhalle (メンバーシップ入り)
2 12月29日
  ollie 1
3 12月29日
  Owlette (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:01:33   Gabriel Keni 蓮 amogus Sus haha
5 12月29日
  Treacherous Saint 5
6 12月29日
  Manon Lcz As always thanks you for the comfort (and discomfort) content Maglord
7 00:03:39   KingBarbados (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:04:44   Soggy (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:05:48 $10.00   Don Chindle Rhino with the Rizz stare
10 00:06:22 NT$15.00   叭噗Babuu (a無言スパチャ)
11 00:06:58 MX$65.00   The 8 Madness ¡The 8 Madness here again! ¡Hago a Dez hablar español! ¡Invoco a los Magmites de LATAM!
12 12月29日
  ollie 5
13 00:11:16 THB20.00   Kanomwan (a無言スパチャ)
14 00:13:07   Trollsmonster
15 00:15:12 $5.00   Jubilathan The mantis shrimp can punch so fast that it creates a pocket cavity in the water. The heat of the collapsing pocket is as hot as the sun's surface.
16 00:16:07 $5.00   ollie as someone who's job is to teach people about the electromagnetic spectrum, this conversation makes me very happy
17 00:16:45 $1.99   BeguilingBear Sorry Dez that was disproven. They only see 3
18 00:17:05   [AOH]Lord Grimm💎⚒ contrary to how they see the shrimp while can see multiple different spectrum they have worse eyes then human due to information overload
19 00:19:33 $10.00   Namakemono Are the mantis shrimp the lucky ones for being able to see 12 channels of color or are we the lucky ones to not see? What if it's like lifting the veil of Eldritch horrors?
20 00:19:50 $1.99   Lance Could you imagine Sonic but with guns? Oh wait.
21 00:22:58 $5.00   Noname the MAGnum
22 00:23:05   Duwan indeed, it is a gun
23 00:23:37 A$2.00   You should be studying MAGrifle
24 00:25:21 CA$5.00   Hyoika Animal Crossing with guns exists and it's called Long Vinter
25 12月29日
  SUSkage [Sickage - Sacrifice of TEMPUS] IT'S US FR FR
26 00:36:31   Chartreuse Baron Vitamin D deficiency is especially common in winter, as there are fewer hours of sunlight
27 00:40:02 $5.00   Minion Of Lord Magmo 5.0 [LetheTea] there are things called sunlights. they can help ppl produce vitamin d and help w SAD. but yea go photosynthesis and be a happy magni flower
28 00:44:41 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Johnny) Why is there a cow and a rhino in an amongus suit playing chess? I just came in...
29 00:47:22 $5.00   Pyro Ronpa Quite the loophole
30 00:48:33 ₫129,000   Wen Nguyen (a無言スパチャ)
31 00:48:56 $10.00   Herbalist Wren This is such a specific and terrible fetish
32 00:49:11 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Johnny)
33 00:49:34 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren Maybe focus on insults rather than swears? Something like "twink" for instance.
34 12月29日
  Vegito 7 One of the best collabs I've ever watched so far, ridiculously hilarious
35 00:51:12 $5.00   Pyro Ronpa
So what I'm hearing is, to curse comes natural in English. Agreed.
36 00:51:16 $10.00   HeckDeck "YAGOO! COME QUICK!" "What's wrong, is Axel streaming again?" "NO.... It's far worse... It's a Magni and Ollie collab!!" "Dear god..."
37 00:54:57 $5.00   nilok7 Wait... if Ollie thinks it's hot the Sonic is haunted... is she a furry?
38 00:56:31 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Johnny)
I need an ear cleaning after this...
39 00:56:56 ₫129,000   Wen Nguyen
greetings dez and ollie, i’m going to attend my ielts test this afternoon. could i humbly ask for some blessings from maglord and the queen herself
40 00:57:11   Alfrez Since the vid will probably not last go all out. BRING OUT THE DEMON MAGMO!!!
41 00:57:39 CA$5.00   Slim Shadow I know a useful Indonesian phrase: Magni tidak pernah salah.
42 00:58:57   kiplr my oshi btw
43 00:59:55 $5.00   ollie
an absolute crime not giving the rhino blushies, but other than that 10/10 commission, astounding.