記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 29 268.97 \35,719
A$ AUD 3 70.00 \6,278
YEN YEN 2 5500 \5,500
PHP PHP 6 1430.00 \3,475
CA$ CAD 4 30.48 \3,011
IDR IDR 5 225000.00 \2,004
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \500
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \325
ARS ARS 2 450.00 \283
CRC CRC 1 1000.00 \245
---- ---- ---- ---- \57,340
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月05日
  FuJoJo (メンバーシップ入り)
2 04月05日
  yuriy 5
3 04月05日
  千 sen 5
4 04月05日
  Maria 🎇🍤 5
5 00:01:15 $9.99   Kismet Nightingale May RNGesus bless your pulls tonight Altare! I’ll be checking in on the VOD later tonight!!
6 00:01:25   Sanders Hello Leader! Good luck on getting a rainbow card!
7 04月05日
  As F.
8 04月05日
  Riizzy 5
9 00:02:12   Kuro Ishida Manifesting good pulls leader! Ganba!
10 04月05日
  Sanders 5
11 00:02:49 $20.00   arenei ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ giving all my luck to you
12 04月05日
  mmmonstruo 5
13 00:05:06 A$10.00   Regali Unfortunately l cannot stay since l have plans, but manifesting big amazing pulls! Chu~ for Cultares GO LEADER GO! (Cute binder too )
14 00:05:13 ¥5,000   千 sen I wish you the best of luck
15 04月05日
  wyntermello more pretty cards for leader today
16 00:06:14   AnimeFreak291 Best of luck with your pulls leader!
17 04月05日
  Miss Cosmo Manifesting good pulls, especially if there's any special Pikachu card
18 00:08:27   Kenjenkins may your pulls be plentiful, and your wallet saved
19 04月05日
  Akuアク Manifesting luck for you Leader!!! Ganba!
20 00:09:22 $10.00   Sanders Here's some luck in getting that Fuecoco for Hakka! And to get a rainbow card for yourself
21 00:10:42 IDR35,000.00   Aya:D HAVE MY BIRTHDAYY LUCK,GLL ON UR PULLS :D
22 04月05日
  olive(chungus my oshi) manifesting you pull many smoliv's + smoliv's line
23 00:12:04 $5.00   ZenbuWaifu The card trick is different this time. It's one card to the front. Happy pulls! You'll love it!
24 04月05日
  FuJoJo 1
25 00:17:11 CA$5.50   Timothy miraidon deez n
26 04月05日
  theMcGeeK good luck on the pulls leader!! open an Arcanine ex alt art for me!!
27 00:24:58   Poito;Latte (メンバーシップ入り)
28 00:29:37 PHP55.00   Rose Lee hello :)
29 00:31:24 $10.00   Kody Propps your streams are so entertaining gotta love how excited you are about the art your my favorite male streamer
30 00:33:33   Anthony Riggs Do They Have That In Turo
31 00:34:20 $5.00   Noelito Leader I was about wish you luck but bettel came in give you some
32 04月05日
  Noelito 1
33 00:37:27 ARS225.00   Voldrim Mightywolf Bettel was useful as your lucky charm... and it paid off greatly, thank you Bettel
34 00:37:33 PHP137.50   Riizzy Bettel officially has to sit in all pokemon card openings
35 00:38:25 $5.00   Solaire Of Astora Is it ok to say what youre worth to me? Cause youre priceless ;D
36 00:38:56 $5.00   Sanders
Price of each card can vary, but watching Altare open card packs, priceless.
37 00:39:04 $2.00   Noelito
bettel is going to sit leader lap every time now
38 00:39:34 CA$6.99   Sinitsu Bettel prisoner arc go! GL leader
39 00:39:51 $20.00   mmmonstruo Leader, did you know that the Holo Skwovet art is by the same illustrator that drew one of your special card arts for your birthday project!?
40 00:43:42 $5.00   FahneXIV Evening Leader! Good luck for your pulls! I got a Gold Miraidon EX Full art earlier!
41 00:43:58   Blaise each good pull Bettel's chances of escaping decreases
42 04月05日
  Ryuusei16 Bettel is not gonna escape the basement lol
43 00:45:04 $5.00   Lenny Mejia How many are you opening? Also hope you're doing well
45 00:50:16   오연균 Pokémon is cute. but leader is more cute.
46 00:56:29   Jhon Carlo Concepcion i want to start a pkmn card collection huehuehue
47 01:06:12 $5.00   Sanders
*cough* Pachirisu is better than Pikachu *cough* jk but I do prefer Pachirisu myself
48 04月05日
  Shadowcat Hello Leader! Hello Cultare and Altventurers! so glad to be comfy with y'all for 5 months and many more to come!
49 01:07:29 IDR50,000.00   Forgiven Procrastinating manifesting more pikachu for leader
50 01:08:52   kilofoxxy (メンバーシップ入り)
51 01:15:21 ARS225.00   Voldrim Mightywolf
i like shiny Espeon with his HA because he reminds me of Carbuncle from FF series, love that guy
52 01:20:12 $2.00   Oscar Mendez Koraidon wants you to feed him a sandwhich.
53 01:27:16 $5.00   nimbus Pretty much every deck this generation includes 4 copies of Nest Ball
54 01:46:29 IDR100,000.00   Tri Widyan Happy pulls.I pulled scarlet ex booster pack and got full art Wiglett, Kingambit, and Fidough, Gardevoir ex, Koraidon ex, Toxicroak ex,&prof. Olim full art. Surprisingly no reverse holo in ID version.
55 01:49:32 CRC1,000.00   adrian24ug bumping cheeks with the homies
56 01:51:48   Zelia Happy 2 months. Wishing you luck on your pulls
57 01:53:04   aubs manifesting good pulls for you leader ! 🫡
58 01:58:50 IDR20,000.00   Rhythmskuy yo leader, hope you got SAR Miraidon!
59 01:59:01   Dat Lam Pig so hot it's bacon
60 04月05日
  Laura Dombrowski
61 02:01:54   KSops Yatta!
62 04月05日
  Hana Natsuki Ch. YATTAAA
63 04月05日
  minipuffins 10
64 04月05日
  Dzire ii ne~ CONGRATS
65 02:02:27 PHP275.00   Aoi Minami🍤🐌 Congrats Leader!!!! Yatta!!
66 02:14:02   Tristen Beautiful night for cardboard
67 02:15:57 $10.00   Gorgon Ramsay good effort, here's for more cards!
68 02:19:34 $19.99   Kafka on the Shore Good guess.
69 02:19:57   Gorgon Ramsay (メンバーシップ入り)
70 02:20:42 $20.00   Kenzy You're on fire!
71 04月05日
  nyanbeans 5
72 02:21:32   ollie give RPR all the RPRs?
73 02:21:37 $5.00   Laura Dombrowski Sorry you did not get the double.
74 02:23:18 IDR20,000.00   Forgiven Procrastinating
manifest more gold
75 02:23:36 CA$6.99   MagicQuintet What matters is that you still got some pretty cool cards! It’s the little things that makes everything memorable and having fun hehe!
76 02:23:49   Sa Chan (メンバーシップ入り)
77 02:25:19 $5.00   ollie this has really helped me chill at the end of a very tiring day some really cool pulls, best of luck for the rest of the packs!!!
78 02:29:37 $4.99   kilofoxxy Congrats on your Gyarados!!!
79 02:30:16 $10.00   cherry pink
congrats leader! great to see you happy
80 02:30:20 PHP275.00   eeveetherin EX ARCANINE AND GYARADOS!! Your luck this stream = STONKS
81 04月05日
  strix 10
82 02:32:43 $10.00   Laura Dombrowski
Congrats on the Double, so I give you double!!!!
83 02:35:58 A$10.00   Regali
YO I'm back to check in! How have the pulls been? Any hype ones??? Great Tusk looks very pretty.
84 02:41:00 PHP137.50   BACKDOWN The Revenge Thighs TSKR
85 04月05日
  Riene 5
86 02:43:46 SGD5.00   Raindear The EX full arts are 2 levels of rarity higher than normal pokemon full arts. 2 gold stars vs 2 normal stars. Trainer full arts have 2 silver stars.
87 02:45:09 $25.00   Gorgon Ramsay
some for the doubles and some for the dubs pulled. gg!
88 04月05日
  Frances Bean c 5
89 02:47:18   Yx_Shorty_xY I’d research that Professer
90 02:48:54 $20.00   Adrianne (エイドリアン) For more cards~
91 02:49:38 CA$11.00   TheDemiTroll having armarouge get me to master rank in ranked play, im a huge fan of that card
92 02:50:06 $5.00   nimbus
both wrong. Bianca kisses Ash. she leaves her hat in her apartment on purpose so Ash won't know it's her
93 02:50:11 PHP550.00   mirage✨ I started my Pokemon TCG collection because of you since you opened Silver Tempest. Buying a few packs is the highlight of my day. I keep a Pickachu set coz I remember you. Thanks Leader for reawakening my love for PokeTCG.
94 02:52:06 $10.00   mmmonstruo
Leader, did you know that the holo Skwovet full illustration art card is by the same illustrator that drew one of your special card arts for your birthday project?!
95 04月05日
  shaysky 5
96 02:52:16 A$50.00   Regali
I cannot collect cards due to rotten luck, so take my cash and open cards in my stead. Don't dedicate any pack openings to me though, it will cause a biblically accurate apocalypse. Thank you for all your hard work leader!
97 04月05日
  Regali 10
98 02:53:58 $5.00   Arnulfo Mendez thank you for the stream
99 02:54:05 ¥500   ゆか•₃•yuka thank you for the stream
100 02:54:40 NT$75.00   Jessica many many luck today otsutare
101 04月05日
  Rariryn Take care