配信名:【Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty】 My First Ever Souls-like. This is Fine... 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
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03月16日 21:04:10 Fulgur Ovid Hey everyone! Still a bit sick but I'm not gonna let that stop me! Let's try out this new game and see how it goes.
03月17日 00:04:59 Uki Violeta I go back to bed now hehe zzzz
03月17日 00:30:44 Vox Akuma wo long? yeah i sure hope it does
03月17日 00:31:19 Vox Akuma im hoping i can play this game too i used to play so much nioh a couple years back, this looks so fun
03月17日 00:33:00 Vox Akuma got DAMN
03月17日 00:59:47 Vox Akuma you got this brother! he's not allowed to kill you without your consent
03月17日 00:59:54 Vox Akuma nvm
03月17日 01:00:14 Vox Akuma welcome to team ninja games lmao nioh is just like this
03月17日 01:00:19 Vox Akuma it's gonna get so much worse
03月17日 04:28:44 Fulgur Ovid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydaOI...