配信名:Mysta learns the guitar and fails miserably
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02月07日 20:19:37 Mysta Rias i am a complete beginner but lets try learn some chords and feel cool
02月07日 22:03:50 Mysta Rias BRO MY PC JUST BLUE SCREENED
02月07日 22:21:07 Ren Zotto ayo guitar stream
02月07日 22:22:18 Ren Zotto electric is way easier
02月07日 22:23:50 Ren Zotto lets goooo!
02月07日 22:24:12 Ren Zotto Can I teach you the easiest chord in existence?
02月07日 22:25:24 Ren Zotto G and Em?
02月07日 22:25:51 Ren Zotto DAMN you already learned the one I was gonna teach you xD
02月07日 22:26:10 Ren Zotto ok ok I'll teach you an A chord!!!!!!
02月07日 22:28:39 Ren Zotto put your fingers on the 2nd fret of the 3rd, 4th and 5th strings! BAM! It's the A Chord! :D
02月07日 22:29:06 Ren Zotto count down from the top yeah!
02月07日 22:29:12 Ren Zotto The lower one
02月07日 22:29:56 Ren Zotto first three fingers
02月07日 22:30:21 Ren Zotto im so proud ;w;
02月07日 22:32:50 Ren Zotto you know some chords already, LETS START A BAND
02月07日 22:33:12 Ren Zotto 4 chords is all you need >:)
02月07日 22:33:35 Ren Zotto loooool
02月07日 22:35:16 Ren Zotto im headbanging rn
02月07日 22:37:29 Ren Zotto yes, my fingers hurt heaps at first too
02月08日 00:43:59 Mysta Rias .