配信名:【APEX LEGENDS】NIJICustoms ちゅりゅーんカスタム【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
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05月06日 09:55:13 Selen Tatsuki @lovefool there's no restrictions for livers, those are only viewer rules
05月06日 09:56:27 Selen Tatsuki we will balance ourselves if requested or if we are too op but livers do not have any restrictions going in
05月06日 18:07:01 Tempplex can i be viewer ? moew moew
05月06日 19:54:35 silentchewtoy XSET Nocturnal | https://twitter.com/oh_Nocturnal
05月06日 20:35:35 Selen Tatsuki bye bye everyone !!
05月06日 20:35:54 silentchewtoy New Merch! 2023 Get Well Voice Pack! Available until May 19, 7:59 PDT / 11:59 JST https://nijisanji-store.com/collectio...
05月06日 20:35:55 silentchewtoy OBSYDIA will be guesting at OffKai Expo 2023, June 16-18 (San Francisco, Burlingame, California) https://twitter.com/OffKaiExpo/status...
05月06日 20:36:02 silentchewtoy NEW MUSIC! Diamond City Lights but Lofi https://youtu.be/P8Gvot240K4 | Hope in the Dark but Lofi https://youtu.be/BG_P6yYVnik