配信名【Hollow Knight】Time To Upgrade Weapons~【NIJISANJI EN | Maria Marionette】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
SGD SGD 5 250.00 \25,432
$ USD 5 26.97 \3,634
YEN YEN 2 2000 \2,000
CA$ CAD 1 5.50 \550
---- ---- ---- ---- \31,616
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月08日
  nnnam (メンバーシップ入り)
2 05月08日
  しだれ (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:20:57 $4.99   TheJollyRamRancher “We shall enter this place no longer” oh sweet let’s go!
4 00:27:00 $2.00   Michael Chevauche Use the Force
5 00:46:27 $4.99   TheJollyRamRancher
I know you’re busy but can I draw your attention to beautiful bretta in the background lol
6 01:01:37 SGD50.00   Utterly Shagged EXPLOSION-oh wait wrong dimension.
7 01:11:23 SGD50.00   Utterly Shagged
Would you like to know a movement technique?
8 01:12:39 SGD50.00   Utterly Shagged
Dashing into a wall will allow you to cling to it and make jumping off it easier. If i remember correctly it also refreshes your jumpsm and dashes.
9 01:13:19   SZF eyyy didn't realize am a 1month maripet now.. yippee.. watching Maririn gets better at games and conquering them, is very satisfying
10 01:17:11 SGD50.00   Utterly Shagged
11 05月08日
12 01:44:39 SGD50.00   Utterly Shagged
Payment for maririnium rendered. I gotta dash. Good luck Maria.
13 02:18:20 $4.99   TheJollyRamRancher
I’ve never seen Maria this furious. This absolutely rabid. She’s gone through 3 controllers. I’m honestly worried for our safety
14 02:19:47 ¥1,000   みー ganbaおめん、かわいい
15 02:40:03   Raimy onlinewarrior I'm with a friend of mine watching you. she's a artist and simply finds you incredibly adorable and loves your voice a lot. she's now a fan of you.
16 03:37:10 CA$5.50   TheDemiTroll shes actually the background singer you hear in the City of tears whenever your in the area.
17 05月08日
  Pyre / パイア 5
18 04:45:25 $10.00   TheJollyRamRancher
everyone worries in the trolley problem about either the 1 or the 5, nobody cares about the trolley and it's never ending thirst for blood. more blood for the trolley!
19 05月08日
  Enna's Megane is an Aloupeep in a Robe 1
20 05:05:32 ¥1,000   こな雪