配信名my thoat is dead so nijisanji songs with tts【NIJISANJI EN | Scarle Yonaguni】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 75 546.60 \71,921
CA$ CAD 7 50.00 \4,901
A$ AUD 10 46.94 \4,275
PHP PHP 5 1734.00 \4,138
YEN YEN 1 3200 \3,200
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,600
NT$ TWD 6 225.00 \972
R$ BRL 2 10.00 \255
---- ---- ---- ---- \91,262
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月13日
  Padraig Roberts (メンバーシップ入り)
2 01月13日
  Padraig Roberts 5
3 00:02:15 $5.00   quietrioter Hey Scarle, my grandfather is in the hospital. Can you please make me laugh to not worry?
5 00:07:07 $2.00   eric23443219091 You are my kettle My only kettle You make me happy
6 00:07:12 A$2.00   wemajor Anti-Pickle fund 571/4500 I finished Neon White!
7 00:07:39 $99.99   ALEJANDR01D (a無言スパチャ)
8 00:08:05 CA$10.00   Momohaku @quietrioter Hey mate, hope this jokes cheer ya up! My wife asked me to go get 6 cans of Sprite from the grocery store. I realized when I got home that I had picked 7 up.
9 00:08:05 $49.99   ALEJANDR01D
10 00:08:08 A$2.99   muffin Dammm girl you sound sexy im DED
11 00:08:25 $19.99   ALEJANDR01D
12 00:08:44 $9.99   ALEJANDR01D
13 00:08:47 $4.99   Ryan1269 Scarle you sound so beautiful. Also imagine getting demonetized btw if it makes you feel any better my acrylic stand came by today and I love it. ily
14 00:09:01 $4.99   ALEJANDR01D
15 00:09:17 $1.99   ALEJANDR01D
16 00:09:35 $0.99   ALEJANDR01D
17 01月13日
  Momohaku 5
18 00:09:36 $1.99   Yuzu-Chi Wow Scarle! Great Hex impression!
19 00:09:59 $2.00   quietrioter
if I disappear for awhile, yall know why
20 00:10:22 $2.00   Monami Amore this is hot but ma'am I'm concerned WTF
21 00:10:27 $5.00   Rashzakea I hope you feel better than you sound! Please rest your voice as much as possible, even if you won't take time off. We love you!
22 00:10:43 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Evening Scarle, hope you are feeling better and rest your voice after the stream
23 00:10:47 $20.00   Prospect Theorist I can think of a few fun ways to make someone sound like this every morning. Maybe the demonetization is deserved?
24 00:11:21 $2.00   Kibbles Why are you streaming? Go rest!
25 00:11:39 $5.00   Helplesschikn Sorry to hear about your voice mommy Scarle. I did manage to get my room recovered from the flood and I'm moved back in.
26 00:11:46 A$2.99   muffin
Girl i told you you blew your voice even more
27 00:12:44 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉) Dont read. hope you GWS luv u Scarwe Burriguwi UwU
28 00:13:01 CA$5.00   Momohaku
Put honey into your tea, you might have vocal chord strain.
29 00:13:21 $2.00   RonaldoJoe Don't read this supa. Otherwise BONK.
30 00:13:22 $2.00   Rashzakea
See a doctor bby, for real
31 00:14:06 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
It's OK if you want to do a short stream, we really do want you get some rest
32 00:14:16 A$2.99   muffin
Is the bubble in your throat worse or the same
33 00:14:21 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 OMG PLS STOP. Im very concern. I hope u rest
34 00:14:35 $2.00   Emmanuel Morales I feel you since Im dealing with wisdom tooth pain
35 00:14:38 $2.00   RonaldoJoe
I can now gift membies thru mobile. POG
36 00:14:59 $22.22   Brando Sheriff Sounds like me when I got puberty. But in all seriousness, definitely rest your voice as much as you can. If it gets even more serious, pls go see a doctor. We know how hardworking you are, you deserve a break or 3
37 01月13日
  RonaldoJoe 5
38 00:15:06 $5.00   Tamharo It's ok guys, Scarlos is just hitting puberty. For real though, take it easy Scarle
39 00:15:59 $2.00   MGKevin This a pony impression? You sound a little hoarse
40 00:17:07 $5.00   Pinkerton Can't stay long, gotta wake up early for my flight tomorrow. Hope your voice recovers soon Scarle! Catch some of y'all at AI maybe.
41 00:17:10 CA$5.00   Momohaku
You can always skip the Mr Pickle stream and take a rest day. I'm sure we wouldn't mind heuheuehuh!
42 00:17:15 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
But resting is essential for ur voice. Cuz if no voice then how will u talk to chat and how will u stream with us
43 00:17:39 A$5.00   JayT not sure if playing a horror game is a good idea today
44 00:18:50 A$7.99   muffin
We have the same problem im recording something special so i blew ma voice out you need rest girl
45 00:19:18 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
You can always type in the chat instead of use your voice
46 00:20:24 $5.00   Rashzakea
...So basically you used your voice for around 8 hours yesterday when it was already messed up. Scarle you're straining your voice so bad
47 00:20:31 $5.00   DeltaPurple I was sick since before Christmas, so I missed a bunch of your streams. Finally get to catch one! Hope your voice gets better.
48 00:20:47 $5.00   Emmanuel Morales
Chat we can probably bully her with superchats to make her rest
49 00:21:38 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
50 00:22:07 $2.00   Monami Amore
Honey Halls with hot lemon tea, my special cure
51 01月13日
  Donna i worry about your voice
52 00:22:34 $2.00   eric23443219091
I analyzed all possibilities I sound like grudge
53 00:22:58 CA$10.00   PK Scratch Fund for you to get more lemon tea and honey for your throat. Sucks you got sick on your birthday. Happy Birthday and hope the screaming from the horror game won't make it worse.
54 00:23:10 $2.00   Cyborg Ed "Short stream" huh? * Prepares for 6 hours min.
55 00:24:23 $2.00   Kibbles
Time to bully you into resting
56 00:27:09 ¥3,200   shupopo In Japan, ginger water is good for your throat.Or just drink some lemonade to warm your throat. get well soon.This is ginger hot water
57 01月13日
  kiter 1
58 00:28:02 R$5.00   GM Lemmy It's alright, Scarle. Just rest your voice and use thigh-drums to communicate via morse code.
59 00:28:43 £10.00   Jade the wise Scarle please rest your vocals and get lots of herbal tea down you, I don't want my favorite enchantress to lose her voice. Take care and I mean it this time.
60 00:30:58 $5.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino - Think of it like how I've been dealing with the pain in my right ankle - if you keep pushing that specific area, it's gonna end up getting worse...
61 00:31:50 $2.00   eric23443219091
I heard washin scarle back an infinite dirtis left
62 00:32:30 $1.99   Greg D Can we have you do a Hot british Tts?
63 00:32:56 R$5.00   GM Lemmy
Go get some rest, Scarle. Give your voice a couple days to rest.You can always stream again once you have recovered. Please, take care of your health!
64 00:34:29 $1.99   Greg D
Remember, your voice is your $ maker, keep it well
65 00:35:22 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
Seriously, the emphasis on that second syllable...
66 00:37:07 CA$5.00   Momohaku
Can you make it say: This is VSF hands up! Ratatatatatata!
67 00:39:24 $1.99   Greg D
What is the name of it? WHAT DOES SONny sound lke
68 00:55:26 $2.00   Rashzakea
Alright, no more real voice, it needs rest!
69 00:57:44 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Can TTS mwah and bully me? pls no sry see a doc
70 01月13日
  strrynights sending headpats for u mama hope ur voice gets better soon !!
71 00:58:58 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. Scarle Scuffaguni is at it again
72 01:05:12 A$10.00   Padraig Roberts make it do the DCL chant
73 01:10:02 $1.99   Greg D
Scarle, u sound tired, are you sure u ok?
74 01:11:25 $2.00   DelStar make it sing lolipop
75 01:11:44 $1.99   Greg D
Me, I'm good, In Vermont, On Vacation, Sexy Scar.
76 01:11:45 $10.00   Lilac Ch. Want a Twitch experience, copy this. ᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺ! ᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺ! ᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺ. Hello Scarle. This is Roomie chan. I'm calling you to tell you to clean up your room. It's an absolute jungle in there.
77 01:15:13 $10.00   DelStar
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll meI ain't the sharpest tool in the shedShe was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumbIn the shape of an "L" on her forehead
78 01:16:26 $0.99   Biancka
79 01:17:36 PHP37.00   Pucca
80 01:17:41 $5.00   DelStar
Hello i am scarle yonaguni from nijisanjis 5th wave iluna and my favorite streamers are Hex and Vox
81 01:18:19 $2.00   Rashzakea
Ok but this is actually really fun
82 01:19:19 CA$10.00   PK Scratch
Brian really got Chat to start going crazy... Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A chat room. A chat room with Brian. And Brian makes chat crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once.
83 01:20:21 $55.55   Brando Sheriff
Jugemu JugemuGokono Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu KuNeruTokoroniSumuTokoro YaburaKojinoBuraKoji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no Chosuke
84 01:20:31 $10.00   Tamharo
California girls. We're unforgettable.Daisy dukes,Bikinis on top
85 01:20:31 $5.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
Who's gonna have your back and hold it down when no one is around? Launchpad, taking off, 3, 2, 1!
86 01:20:40 A$2.99   muffin
Im am scarle yonaguni and i love genshin asmr
87 01:20:46 $5.00   DelStar
hi chat its your boy Scarle and today going forward im going to stop drinking red bull and keep my room clean. also chat you may marry roomie chan
88 01:21:45 $10.00   Lilac Ch.
One more for the road, copy this, Hey there Scarle your voice sounds a bit dry. Here, drink some water. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. There we go much better
89 01:21:57 PHP1,250.00   Jake oh my young lady what happened. Please take care
90 01:23:30 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
baka hen tai wuuruusai moo shiranai
91 01:24:10 $10.00   Usny context for the jugemu jugemu thing is a story where parents didn't know what to name their kid so they got suggested a list of names. they could pick between them so they used all the names
92 01:24:39 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
93 01:24:58 $1.99   Ryan1269
Did you enable tts because you’re that lonely?
94 01:25:37 $5.00   DelStar
hey delstar its your side oshi Scarle yonaguni and im going to let you marry your real oshi mr pickle. thank you for the free supa mwah
95 01:27:29 $2.00   Troy Testing test.. Oh wait this is not the test stream
96 01:27:46 $5.00   Tamharo
Stand back chat, I am beginning to morb!
97 01:28:21 $2.00   dado Testing Brian: Δ ষ ᚦ ᢷ Ⱘ ⾖ 🀗 🂉 🙨 Ꮕ 🝳 𒀰
98 01:35:34 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
Jeremiah was a bullfrog...
99 01:37:44 $5.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
Your life is an anime. Who composes the soundtrack to your life?
100 01:48:29 CA$5.00   Ni’atima Nala scarle you are so sweet and endearing ppleas enever stop beinhg adorbale. i took too much melatonin good night have fun being degenerate with chat <3
101 01:56:34 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
The news sounds fun a lot work! you work so hard
102 02:08:06 $5.00   Bintock What if you or kyo make the news in your roasting segment? Kan one Roast ones self?
103 02:11:31 A$7.99   muffin
I told you yesterday I’ll tell you today im proud of the work you do you deserve all things that come your way were here to support you always
104 02:13:05 $10.00   LuisPJ You do work hard, I think you compensate your offline laziness with your hard work online. so don't sell yourself short
105 01月13日
  Yuoaman I promise I'd never shove you in a locker for real I'm so sorry.
106 02:16:30 NT$75.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
luv you my Burritoguni. you save me from depression, and you inspired me a lot, i learn a lot new thing and knowing many new friends, i glad know u
107 02:24:22 $4.99   Über Sheep Hope your thoat gets better Scarle :(
108 02:27:42 $2.00   Kibbles
Who needs a girlfriend when you got Mr. Pickles
109 02:29:32 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
Put the knife down Scarle, you'll hurt yourself
110 02:32:25 $2.00   zXxSladexXz Hey you...
111 02:33:18   No One Hope everyone has a good day/night but quick question how’s everyone’s thoughts on eggs in general (don’t read if you throat hurt scarle please)
112 02:37:27 A$2.00   Mattilde Hecker ZOMBIE SCARLE?!?!!?!?!?!?
113 02:37:38 $20.00   Drägøth TH I just wanted to say thank you for your fun and quirky streams I recently lost a pet to illness and have been feeling down lately but you and chat have kept me sane and company through my now lonely nights love you all
114 02:37:40 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Scarle is hulk now? you smash?
115 02:38:06 $2.00   Vivy Core SHE GOING GHOST!!!
116 02:39:16 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
I see you goin' ghost faster than Danny Phantom XD
117 02:46:28 $5.00   LuisPJ
"you work too hard you're not superman you know"