記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 61 615.96 \83,918
£ GBP 5 48.99 \8,388
EUR EUR 7 28.00 \4,248
CLP CLP 2 13750 \2,322
CA$ CAD 3 22.00 \2,195
A$ AUD 3 15.00 \1,352
SEK SEK 1 100.00 \1,328
CHF CHF 2 7.00 \1,067
NOK NOK 1 50.00 \639
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \464
HUF HUF 1 1000 \402
R$ BRL 1 5.50 \150
---- ---- ---- ---- \106,473
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月30日
  OwlKittyCottage (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:02:15 $5.00   Voitan What is the Riddle of Steel? MOTHER!
3 00:06:35 $20.00   TheDAWinz Fun fact, life as a regular person in the Roman Empire was much different from other contemporary western european kingdoms, it wasn't uncommon for people to talk trash to the emperors face in the streets of Constantinople
4 00:07:41 $10.00   Nigek 「ナイジェッく」 (a無言スパチャ)
5 00:10:51   Nathan Cotton - KFP Kenzoku Home Baker oyoooo, 1 year!
6 00:11:42 $10.00   TheDAWinz
the SPQR roman senate finally disbanded in the year 1453, they year Constantinople fell. Romans called themselves Romans/Rhomoi until the early 20th century.
7 00:12:00 £2.00   Thunderbird1005 Good Evening Nina
8 00:12:24   KnightWriterRLK Hi Fox-mom, it's great to be watching your stream. Spending my day off watching you game is fun.
9 00:12:42 CHF5.00   Magister Generalis i'm craving curry so much now...
10 00:13:22 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi Good afternoon, Betterlord
11 00:13:55 $100.00   Rioka Paying the tithe to my MotherLord
12 00:14:38 $10.00   Nigek 「ナイジェッく」
13 00:15:25   Pig_Tbh (メンバーシップ入り)
14 00:16:29 £2.00   Thunderbird1005
Might become a vtuber in the near future.
15 00:16:55 CHF2.00   Magister Generalis
mom turned into john cena for a sec.
16 00:17:13 CA$5.50   Acadien Paying Tax 1 for reappearance
17 04月30日
18 00:17:50 CA$5.50   Acadien
Tax 2
19 00:18:07 €2.00   Andr the magic here is paying your enemies te go away
20 00:18:41 $1.99   David McCarthy Ten time Nijiwrestle weight champ John Nina!
21 00:20:15 £5.00   Gallowglass The real magic is not getting bodied by looters in the first five minutes. Also, horse archers go brr.
22 00:21:13 R$5.50   Gain MK can I be your knight,pretty please?
23 00:21:31 SEK100.00   10thAngel 8 Years of Warband. 3 Years of Bannerlord. Dear Lord Nina, You have my backup.
24 00:21:35 €5.00   Shadowfox2300 medieval Europe basically and almost always play as the khuzaits or the battanians
25 04月30日
  Dat Nguyen
26 00:23:49 €2.00   Andr
ah yes the coliander empire
27 00:24:08 HUF1,000   Yomei Take my offering ooo great Momnissiah!
28 00:24:11 $10.00   TheDAWinz
Despite being called the "Bulgar Slayer" Roman Emperor Basil 2 was magnanimous after conquering Bulgaria, allowing the nobles to become Practicians and a voice in the Senate.
29 00:24:22   Andr (メンバーシップ入り)
30 00:26:06 $5.00   TheDAWinz
BTW meant to say Patricians and not Practricians haha
31 04月30日
  Jonathan Faulkner 5
32 00:30:24 $10.00   Siege Early M&B can be like a more action-oriented Battle Brothers. M&B can ramp up a lot more quickly depending on how you go about it. Hope you enjoy the game! I spent a few hundred hours on the first.
33 00:30:29 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
34 00:36:39   Morgan Porter Sweet fox mom, hope you're doing good today!
35 00:38:26 $5.00   Worl The most important part here are the Overarching stats because they're the hardest to grow. Have fun the game is super open ended.
36 00:39:36 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher I'm annoyingly busy today, but wanted to SC to support cuz I love this. will vod later, have fun I think you'll love this
37 04月30日
  Hades-Kun all hail to the Mother Lord. You got my sword, or what ever that is
38 00:42:15 $100.00   Nigek 「ナイジェッく」
i thought i had to hold back today but i miscalculated
39 00:45:25 €10.00   Pathea Mindi Did someone say we have to pay our royalties?
40 01:01:58 NOK50.00   Jørgen A Bow: Easy to hit, lower damage. Throwing weapons: Difficult to hit with, huge damage. Crossbow: Easiest to hit with, lowest dps due to slow reload.
41 01:06:53 $20.00   MMMaellon fox mom tax <3
42 01:13:15 $5.00   Dagoth Ur I would follow [Off His Meds] Vesper and [Gremlin] Nina into hell and back, we need a Foxhole collab where we form one huge Battalion.
43 01:14:54 $5.00   koffyninja7 in case no one let you know Sturgia is specifically based on kievan rus and the varangians and i think that's neat personally
44 01:15:11 CA$11.00   Inkerlink Taxes? What's that? Is it a joke for poor people I'm too rich to understand?
45 01:16:19 $2.00   Dagoth Ur
Wtf I hate mommy now, I will not pay taxes.
46 01:17:01 $10.00   TaterBurglar I do like roads...
47 01:17:50   Jason Kruta *cough cough* please m'lord, my family has plague and we need money for medicine *cough cough*
48 01:18:16 $5.00   ryanglazner I'll pay my taxes to the rightful Mom-Goddess, but I don't see no crown on that head (yet)!
49 01:20:22 $2.00   Dagoth Ur
I will pay taxes for 1 min of Gremlin voice.
50 04月30日
  vale 1
51 01:23:30 £20.00   Jonathan Faulkner Monthly taxation, my ladyship
52 01:23:50   LaBresych (メンバーシップ入り)
53 01:24:19 $20.00   Rioka
Can we get a bridge? Bridges are nice.
54 04月30日
  I found back my pfp 1
55 01:25:20 £19.99   LaBresych Yes Momma, I will always pay homage
56 01:34:34 $5.00   Djan Sma She's roleplaying a medieval peasant, she can't read
57 01:35:54 $10.00   The Lord of Cringe Dismount is bad at low levels until you have high athletics. Also recommend training your irl skill at blocking the right directions in the arena or something.
58 01:38:50 $5.00   The Lord of Cringe
Speed is a secret mechanic, the faster you go the more damage you do with a hit. Even like, moving your mouse rapidly during an attack helps.
59 04月30日
  John Cordero Nina, it is literally F1 then F3. As in: press nothing but F1, no mouse clicks, then press nothing but F3. that should work. Btw you're doing well
60 01:47:55 CLP11,000   Kahzel Hey Nina does an SC and buying the games you play on stream count as double tax
61 01:49:15   The Duke Of Shades Never played this game before but if fox mom likes it so do I.
62 01:56:22   Scarle's submissive puppy fries (maybe Mika's) Hi mommy, sorry I mean mommy, I mean mommy, sorry I mean
63 04月30日
  DANIELOL8 it is not being a coward , it is strategy , BEEEG BRAIN , happy to be a honeybunny another month keep the good work
64 01:58:01   Vegeta Oujisama MOTHER, I CRAVE CHEDDAR
65 04月30日
  Gyro Juggler the world is your oyster now! go forth and let the legend come back to life!FOR THE MOTHERLORD BROTHERS
66 02:07:02 €5.00   Marshall Banana Keeping horses in your inventory increases your carrying capacity and allows your infantry to ride them when travelling on the map so you go faster.
67 02:14:28 $10.00   Kamen Rider KFP Interesting Medieval Fact: The tapping of a sword apon a knights shoulders during the Knighting Ceremony represents the last blows to their person they will receive without returning one in kind
68 02:15:18 $4.99   The Phantomnaut TIS BUT PRACTICE
69 02:15:32 €2.00   Gyro Juggler number 1 victory royale yeah banner lord
70 02:24:00 $2.00   The Lord of Cringe
There is an auto-block option in settings.
71 02:28:37 $5.00   StreyX Barefoot army, let's go!
72 02:33:48 €2.00   Gyro Juggler
pillaging is just a good deal! i love capitalism
73 02:47:51 $5.00   TheDAWinz
btw if you dont want to run around the villaiges all the time just clicking talk will instantly talk to the villagers
74 02:56:50 $10.00   Rioka
Nina Kosaka is a fickle God, she can only be bought with wine
75 03:02:29 $10.00   Loki Hades Your horse has a charge value, & they do more damage ramming the more momentum you have. This damage is blunt and can knock out enemies for prisoners, same with maces & the like!
76 03:03:09 $5.00   Pig_Tbh Hey Nina, do you know what day it is tomorrow?
77 03:17:29 $5.00   Tucker0603 if you use a mace or hammer you have a better chance of knocking people unconscious to then capture
78 03:17:39 $10.00   Jobonogo If you get lucky over in Vandia (The Red faction) in one of the city area's you can earn the "widowmaker" great axe. In my game it one shot kills anyone and will break shields in 2-3 hits. Have fun!
79 03:18:56   Jobonogo (メンバーシップ入り)
80 03:32:09 $10.00   TheDAWinz
when you go to villages click on the potraits up top give u the option to talk straight to them instead of wandering the villaige clearing up my last hint
81 03:43:07 $5.00   Doom Guy This game can get hectic when "real" battles with lots of people start happening. Be careful Mom
82 03:50:08 $2.00   Doom Guy
I became king by vote. The previous leader was bad
83 03:52:14 $5.00   TheDAWinz
salt kept fish and meat fresh for a long time and fermented fish was also really tasty.
84 04:03:40   Lenzzek ‏‏‎ ‎
85 04:20:32 $10.00   TheDAWinz
Another tip, if you click the circle on the right in the trade screen it locks it in your inventory so you dont accidentally sell it, also holding CTRL while clicknig the arrow moves all of t hat item
86 04:22:53 $5.00   TheDAWinz
you did pick but to confirm it you have to hit done instead of escape/backing out, so you didnt set it lol
87 04:25:40 $10.00   TheDAWinz
the little golden helmet means theres a tournament going on which gives good rewards
88 04:25:44 $4.99   Urban Cohort Even Robin the Hood is technically both bandit and good guy in lore.
89 04:25:45 $9.99   Loki Hades
Not to spoil but the higher quality horses are worth it! They are great for helping with your riding control and speed. Also cows and donkeys will help with carrying more loot. Have lots of fun!
90 05:18:19 $10.00   TheDAWinz
the best part about a spouse is that once you marry them they can go in your party and you can take all their gear for yourself, just like real life!!!! (my wife took my kids)
91 05:21:11 $5.00   TheDAWinz
in party menu right click a unit to see their upgrade path
92 05:27:47 A$5.00   Kadmon Hi Ninaur! It's cool to see you play a favorite of mine, Also it was my birthday yesterday, You're really good at this game btw
93 05:40:20 CLP2,750   Kahzel
certified CK moment
94 05:51:45 $5.00   The Professor Keen You daughter Selen is having her new outfit reveal. Don't forget to drop in and say hi to her.
95 04月30日
  Jonathan Faulkner 5
96 04月30日
  Jonathan Perry 5
97 06:16:22 A$5.00   Jonathan Perry wait till you see his stats
98 06:26:52 $5.00   TheDAWinz
give him a bow, 2 stacks of quivers, and a 2 handed polearm and he is a god
99 06:32:00 $5.00   TheDAWinz
if you started with default difficulty hero death might be off
100 06:34:53 $5.00   TheDAWinz
its under campaign options placed right above regular options which is confusing lol
101 06:45:59 $10.00   Jobonogo
I was actually playing Total War Warhammer 3 when you first started Lmao. It's really fun and it'd be awesome if you played. High Elves and Empire of man all the way!
102 04月30日
  Miniscooter 50
103 06:58:56 $10.00   TheDAWinz
you should be able to finish talking to him after a day or two, then talk to the clan leader to arrange the marriage, i'd save before doing another talk
104 07:52:29 $5.00   Ozmin Weller "Chopping the heads off of men who were already dead." That is line is so raw, it make me grow a beard.
105 07:57:23 $2.00   Sweet Steve Have a good night! Thanks for the extensive stream
106 08:04:52 $10.00   JustPhoYou Having grown up with Warband and now playing Bannerlord it warms my heart to see you play this game! Hope you've been having tons of fun Nina!!
107 08:17:02 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher
hey nina remember when I said I was busy but knew you'd love this game? well I'm no longer busy, and the 8 hour uptime tells me I was right lol
108 08:24:21 IDR50,000.00   Firhan Bagus Adji Hi Nina, glad that you play this degenerate favorite game of mine! not so many people stream this, and hope you stream this game more!
109 08:40:35 A$5.00   Jonathan Perry
If your sister in law doesn't know you, does that mean you told your brother to steal her armor on your behalf?
110 09:06:42 $10.00   TheDAWinz
This stream is now certified PREGGERS
111 09:07:23 $5.00   Crazy_Person_23 Wow. Mother is still going after 9 hours. Now that's what I call dedication.
112 09:26:46 $5.00   TheDAWinz
you have death disabled, and hero death in battle is only 2% so its really low
113 09:34:37 $5.00   Mic Mac (aka LostnConfusion) Rose: Jack, do you know what day it is tomorrow?