配信名【GHOST WATCHERS COLLAB】i am baby i am scared【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 25 213.06 \27,598
EUR EUR 2 10.00 \1,408
CA$ CAD 4 14.00 \1,353
£ GBP 2 6.79 \1,089
HK$ HKD 2 15.00 \248
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \172
MX$ MXN 1 25.00 \171
ARS ARS 2 180.00 \127
---- ---- ---- ---- \32,166
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月22日
$2.00   Cheliax
2 01月22日
$2.00   Seymour
3 01月22日
$1.49   outcast777
4 01月22日
  Drex (メンバーシップ入り)
5 01月22日
$2.00   Solid Takezo
6 01月22日
$2.00   StarCreator who watches the watchers
7 01月22日
  Clockwerk (メンバーシップ入り)
8 01月23日
CA$2.00   Virulent ビルレント Congrats on participating in the AR Live!
9 01月23日
$0.99   Murphy
10 01月23日
$1.49   fake NEET
11 01月23日
12 01月23日
  Sophie 10
13 00:04:23   Zuuni (メンバーシップ入り)
14 00:06:33 €5.00   sango323 There's a british Dating show where you pick a partner by inspecting their bits, i kid you not.
15 00:07:39 MX$25.00   Miguelina Latina represent, u get a pass pomu
16 00:09:28 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15 IS THIS WHY YOU GOT IN THE BOX WITH PAZ?
17 00:09:41 $5.00   mistfist Pomu Rainpuff: "NO 10 YEAR OLD CAN RUN AWAY FROM ME"
18 00:10:22 $2.00   Murphy
Ojimu let's gooo
19 00:13:30 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
The inside of a booba was designed by Junji Ito
20 00:25:47 IDR20,000.00   David「Titanium」 SUCH A LUST FOR REVENGE WHOOOOO
21 00:35:15 $5.00   James117Bond *Looks in Mirror*
22 00:38:20 HK$10.00   Noel Sylphiel - Jokerronii Lover (a無言スパチャ)
23 00:39:03 HK$5.00   Noel Sylphiel - Jokerronii Lover
24 01月23日
  Clockwerk My egg has begun to hatch! Keep up the good work and I hope your 3D goes phenomenally. I won’t be able to see it live because of work unfortunately
25 00:42:06   Secreed (メンバーシップ入り)
26 01月23日
27 00:56:17 $1.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto- Ever heard of Voodoo Donuts? *chefs kiss*
28 01:19:00 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Is that The Puff In Pomupuff
29 01:20:52 €5.00   hetepatat I believe in you Pomupuff! You can get all the tasks and identify the ghost.
30 01:28:56   Streaks (メンバーシップ入り)
31 01:32:52 $4.99   osos Quantum Leap moment
32 01:48:06   keumjoo 9 months is almost an entire baby holy cow
33 01:51:34   陳茁越 nice boss
34 01:59:22 $10.00   fake NEET
Nice job!
35 01:59:39 £1.79   T-Mo Fisher [ティモ] BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD
36 01月23日
  Banana GG boss
37 01月23日
  Daniela congrats!
38 02:00:03 CA$5.00   KBarn The Poltergeist has been added to your GhostieDex. The Poltergeist was sent to your PC.
39 02:00:17 ARS90.00   ima rafan You are gonna extract HIM?
40 02:00:44   Death1846 Great Job
41 02:18:09 $2.00   Jesse Absolutely wombo combo'd that man
42 02:26:21 CA$2.00   KBarn
Have you ever seen a Quokka though?
43 02:26:48 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Sometimes you feed on a Cappybara
44 02:27:43 $2.00   Rogue Beware of KFC biscuits
45 02:38:38 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Don't boo her she's right
46 02:53:14 $0.99   saehee jung
47 02:53:26 $22.32   fake NEET
Thanks for the fun collab!
48 01月23日
49 02:55:14 CA$5.00   Virulent ビルレント
You started out slow but you were super cracked at the end. Thanks for the stream!
50 02:57:43 $122.32   Mog Moogle Lunar New Year money for bad decisions
51 02:57:52 $1.49   Cooper Black
52 02:58:42   KaiserJosef (メンバーシップ入り)
53 02:59:27 £5.00   spannerbrain it's called naked attraction, not that I've ever watched it
54 03:03:17 ARS90.00   ima rafan
Have you seen a Pudu? It's a similar animal
55 03:04:34 $1.99   Murphy