配信名【Shadow Corridor】CLASSIC JAPANESE HORROR!?【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime | XSOLEIL】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 15 9570 \9,570
$ USD 9 35.99 \4,766
HK$ HKD 3 133.00 \2,260
SGD SGD 2 22.00 \2,169
A$ AUD 1 20.00 \1,796
IDR IDR 2 200000.00 \1,704
THB THB 5 420.00 \1,610
NT$ TWD 1 170.00 \732
CA$ CAD 2 6.49 \635
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \282
£ GBP 1 1.49 \238
R$ BRL 2 7.00 \175
---- ---- ---- ---- \25,937
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:06:33 ¥3,200   Karen 遅くなっちゃったけど昨日の配信お疲れ様&10万人おめでとう〜!かわいくてお話がとっても面白くてみんなのことを沢山想ってくれてるんだなって伝わるコトカちゃんが大好きです次のマイルストーンは必ずリアタイするねこれからもずっと応援してます…
2 00:06:37 ¥510   樰霊 遅くなっちゃったけど10万人おめでとう! ことちいつもありがとう!これからも推し! かげろう頑張ってー!
3 00:06:40 THB200.00   Mircheis Congrats on ur 100k subs!!
4 00:06:52 ¥1,000   muhi Congrats on 10k subs! Love your content
5 00:07:18 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy this supa focus on desk-kun recovery. kiwakiwakiwa
6 00:07:51 ¥1,000   muhi
I missed one 0 mb
7 00:08:09 ¥1,000   DoJ 耐久お疲れ様&10億万人おめでとう₍₍(ง˘ω˘)ว⁾⁾
8 00:08:16 HK$25.00   HOT RANDOM ELIRA'S FOREVER CAKE NOISES Congratulations on 100k!! I dozed off when you hit it but I'll be sure to be awake when you hit 200k!
9 00:09:01 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy
oh i hope supa could make sound like streamlab
10 00:09:30 ¥140   Gorilla
11 00:10:35 SGD20.00   カテリナ Couldnt make it yesterday but, congrats on 100k Subs!! 400k views soon for G4L too. Proud of your progress, heres to the next milestone soon!
12 00:11:12 IDR100,000.00   Meer Kotoka LOVE
13 00:11:19 ¥140   こんぱろ
14 00:11:40 ¥500   よしだ ホラー画面見れる自信ないけど悲鳴は聞いてるからね
15 00:13:03 IDR100,000.00   ナイト Belated congrats on 100k subs, sorry for not making it till the end last night, fell asleep at 99800.
16 00:15:05 R$5.00   woda Today I have you on speakers. Now is the time, Koto. Make my neighbors file a noise complaint. I'm counting on you!
17 00:15:57 HK$100.00   FriendA Congrats on 100k!
18 00:16:51 NT$170.00   白河ウェリン ホラゲーマジで無理から、逃げたいです、先にスパーチャット投げます。 友達を無理矢理連れて一緒に見るけど怖くて多分画面見えできない、それでもコトちゃんの悲鳴楽しみ
19 01:17:00 ¥200   都築八雲 (a無言スパチャ)
20 01:22:41 $10.00   Ziryo What's this? A horror game with our cute Gyaru Gamer Girl? No better way to spend my time!
21 01:22:43 $10.00   VanguardCommander We can be scared together
22 01:23:58 €2.00   HanzoSK Behind you
23 01:26:27 ¥400   ヌワスノワヌワヌワ
24 01:35:33 $2.00   VanguardCommander
Speed run lets go
25 01:51:09 $5.00   VanguardCommander
They were giving us time to plan our next strategy
26 02:04:03 THB100.00   playboo🦊 fighting !
27 02:04:21 R$2.00   woda
nice balls
28 02:08:32 ¥500   muhi
Desk fund
29 02:08:47 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy
the kiwakiwa's timing couldnt be better
30 02:13:40 $1.00   VanguardCommander
31 02:14:06 $1.00   VanguardCommander
32 02:14:23 ¥200   たこさん
33 02:14:34 $1.00   VanguardCommander
34 02:14:51 £1.49   Jojo
35 02:14:57 ¥140   Gorilla
36 02:15:02 $1.00   VanguardCommander
37 02:15:06 HK$8.00   FriendA
38 02:15:17 CA$1.49   Joe Cool
39 02:45:08 ¥500   よしだ
Hime no Himei TSKR
40 03:10:40 $4.99   Alex Chamblin Congrats on 100k! Hope you have a great new year!
41 03:35:31 CA$5.00   Joe Cool
a a day keeps the WOOOOOOOOOOOOOH away
42 03:41:44 ¥140   Gorilla
43 03:43:34 A$20.00   basedpomu you've done so well so far! ganbakoto
44 03:51:18 SGD2.00   カテリナ
Thank you for attending Death Metal concert