配信名【PC BUILDING SIMULATOR】 I don't know anything about PC building... 【NIJISANJI EN | Finana Ryugu】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 10 76.96 \10,499
EUR EUR 3 14.00 \2,023
A$ AUD 1 7.99 \733
PEN PEN 2 12.00 \429
---- ---- ---- ---- \13,684
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:56   SilencedBarbarian (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:04:36 $5.00   mii Build something that can run Flight Simulator on Ultra
3 02月26日
  Iron Monkey🐠 Love for feeshie!! Love for the homies!
4 02月26日
  Roy O'Red
5 00:09:46   Heins egg
6 00:19:14   TARDISBoy1 (メンバーシップ入り)
7 02月26日
  Tsunderathalos 5
8 02月26日
  Yee Xian Teoh Takashi Glad to be your membership for one month. Finana I won't let you down
9 02月26日
  Caramel 5
10 02月26日
  Sophie 10
11 00:30:46   KitsuneHime Love the wallpaper
12 00:31:30 $5.00   Lapis Rose Ch. Speaking of Ely, going through Chapter 29 now~
13 00:31:41 $19.99   RaydoBaconDude I dream about Bacon, But Im perplexed. The Suit is Immaculate. Slay The Day.
14 00:40:07 $4.99   JudaiKitsune While your computer's crashing, mine's multitasking It does all my work without me even asking
15 02月26日
  Miniscooter 50
16 01:03:53 $4.99   Kunia Veas If only this kind of budgeting can go towards Gacha
17 01:22:01   Frosty Waddle (メンバーシップ入り)
18 01:26:04   ShikiMSHTS Does your PC monitor face the room door important question
19 01:32:51   ホルト-holt-霍尔特 (メンバーシップ入り)
20 01:33:36   Archer_11 (メンバーシップ入り)
21 01:39:00   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス] (メンバーシップ入り)
22 01:40:16   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス]
23 01:43:02 $1.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス]
24 01:48:50   Trevilan (メンバーシップ入り)
25 02:03:22 $20.00   Dan Sullivan Dealing with other people's personal computers is fr fr the worst job I've ever had aside from making food.
26 02:30:30 A$7.99   Randomperson2021 Hey Finana, can you take a look at my PC? It keeps making noises that sound suspiciously like the words “Feed me”.
27 02:39:20 PEN6.00   Cobalnite I desperately need to upgrade my RAM I keep freezing up when I'm with you
28 02:42:32 €10.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler) Help. I have a problem with my PC here a Green Hair girl with Fins as ears on my Computer. She constantly ask for Dorritos and she is really cute. How can I help her or how can I bring her into RL
29 02:45:34 €2.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
Sell? Ha, I would never, it seems she is my now
30 02:51:43 PEN6.00   Cobalnite
BTW could you recommend me what type of coolant you use? it must be really powerful to handle how hot you are
31 03:08:08   Firemaker60 (メンバーシップ入り)
32 03:41:43   Anourack Phongsavath Hi Finana
33 04:01:47 $5.00   Salty Z3r0 thanks for the stream fish
34 04:03:31 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver I really like it when you stream stuff like this and more story based games I hope you do more soon!
35 04:04:30 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
feesh got sweaty building PCs.....anyways OTSUFEESH thank you for the stream. imma send you a letter soon hopefully!!
36 04:04:33 €2.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
This data feesh not real feesh