記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 13 224.95 \30,942
£ GBP 2 55.00 \9,466
NOK NOK 2 100.00 \1,284
VND 3 140000 \820
CA$ CAD 1 5.50 \558
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \335
R$ BRL 1 11.00 \303
CLP CLP 1 1100 \187
---- ---- ---- ---- \43,895
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月03日
  AUSTIN M (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:04:01 £50.00   Jonathan Faulkner (a無言スパチャ)
3 05月03日
  testchief7 Hi mom, I got Bailu and had so much fun with all the healing. Also, I'm about to go to bed, so goodnight
4 00:08:45 $100.00   Mori Mouse I'm so excited you're doing the main story, it's amazing. Your streams are so fun. Here's for the gacha fund!
5 00:09:24 ₫100,000   asd asd I have found very cool thing in this game. If you can, Go to menu(esc) > Data bank > Factions >Masked Fools and read the quote, you will be surprised.
6 05月03日
  Jonathan Faulkner 10
7 05月03日
  Foreman589 1 year 1 pull?
8 00:19:01 ₫20,000   asd asd
Masked fool is a very cool reference
9 00:19:23 $5.00   Dingus Sadly VOD gang as this is where I am in Star Rail, but wanted to say I'm thrilled you like it! It's my 1st Hoyo game. I went from cynical to obsessed.
10 05月03日
  Davren Helsmere Now that we're in Belobog, please Nina, I beg, examine EVERY trash can. Please, my literal trashcan wife needs the money
11 00:20:55 ₫20,000   asd asd
it from famous song
12 05月03日
  Syukree Ismail hii mom!! how's star rail?
13 00:51:25   Applepie The pipe puzzles of Bioshock will never leave...
14 01:14:02 $20.00   Tyrant King Can you say this fast: Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie..?
15 01:16:18 $2.00   AnhThu Quach welcome back Mom!!!!
16 01:23:36 $5.00   Odyssey Eurobeat Childhood is a lot like being drunk— once you're done with it, you realize you've done things folks will never let ya live down. ; u ;
17 01:24:15   Elf Akechi (メンバーシップ入り)
18 01:25:03 NOK50.00   KokoroSunagaru (a無言スパチャ)
19 01:33:56 NOK50.00   KokoroSunagaru
My first Superchat ever and I forgot to type a message. Just wanted to say I forgot how cozy your stream was. Your stream really is relaxing to me.
20 01:35:08 CA$5.50   JetStream A'ight, I'm convinced this is the best part of StarRail; hands down.
21 01:38:58 NT$75.00   Vesper's Toe Jam Sandwich I love how the MC is portrayed in this game! compared to other silent MC I feel like trailblazer has a lot more personality based on your dialog choic
22 01:39:29   あぽろ (メンバーシップ入り)
23 01:50:02 $5.00   deadlysamurikenshin Newly discovered Fox mom from the collab with Kiwawa. Loved your Slay the Spire videos.
24 02:18:18   zack (メンバーシップ入り)
25 02:35:21 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi HOOK, line, and stinker!
26 05月03日
  Kindle Nyx 5
27 03:00:05   Filipe Ferrari I'm laaaate, what did I miss mom?
28 05月03日
  Tiqian お金 Morning Mom
29 05月03日
  Jose S. Mom, are we having the John Wick lvl 100 Skin?
30 03:28:12   Cristian Oshino Uno
31 03:32:32 R$11.00   Filipe Ferrari Cdawg, Gigguk and TheAnimeMan voiced NPCs comming up
32 03:34:02 $50.00   Dotolie Hello, Nina! It's a bit late after my birthday, but I wanted to give my first superchat to my favoritest Fox Mom; love what you do!
33 03:39:48   David Cui Nina is my favorite Fox Antiquity
34 03:40:01 $9.99   Bacon Slayer American and english accents in Space Gives it a comedic Effect. Imagine Italian spacenauts.
35 03:52:28 $19.99   Bacon Slayer
“Vinny You vented the Spaghetti out into the Vacuum of space!! You got hit with Ma’s Rolling pin too many times?” Lucio Admonished “Relax Lucio, That Crap was made with store bought Filth, We can do better.” Defended Vinny.
36 03:53:53 £5.00   歌乃パンドラ Ch. [Cyberlive] AM WALKIN' 'ERE!
37 04:00:40 $1.99   Bacon Slayer
Beep beep Beep! I will haunt your dreams!
38 04:03:02 $1.99   Bacon Slayer
That robot looks like a war crime in the making.
39 04:03:09 CLP1,100   DarkOne Beep Beep Beep, now i have to go, enjoy the game!
40 04:05:01 $1.99   Bacon Slayer
The robot sound like Batman “ Wheres RACHEL?!”