記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 18 151.97 \19,917
EUR EUR 6 29.00 \4,096
CA$ CAD 4 40.00 \3,913
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \495
PEN PEN 1 6.00 \204
MYR MYR 1 2.50 \75
---- ---- ---- ---- \28,700
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月18日
  Yuki Baskerville (メンバーシップ入り)
2 01月19日
  ReisenZen (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:03:40 $10.00   Pinkerton Good morning Feesh! Thank you for a delightful AI meet and greet experience and the amazing concert!I'm glad to report I survived the twerking with no injuries.
4 00:12:11   Waifu Snatcher Honestly I wanted to go to the meet and greet but I didn’t get a ticket in time but next time I definitely willllllllll love ya Fish
5 00:15:21 MYR2.50   Yee Xian Teoh Takashi
6 00:21:52 $5.00   ThomastheGintamaguy now that its chap 6, you can invite Majima to do Karaoke with Kiryu.
7 00:27:03 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo No lie, every time Kiryu says OI has me on my knees
8 00:27:42 €2.00   Lucky Nag💾👾 Love you Finana
9 00:48:55 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
I'm very tempted to skip my driving class later this evening to continue simping for Sayama Mommy
10 00:51:25 $5.00   TheLostHazardOne Bye Finana, time for work. please give my regards to Aika-san, she helped me thru hard times growing up.
11 01:22:36 $5.00   Elizord What type of egg do you speak of?
12 01:24:37   Elyusia [Guardian] Egg, heheheheh. Sorry, force of habit. Prolonged exposure to our lovely feesh has permanently contaminated my brain.
13 01:41:23 €5.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler) That's Mr. Kiryu Kazama ladies and gentelman attractor of all kind from ladies to simple thugs
14 01:42:57 €5.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
and apparently he mastered the art of temporarily invisibility
15 02:05:27 CA$20.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
The gray portion of the heat bar is locked. As you fill it up with attacks, it'll go from black to blue (gray part still locked). Once the heat bar is fully blue, you can use Extreme Heat Mode, hope this helps!
16 02:21:21   Grey Hare Archie Mommy? For once, I am truly sorry
17 02:22:47 €5.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
In defense of the Ryuguards not all of them are like this some are more downbad as others
18 02:22:53 $4.99   Kunia Veas I’m in this picture and I hate it LOL
19 02:23:37 $5.00   Lapis Rose Ch. I mean, milkies are milkies right?
20 02:24:48 $5.00   SliceSabre Finana is the one with the pamper voice pack...just saying guys...
21 02:25:25   Usny (メンバーシップ入り)
22 02:27:55 €10.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
I'm your Butler but I won't go this far with everyone else here. Like Mr.Kazama said "just because you are into something, doesn't mean everyone else is into this"
23 02:29:56 SGD5.00   Ryesia I do wonder how much she knows what each of us posts on Twitter
24 02:35:30 €2.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
Me Baby? When?
25 02:44:53   Hobbs (メンバーシップ入り)
26 03:25:31   Frosty Waddle (メンバーシップ入り)
27 03:31:34 $2.00   ThomastheGintamaguy
can we do Karaoke with Majima?
28 03:34:08 PEN6.00   Cobalnite BTW Feesh are you a dictionary? Because you give me meaning
29 03:39:49 $5.00   vante2 Did you know the girls in the cabaret club are based off (and voice acted by) real gravure idols and japanese pornstars?
30 04:44:37 $5.00   Salty Z3r0 thanks for the stream Fina, always fun
31 04:44:52 $5.00   Lapis Rose Ch.
Kiryu date whoo hooooooo
32 04:48:34 $4.99   Paper_Bag_Friend Thank you for the stream, also it was nice meeting you at Anime Impulse. Sorry for being nervous the entire time, but also glad you liked my mask.
33 04:51:28 CA$10.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
I long for the day Lazulight does a concert on a grand stage like the Bell Center here in Montreal that's one hell of a way to tell the normies we're taking over
34 04:52:21 $5.00   ShikiMSHTS Thank you for stream and it was a joy to see you at AI. I was Egg Hoodie you. Sorry for becoming spaghetti on the spot when talking to you
35 04:53:44 $4.99   Paper_Bag_Friend
I was that same paper bag guy
36 04:55:50 $20.00   chocolate insomniac Was so nice meeting you at impulse Finana! it was surreal hearing u say nanodesu in person. I meant it when I said your Honkai streams are the best! Btw, u slayed it at hopconcert. - Guy wearing the BRUH hat
37 05:03:52 $5.00   mii 47 hours until 3D
38 05:06:31 $5.00   Jasmine MilkT hello finance! thanks for gacha rolling for me in m&g, Hope you get Viper when she comes out!
39 05:09:53 $50.00   QueXaL Anime Impulse was a blast! I was the one with the Fu Hua hoodie during the meet and greet. It was a bit nerve-wrecking but 100% worth. The Hop Concert was amazing, especially during the DCL chants. Dont usually go to cons, but I had to go to meet you
40 05:10:33   OreoTheFrog Goddess of Victory! (Ur mom)