配信名Good morning.🥺👉👈💖【NIJISANJI EN | Scarle Yonaguni】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 81 231.85 \30,386
A$ AUD 16 63.96 \5,705
EUR EUR 3 17.99 \2,530
PHP PHP 8 697.00 \1,641
CA$ CAD 3 12.00 \1,159
NT$ TWD 6 180.00 \769
NZ$ NZD 2 7.00 \582
THB THB 3 120.00 \455
YEN YEN 2 340 \340
£ GBP 1 2.00 \317
WON KRW 1 2000 \207
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \178
---- ---- ---- ---- \44,269
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:05:18   Mclovin is AWESOME (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:05:46 A$5.00   wemajor Anti-Pickle fund 456/4500 Morning Scarle! hope you slept well Also, Biancka sends her apologies, she had to to go sleep
3 00:07:07 $2.00   Vivy Core scarle it is 6am est what is going on
4 00:07:15 ¥200   柿助 HELLO~(by kakisuke)HAPPY NEW YEAR !
5 00:07:17 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15 Happy I stayed up till 3 to see Scarle now I sleep
6 00:07:36 A$3.00   Scarnon GOOD EVENING SCARLE
7 00:08:24 $2.00   Cyborg Ed Soo was that crazy chick gimmick a one time thing?
8 00:08:37 $10.00   Rashzakea Sorry I can't stay for the whole stream, but I am so glad you actually got sleep! Please take it easy before tonight's stream too Goin' to sleep listening to you. Love you Scarle!
9 00:09:31 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉) 658 f words in1st stream,still waiting p2 subtitle
10 00:11:30 $1.99   FizzicalBrute Just wanted to say goodnight love ya scarle
11 00:12:20 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. Heyo Mystic Milk Coffee Cafe Scuff Mommmy
12 00:15:33 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
But that's all your tweets
13 00:22:10 $2.00   SA Soldier That goodmorning tweet at 11pm is prime Yonaguni
14 00:23:45 $4.99   dabombishere123 Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t get the memo. Here you go
15 00:25:19 $2.00   SA Soldier
I still dont remember consenting to this marriage
16 00:25:30 CA$5.00   Momohaku I dunno it's hard to see the color, might need to get even closer!
17 00:26:01 A$2.99   Kales Lags Time to wear the seiso shirt (staph Susan pls)
18 00:27:18 $1.99   dabombishere123
A beautiful necklace pointing at the real treasure
19 00:28:23 $2.00   Frantix3654 How I wish I was that shirt button
20 00:29:20 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Hello new C*mers (My o key seems to be boken)
21 00:29:27 NT$30.00   華鳥風月 I would like to clip this, out of context
22 00:30:54 NZ$5.00   Lone Mistborn I feel like red riding hood right now because I can't help but think "Oh Scarle what big eyes you have"
23 00:31:46 $4.99   Cshadez Yep
24 00:32:14 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
New years resolution Scarlings you must become as strong as Scarles button
25 00:32:44 A$2.99   Kales Lags
Are you enjoying this Briskadets?
26 00:32:56 ₩2,000   교자만두🥟Mandu
27 00:33:11 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
my 2023 dream is your new outfit with pit reveal
28 00:33:14 NT$30.00   Fluffy Kat💋 Can I kith mika the booba mole
29 00:33:18 $2.00   SA Soldier
Lord forgive me for I HAVE simmped
30 00:34:03 $1.99   Ann mommy told me this was the kids channel :(
31 00:34:08 MYR6.00   edoge14 WE MUST STAY STRONG CHAT
32 00:34:14 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 Legit free pomuhub. Ppl r shiko shiko on u fr fr
33 00:34:22 A$5.00   Damon DuskLight Just a thought but I think Staff-San gave you those assets to test what streamers could get away with, might be over thinking jt
34 00:34:30 ¥140   りょうへい
35 00:37:04 $2.00   Doom Guy Not a boob person myself, but thanks for the meal.
36 00:38:32 $2.00   SA Soldier
37 00:39:06 $1.99   dabombishere123
We eating good at Scarle’s bakery
38 00:39:07 £2.00   Yugoxgc Probably Shouldn't watch the stream Next to my Mom
39 00:39:16 PHP50.00   Stari you have no power here. my switch is turned off.
40 00:39:44   Raziel Faustus am perceiving respectfully
41 00:45:32 PHP50.00   Stari
That's it. I'm cutting the power to my house.
42 00:45:39 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Sorry chat Reminder no ruining here
43 00:46:28 $1.99   Nihil Big abearican teddies
44 00:47:53 $5.00   SA Soldier
For those who dont know 100% Submissive 100% Rope bunny 100% Degradee 100% Brat 100% Masochist =500% now you can pout for real
45 00:49:23 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
What is a rope Bunny? well if you look at exhibit A on your Screen right now
46 00:49:27   Mateus Oliveira .
47 00:50:30 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
Rope Bunny (BDSM, slang) a person who enjoys being tied up with a rope - Say thanks to google cuz it has all the answers
48 00:50:49 $1.99   Nihil
That explains the bra so much
49 00:51:40 PHP50.00   Stari
I already shut my power off. Stop turning me on!!!
50 00:52:05 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
I still remember you almost corrupting maririn last stream with cursed knowledge
51 00:54:44 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Have you ever tried jump king its a really EZ game
52 00:59:48 $1.99   Nihil
That should’ve been me
53 00:59:53 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
54 01:00:26 $1.99   dabombishere123
Awww so you did get a new years kiss
55 01月02日
  Fluffy Kat💋 5
56 01:01:17 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Fan artist where are you when we need you?
57 01:01:30 $1.99   Nihil
You’re welcome Hex
58 01:01:52 $2.00   Edna Mode Hey Scarle it's been a while but today is my bday!
59 01月02日
  Nero2276(Scarle Thighs Worshipper) oh, poggers
60 01:02:40 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille out of everything, there's three
61 01:02:51 $2.00   AstroSphinx
62 01:02:58 $2.00   Vivy Core
Hex help Babyg-I mean Scarle
63 01:03:12 NZ$2.00   Lone Mistborn
Do you think Hex could secretly be a Scarling?
64 01:03:16 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille
threez nuts
65 01:03:20 €2.00   Nero2276(Scarle Thighs Worshipper) so, roomie stream when
66 01月02日
  Command Center Your fellow Niji friends may bully you, but hey, we like you Scarle, bully us to ease the pain
67 01:04:41 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
That was uncanny
68 01:05:00 A$2.99   Kales Lags
You’re now Scarlex Yonawire
69 01:06:39 THB40.00   Noppaton To Command, Affirmative let Scarle bully us.
70 01:07:55 $2.00   SA Soldier
Scarle couldnt bully hr way out of a wet paper bag
71 01:09:01 $2.00   Frantix3654
The wet paper bag would bully Scarle
72 01:09:01 THB40.00   Noppaton
So.... Bully ASMR when?
73 01月02日
74 01:09:44 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle is actually smaller than even the baby Scarling perspective just make it seems otherwise
75 01:15:22 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle is not a baby she hasn't even been conceived yet
76 01:16:12 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
77 01:16:31 $1.99   dabombishere123
Goo goo gaga
78 01:16:47 €10.00   Mika's juicy Scarle baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
79 01:17:05 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Even better Pickussy time
80 01:18:07 $1.99   dabombishere123
We doing pickussy shots?
81 01:18:08 A$5.00   wemajor
Anti-Pickle fund (461/4500) $4039 more and your a$$ is grass Pickle. Be prepared, it will happen
82 01:19:34 €5.99   Lau Idk why but I cannot join the membership uh, so here a supa for u and mister Pickle <3
83 01:23:50 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
84 01月02日
  NotSoDeadpool15 5
85 01:24:49 $2.00   SA Soldier
Finally, the moment ive been waiting for
86 01:24:50 THB40.00   Noppaton
YES Violence is always a answer
87 01:24:57 A$5.00   JayT Ma'am I am warning you when I engage in hand to hand combat it won't be pretty
88 01:24:58 $2.00   Kibbles Good Morning Scarle! What is with the knife?
89 01:26:07 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
The Universe Stopped It Cause Scarle Can't Be Top
90 01:26:56 $2.00   Starstruckkitty room cleaning stream?
91 01:26:59 $2.00   Kibbles
You are being haunted by either Reimu or Mika
92 01:27:21   Drägøth TH quick scarle pass the knife we'll protect you
93 01:27:23 $1.99   dabombishere123
You are a gamer. It’s just Phasmophobia IRL
94 01:27:49 $2.00   Starstruckkitty
why not i love room cleaning streams
95 01:27:57 A$5.00   Damon DuskLight
If it suddenly knocked itself over you might have a spider in there
96 01:28:34 A$5.00   JayT
we have to cross the streams to defeat the ghost
97 01:29:57 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Come on Ghost you might get Scarle but you can't get all of us
98 01:36:03 $2.00   SA Soldier
How much do i pay so i can stay in that room /J
99 01:37:03 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Ghost-Chan you can come live with me I need Someone to grind games while I'm at work dont even have to pay rent I'll lay out a summoning circle for ya
100 01:37:28 A$5.00   JayT
I would legitimately stay in that room messing around with a Ouija board just to see if something happens
101 01:40:28 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Morning Scarle, how was your sleep? What did I miss because I'm late and just got up
102 01:51:31 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
I always thought I was a Matter Baby
103 01:52:15 $2.00   StarCreator I'm blue da bi dee da bu da
104 01:52:16 $5.00   Drägøth TH Is that why the other kids scream when we play with them
105 01:52:56 PHP50.00   Stari
Hell yeah. I'm just like my mixtape.
106 01:53:18   Dud (メンバーシップ入り)
107 01:53:44 A$2.00   JayT
I'm made of fire? no wonder I eat charcoal lol
108 01:54:14 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Is this like Futurama where we are our own father
109 01:55:31 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
My farther always said I came from a staff
110 01:56:21 $2.00   SA Soldier
So you say we ARENT blood related? Good
111 01:56:37 $2.00   Ask Gosu Parfait Can we be yellow if we are Pikachu?
112 01月02日
  cerise🍒 5
113 01:59:16 $2.00   Ask Gosu Parfait
Can I shock you like Pikachu did ash lol
114 01:59:33 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Remember chat don't drink the yellow fire
115 02:02:29 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
116 02:04:48 A$2.00   JayT
Elementary my dear Scarle
117 02:06:22 CA$2.00   Samantha Hair New Year Big Sis!! I've missed you!
118 02:11:04 CA$5.00   Samantha
if you have tako assets I request a tako Scarling, for no particular reason
119 02:15:08 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
The Game Grumps are there too
120 02:17:04 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle if you were a man you'd be Emo Spongebob
121 02:23:24 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle this is why you're GOATED always amazing to watch
122 02:25:55 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle would be a nice version of Vicky she'd still down bad though
123 02:37:41 $9.99   Celtic_Ryoko Love you scarle heading to work now
124 02:44:07 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
125 02:46:09 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
I thought your birthday is everyday. HBD btw
126 02:47:10 $2.00   Drägøth TH
yo it's scarles b day
127 02:48:50 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
128 02:51:13 $5.00   Charlie Spurr Sup Scarle. Someone stole my package lol. It wasn't even anything valuable! It was Ash's hat from pokemon!
129 02:53:54 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
We know cause if you knew what you were gunna do you'd leak it to us already
130 02:55:45 PHP50.00   LeidenFrost Throwing in my suggestion: #FelizCumpleañoguni
131 02:57:55 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
I'm relatively new, what is that fire elemental thing there? is it like, your familiar?
132 02:58:00 $2.00   SA Soldier
We wanted a picture of YOUR cake not that cake
133 03:00:21 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle there's an amazing cake behind you can you just turn around to see it
134 03:00:32 A$5.00   Damon DuskLight
What would a glass Scarling look like? I'm just imagining myself as a black sheep in the community
135 03:04:09 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
can you make it blush?
136 03:04:13 A$2.99   E T H Y R E Y L you should see what strawberry pavlovas are :)
137 03:04:48 $2.00   SA Soldier
That reminds me we need a blush emote
138 03:05:53 A$5.00   Damon DuskLight
Thanks for that Scarle, I was hoping that that might help the community design their little Scarling flames differently
139 01月02日
  XDD Happy new year Scarle get a good rest