記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 23 102.97 \13,513
£ GBP 12 36.00 \5,687
YEN YEN 3 2300 \2,300
CA$ CAD 4 22.00 \2,152
R$ BRL 3 83.70 \2,131
ILS ILS 1 35.90 \1,378
PHP PHP 6 500.00 \1,209
NT$ TWD 4 250.00 \1,093
IDR IDR 2 100000.00 \869
RON RON 1 25.00 \724
HK$ HKD 1 38.00 \635
EUR EUR 2 4.00 \567
A$ AUD 3 6.00 \544
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \495
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \461
PLN PLN 1 10.00 \300
CZK CZK 1 50.00 \297
INR INR 1 100.00 \159
---- ---- ---- ---- \34,514
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月05日
  rhys (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:02:45 HK$38.00   Gabbie🦁🐣 Morning pio, It’s a bit too early for me! I’ll watch the VOD later! Have fun
3 00:06:50 PHP75.00   aLLeyC4t
4 00:08:36 $5.00   Spades scammed
5 00:09:21 $2.00   Jax Lunarcile Lowkey was a scam bro
6 00:09:44 $5.00   vy :3 can't believe i paid rent just for a lightmode scam
7 00:09:54 £2.00   シトラス D_IKEA funds....
8 00:11:38 $5.00   shaeplays videogames according to spongebob a grill is not a grill and a home is not a home Withoooout yooooooou
9 00:11:42   Calciferol (メンバーシップ入り)
10 00:13:05   Levon Arkovsky (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:13:32 CA$2.00   D K I call second spin!
12 00:13:49 £2.00   シトラス
this sounds like how bowling alley carpet looks
13 00:16:52 $2.00   Ms. Len I like it, Picasso!
14 00:17:54 PHP50.00   deric | でりく doppicasso so true
15 00:18:03 £5.00   Meu-Static You never cease to amaze us sweet boi Have fun!!
16 00:18:19 £5.00   シトラス
this chair de wiggles is clearly inspired by the natural curves of art nouveau masterful work
17 00:18:36 $2.00   Jax Lunarcile
I'm scared for what our room is going to look....
18 00:19:01 PLN10.00   Sedave let's go rng wheel!
19 00:20:31   Sophia Sunesson (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:21:04 NT$75.00   KH R.I.P UMA 🫡
21 00:21:40 $5.00   Jax Lunarcile
hecarim's new skin, let's go!
22 00:21:41 €2.00   kollapsi【ˢᵗᵃʳᵍᵃʸᶻᵉʳ】 I'm gonna get that horse as a tattoo, thanks pio
23 00:21:44 R$27.90   koui the D stands for Davinky
24 00:22:04 ₹100.00   Zhongli Deprived doppio horsescythe
25 00:22:16 $4.99   mish🌸[Uki’s wannabe sugarmama] How is the chair gonna have more hoof than the horse
26 00:22:55 CA$5.00   D K
Truly an UMA for the record books!
27 00:23:19 $3.00   kiwi nice, i've always wanted an invisible horse
28 00:23:19 $5.00   Ms. Len
Our room was clearly inspired by Picasso. Doppicasso!
29 00:25:22 £2.00   シトラス
A horse and 2 chairs thats basically 3 chairs
30 00:26:02 IDR50,000.00   Meow Meow 🐈 scythekicks that get no chair can sit on the floor with UMA and roaches
31 00:27:09 R$27.90   koui
like streamer like chat we're about to live like doppio no bed just a ballpit (2 chairs in that case) LMAO i like it picasso
32 00:29:22 $9.99   __Rami The horse is killing me
33 00:29:24 $5.00   AraAraVR (a無言スパチャ)
34 00:30:18   rum lily (メンバーシップ入り)
35 00:31:44   チーズ (メンバーシップ入り)
36 02月05日
  Shar [sktsisms] 5
37 00:36:12 RON25.00   Stella G. Luna so, this was a scam...
38 00:36:25 CA$5.00   D K
Can you write BB on it?
39 02月05日
  KH 5
40 00:40:25 £2.00   Meu-Static
Room looks cold, can we have something fluffy??
41 00:43:51   nedvorhanden (メンバーシップ入り)
42 00:47:44 R$27.90   koui
we got our own backroom
43 00:51:11 $5.00   Just A Tree 🎭🐣 Can confirm. Exactly what trees look like.
44 00:52:31 $2.00   Spades
i can't believe we're roommates with twitter
45 00:54:39 £2.00   シトラス
this bad boy belongs in the louvre!!
46 00:55:32   the13thdilemma (メンバーシップ入り)
47 00:55:42 £2.00   Meu-Static
Can we decorate the rectangle? like Pio project
48 00:57:14 $5.00   Nookie No Pio!! We said MEATIER dinos!! Not a METEOR for the dinos!!!
49 00:59:44 $5.00   Spades
actions have consequences, chat
50 00:59:57 ¥200   RISA りさ Is there a ceiling in this room???
51 01:00:47 £5.00   Meu-Static
Pio.. is your gift to us perpetual anxiety? or a coffin? I'm hiding behind you when it gets big enough!!
52 01:02:51 A$2.00   Rancine (a無言スパチャ)
53 01:03:30 $5.00   vy :3
historians would've never guessed that dinosaurs actually went extinct because of doppio dropscythe and his impending doom room
54 01:04:28 A$2.00   Rancine
a friend for uma who will sacrifice for meteor
55 01:05:17   reesecups03 (メンバーシップ入り)
56 01:07:59 PHP125.00   H.N- haruto nanase this reminds me like how my 5 yr old cousin draw, looks like a lizard but if u think its a dino then its a dino. keep amup the awesome art dopi
57 01:28:51 £2.00   シトラス
sleep tight, donut let the dinosaur bite
58 01:35:45 NT$30.00   KH
Thanks for the egg
59 01:37:17   Concheetah 03 (メンバーシップ入り)
60 01:48:42 PHP125.00   H.N- haruto nanase
just look at my phone for a sec and came back to this.. emo gloomba that would be singing MCR black parade. i dont know if i should laugh or cry lmai
61 01:53:35 ₪35.90   Rin_Rin_Hello First time watching your stream ‘Pio so far it’s… interesting hahaha
62 01:59:33   Maiki ! (メンバーシップ入り)
63 02:04:27 £5.00   Plupio Can't wait for the drama cd about 3 gloombas and a ghost!
64 02:07:01   kouaochasm (メンバーシップ入り)
65 02:12:28 IDR50,000.00   Reichi Pio-chan do you have any tag for your cosplay? asking for friend
66 02:38:33 $5.00   Spades
im paying for gacha funds, i want the UR dave
67 02:48:29 CA$10.00   jellobubs thx for drawing my dream room pio, you're a great interior designer
68 02:49:11 A$2.00   Rancine
I thought we were going for Vox a KUMA
69 02:50:10 $5.00   Silarial Thanks for drawing us such a punk rock, rectangle-filled room! I couldn't think of a better place to contemplate certain apocalyptic doom.
70 02:56:45 MYR15.00   Axotopl this is like a pet owner over decorating the cage with deco they get at a dollar store. Ty I like my room
71 02:57:01 $5.00   kiwi
amazing room, 100% would commission again, otsupio
72 02:57:48 NT$75.00   KH
73 02:57:52 £2.00   Aelderflower I drew along I hope I got everything
74 02:58:19 ¥500   RISA りさ
Thanks for our room! Awesome!We will be comfortable in the arcade.
75 02:58:41 PHP75.00   aLLeyC4t
76 02:59:18 €2.00   Daria Sudac This was so creative and so much fun.
77 02:59:47 CZK50.00   Mysh rent money
78 03:00:08 SGD5.00   yoono otsupio!! love the new bgm and the beautifully designed room
79 03:00:39 $4.99   Pamela Grunk it was such a fun stream pio-chan!! thank you for creating our room!
80 03:00:52 ¥1,600   *̣̩ಇ NiCO ಇ*̣̩ THANK YOU FOR LOVELY ROOM, PIOCHAN!! I LOVE YOUR DRAWING!!
81 03:02:35 $5.00   🐣Felicity One of the most interactive streams I've been a part of! Lots of fun! Thank you for the room!
82 03:02:44 NT$70.00   miyavi Thank you for cute room! rest well
83 03:03:14 PHP50.00   H.N- haruto nanase
im going to print out our room thankies pio
84 03:03:21 $2.00   라온