配信名STEAM SUMMER SALE! PART 2! Recommend me games to play!✨😄🎮✨
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 118 580.76 \83,598
SGD SGD 9 202.00 \21,526
CA$ CAD 8 44.00 \4,766
£ GBP 3 12.00 \2,203
HK$ HKD 7 100.00 \1,841
CLP CLP 6 9000 \1,625
A$ AUD 2 12.99 \1,247
CZK CZK 2 100.00 \657
EUR EUR 2 4.00 \626
NT$ TWD 3 130.00 \599
PHP PHP 3 169.00 \438
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \191
NZ$ NZD 1 2.00 \178
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \148
COP COP 1 4000.00 \139
VND 1 20000 \121
ARS ARS 1 200.00 \110
---- ---- ---- ---- \120,013
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月05日
  elracS (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月06日
$111.11   Brando Sheriff Sleepyguni
3 00:01:14 $2.00   Tibbits001 she lives! how ya feeling Scarle?
4 07月06日
  otaku_banana sleep well scarle ?
5 00:06:58 NZ$2.00   DrUnderscoreh you ok sleepyguni?
6 00:07:03 $5.00   Lastlasagna (a無言スパチャ)
7 00:07:06 $2.00   Victor Martinez It's called a bribe.
8 00:07:07 $100.00   The Professor Keen Sleepyguni is sleepy.
9 00:07:25 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper) boop the nose & headpats clingyguni rest the voice
10 00:07:42 $2.00   Cyborg Ed You're lucky I can't scream, proceeds to scream.
11 00:08:12 $5.00   Tibbits001
hey Scarle, I have an idea! what if I do the screaming for you, so you can rest your voice?
12 00:08:16 $2.00   dado I wasn't there for part 1 can you list what u got
13 00:08:37 £2.00   Yugoxgc Hewow Sweepy Guni
14 00:09:05 $2.00   LifeGivingLemons That, in streamer terms, appears to be an Aka Supa
15 00:09:49 $2.00   dado
oh ok just remember to not scream too hard
16 00:10:06 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo Ill aka in the form of your merch mom
17 00:10:15 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Evening Sleepyguni, did you sleep well?
18 00:10:25 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch. hi Scarlate, how r u i missed a stream sadge
19 07月06日
  elracS Thank you for the birthday wishes and the singing, thank you for being my kami oshi since debut and thank you for debuting 20 days after my birthday
20 00:11:08 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Sleepyguni is your chola name mom snuggies
21 00:11:11 $2.00   Favian Rodriguez *slips money thru bars*
22 00:11:17 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
but watch the vod, saw the tweet part, what if i
23 00:12:53 PHP50.00   azure_blade Lemme guess: Glasses still missing? #NijiCantRead
24 00:13:19 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
But not me mom right 🥹
25 00:14:14 $2.00   Juan Wick Well Restedguni. I'll be good today
26 00:14:33 $2.00   Onii San Used the key to open free
27 00:14:42 $1.99   Delstar U sound stinkiy when was the last time u showered?
28 00:14:45 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper)
I recommend go to bed or clean your room
29 00:15:39 $2.00   LifeGivingLemons
Fine! We'll have our own stream in the cage!
30 00:15:45 $2.00   Juan Wick
May I recommend sum of MY favs (all on steam)?
31 00:15:46 $1.99   0baiTakeshi Scarle I just got here why am I in a cage
32 00:18:24 $1.99   Delstar
I can literally hear it in ur voice, take a shower
33 07月06日
  Darrin Root if you're calling for recommendations, try brutal legends,or lollipop chainsaw
34 00:18:44 CA$2.00   Thai Danh 3 streams in a row of you making a list to buy POG
35 00:18:49 $2.00   Shadow Soldier Did you hear Millie's new song? That high note
36 00:19:02 $5.00   Doom Guy I didn't expect a second recommendation stream, so I recommend Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. A near perfect story, with memorable characters. 10/10.
37 00:20:38   TheComfyPanda You've mentioned liking rougelites and games you can spend a lot of time with, Skul The Hero Slayer would check a lot of boxes for you! Scarle love
38 00:22:16 $1.99   Delstar
Oh Seymour Budts is on sale too
39 07月06日
  j saya no uta is a fun, laid back, and interesting game
40 00:23:18 $2.00   Frantix3654 SF6, Sam&Max, Code Vein, and Metal: Hellsinger
41 00:24:33 $1.99   Why Not Calling you the Gordon Ramsay of games
42 00:24:35 $5.00   dado
To Be or Not to Be (voiced Shakespeare CYOA), Okami HD, Sunshine Heavy Industries (puzzles but very flexible), Hatoful Boyfriend, TIS-100 (jk, no)
43 00:25:07 $2.00   Mikael Ore do you like gachas? I fell into FGO rabbithole
44 00:27:56 $5.00   Mikael Ore
of you are interested in the series for the game start with Zero, FGO is too large in content and too dense in data. even if you play the gacha mobile
45 00:29:27 CLP2,500   PetTheCats what about "Brigador: Up-Armored Edition", isometric shooter with tanks, mechs, cars and antigrav vehicles. Great music and fantastic art style
46 00:30:42 $5.00   Mikael Ore
clarification: Fate Zero is anime, not a game. even you play fgo, don't watch FGO anime series. watch Zero or Stay Night. I will stop talking now.
47 00:32:30 CA$10.00   Scarle's sweaty cleavage you should try The Witcher 3 (Rpg) and Risk of rain 2 (roguelike)
48 00:35:45 $10.00   JaiAzura Hi Scarle, Sundered Eldritch Edition is a fun metroidvania. It's on sale for $5 right now.
49 00:35:46 $1.99   Delstar
U picky on your games and food? U sure ur not baby
50 00:36:22 $5.00   BigBoyDoge Scarle is gonna be like "Chatto play for me, I'm tired"
51 00:37:33 $1.99   The Bradler PLAY UNCHARTED, 3PS only 8-10 hours & lots of fun
52 00:49:14 $2.00   Victor Martinez
What about 'A Hat In Time'? Similar to SM64.
53 00:53:11 $5.00   Juan Wick
TACTICAL RECOMMEND INCOMING!!! Most r FPS with no motion , easy puzzles, very few 2 no bugs, some 3rd p platforming, light on story, & fun gameplay
54 07月06日
  Juan Wick DUSK, DOOM Eternal, AMID EVIL, Portal, Half-Life, Hitman Blood Money, RE7 & 8, HROT, Viscerafest, Blasphemous, Super Meat Boy, & Quake
55 00:54:45 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax I recommend Baldur's Gate 3. RPG of the year when it drops this August.
56 00:55:22 CA$5.00   Scarle's sweaty cleavage
Will you try to give a go to the metal gear series.
57 00:57:32 $2.00   Fukuro Ch. 仮面のフクロウ (仮) Just got here, how many Risk of Rains ya got?
58 00:58:55 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様) I nominate Scarle
59 01:05:16 $19.99   Delstar
I respect your decision and others that are the same. But my thing is , down the road if a person is not here anymore , if any regrets are mentioned I get confused because decisions were made. Sorry if this sounds rude
60 01:06:07 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino - I wonder if any of the Yakuza games are on sale..?
61 01:07:10 $5.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino -
Also that sponsorship stream w/Selen was wild! Especially that batsu LMAOOOOO
62 01:10:15 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
I’m the same mom I won’t speak unless spoken to
63 01:11:00 $1.99   Delstar
Hope my supa didn’t sound rude, just my 2 cents
64 01:12:14 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi If we're Butthead, then you're Beavis
65 01:13:17 $2.00   LuisPJ I trust you scarle
66 01:14:09 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper)
freedom cough cough free supa
67 01:20:13 $2.00   Victor Martinez
Off to sleep. Have fun giving money to Gabe Newell
68 01:21:26   AtagosRaven You should checkout Stray. It’s about a stray cat that must untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten cybercity and find their way home.
69 01:36:38 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR Here's another recommendation, Just Shapes and Beats.
70 01:46:47 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
I also recommend you Just Cause 3, if you like to destroy a lot of things, then this is the game for you.
71 01:46:55 PHP50.00   Mommy【 Bessie 】 Keep gaming my Gamer Baby
72 01:47:36   SeaCrane1 (メンバーシップ入り)
73 01:49:20   Puppersthedog (メンバーシップ入り)
74 01:50:53 CA$10.00   Animeboy98GTR
I forgot to mention that in your stream yesterday that you need to get the definitive edition of Sleeping Dogs as the original version of this game was delisted from Steam
75 01:52:14 $2.00   Reverie hi scarle! do you like rhythm games?
76 01:52:50 $2.00   Pinkerton 'A;most 7 pages' means it wasn't 7 pages. Q.E.D.
77 07月06日
  SeaCrane1 No Man's Sky is a really chill, fun game but it'd hit the motion sickness for sure
78 01:57:09 CLP1,000   RowJ Scarly... what are you watching?
79 01:57:50 $2.00   LuisPJ
if you like then you should put a elden ring on it
80 01:58:45 COP4,000.00   Alejandro Torres Is it a… CTHULHU otome game?
81 02:00:22 $2.00   Juan Wick
ah yes, the Cthulhussy date game. Truly cultured
82 02:12:18 $4.99   Reya Tundra SCARLE I WILL FREAK IT IF YOU PLAY THIS GAME?!?!! Apex was inspired by this game, Titanfall 2 plays like a better Apex
83 02:21:13 CLP1,000   RowJ
what the hell is wrong with the chat?
84 02:21:27 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Gn mom love u btw play nekopara just sayin
85 02:26:24 NT$70.00   新年快樂 Cash
86 02:26:40 CLP1,000   RowJ
87 02:28:51 ARS200.00   Leandro Martinez Can you check Necrobarista please?
88 02:29:28   Littlemind99 Not a crazy deal, but it's not an expensive game either. Rhythm Doctor is a great rhythm game. Check it out if you like one-key rhythm games
89 07月06日
  Sky Rainpuff Did I miss you looking up Transistor or Ruiner? I know it was recommended. Two months! here's to a year and more sister.
90 02:30:50 $1.99   Delstar
Has anyone said Borderlands?
91 02:31:59 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
I knew I forgot: One Finger Death Punch 1 or 2
92 02:32:24 SGD5.00   Athrawne [#639] By the way if you don't want to play Clannad, it does have a very good anime adaptation.
93 02:33:57 $5.00   Samuel Hedge Scarle you should really play Super Mario World due to your Yoshi pop licking stream.
94 02:34:05 CZK50.00   ShotJon If you are interested ins iinteresting (allbeit a little flawed) cyberpunk RPG then I suggest checking out DEX.
95 02:34:22 $1.99   Delstar
Also has anyone recommended any telltale games?
96 02:37:46 CZK50.00   ShotJon
Scalre I was not talking about Cyberpunk 2077 in the other SC, but different game called DEX.
97 02:40:17 $2.00   LuisPJ
you really are the monster lover of EN
98 02:41:12 $2.00   DarkArr0w play Phoenix Wright ace attorney
99 02:41:14 $5.00   Skim Lives Not on Steam but you need to look at the screenshots of Tomak: Save The Earth Love Story
100 02:43:15 CLP2,500   F e l o C morenita I was worried cause I came in late but looks like you are having fun with some..interesting games linda (I would 100% watch you playing them)
101 02:45:58 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
Nani dafaq did I returned into?
102 02:46:08 $1.99   Gyomei Himejima You can’t explain this your just kinky
103 02:46:50 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Down mom bad cochina
104 02:47:37 HK$25.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
You have nothing to justify I understand Scarle, now someone get me out of here
105 02:51:05 CA$2.00   Banglog at this point, you should get dream daddy
106 02:55:46 $1.99   OMA ice Throwing my two cents! Super seducer pls!
107 02:56:18 $2.00   Samuel Hedge
Katawa Shoujo is about dating cripples
108 03:01:15 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper)
perfect game for babyguni
109 03:03:16 $5.00   Beldan Tazar Ok, based on your preferences of character design, i'm gonna suggest you see if you can get perms for Super Robot Wars 30
110 03:04:13 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper)
we know why you don't shower now stinkyguni
111 03:04:25 $1.99   Delstar
What’s your excuse on not showering then?
112 03:05:05 $2.00   LuisPJ
what are your thoughts on ai the somnium files
113 03:05:31 CLP1,000   RowJ
I offer u Granblue Fantasy versus, a fighting game
114 03:10:44 $2.00   Juan Wick
Reject modernity, return to CRAB AGHAGHAGHAGH
115 03:18:57 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
it's in steam I just searched
116 03:24:04 $4.99   Delstar
Scarle let’s be real , how many of these games are you going to play when you’re not doing handcams?
117 03:25:12 $1.99   Bbdest Wait, you do game livestreams?
118 03:26:10 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
Gonna need a senzu bean for that one.
119 03:26:37 SGD2.00   Athrawne [#639]
Hi, police? I wanna report a murder.
120 03:29:09 $1.99   Delstar
Scarle I heard ur starring in the sequel, BIMBO
121 03:31:21 $1.99   Bbdest
Lovecraftian = probably has tentacle horror
122 03:32:03 $2.00   Juan Wick
See I like Karl Heisenberg bc he's no Miranda SIMP
123 03:40:17 $4.99   Delstar
Are you a runner too? Because you run through my mind all day long
124 03:44:41 $5.00   Whisperers Chat broke. Also, Romancelvania is a real good one.
125 03:45:30 $1.99   Juan Wick
126 03:51:19 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
I am still here my friend Scarle
127 03:52:46 $5.00   LuisPJ
youtube is probley working on updates specially since they have rights to NFL for Sunday Ticket, which means more live options
128 03:52:49 CA$5.00   Wakawakachoochoo It's okay, we're all here for you!
129 04:08:56 $10.00   scootpuff Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is one of my favorite games.
130 04:22:59 $2.00   Richard Sakiestewa Have fun shopping, & for luck... *deep muahs!
131 04:34:07 €2.00   Gyro Juggler i think you would like nekopara or orc massage
132 04:37:24 $2.00   Chris Tooley You ever check out 5D chess steam reviews, Scarle?
133 04:38:18 $2.00   Chris Tooley
The reviews alone could be an entire stream LoL
134 04:43:11 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
Good night Scarle and chat
135 04:57:20 $2.00   Red The ghost was just getting ready for their debut
136 05:09:39 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper)
60 years since my last daily boop of nose
137 05:10:28 $5.00   fairy crimes well i gotta go back to the nursing home, see you in summer steam sale stream part 3 miss scarl
138 05:14:16 $4.99   Delstar
Scarle we ain’t your dinner table, why do you eat during stream
139 05:16:36 A$7.99   Kales Lags Chonky enchantress and that’s perfectly okay
140 05:16:44 $1.99   Delstar
I didn’t subscribe for your mukbangs homie
141 07月06日
  ShotJon (メンバーシップ入り)
142 05:18:40 $4.99   Delstar
Scarle earlier today I got in trouble by muffin but being nice. Now I’m in trouble for being mean?! Bruh woman . My god
143 05:31:06 $2.00   Clorox bleach chocolate flavor try Halo wars it's a fun simple RTS game gud music
144 05:33:13 $2.00   IconOfSin24148 Brigador. XCOM2. Nina loves Rimworld. If u didnt
145 05:34:11 $2.00   Delstar
valorant isnt for you either but you still play it
146 05:39:16 $5.00   The Lord of Cringe Valkyria Chronicles (only 1 and 4 are on steam) are fantastic games with really good characters and gameplay. Art style is beautiful.
147 05:42:40 $2.00   Delstar
Lmao see more butts gottam
148 05:55:31 HK$25.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
You do you Scarle my friend, you can love an animal or a computer
149 05:58:22 $5.00   Kitsune Kumori Hello Scarle! hope your week has been good so far, can you knock me out so I can sleep?
150 06:04:25 $5.00   Silly Ivan when you mentioned Kyo, I remembered the MP game "Who's Your Daddy," where a dad tries to keep a baby from dedging itself. Perfect collab for you two
151 06:05:05 $5.00   Ravencr3st Scarle, I feel obligated to tell you now, but there may or may not be a privately run Fusionfall server
152 06:11:35 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
This is why you are my friend Scarle
153 06:18:05 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
Witcher!? Yes I love you! As a friend still :^)
154 06:24:26 $4.99   SonicHedgehog34 You did not answer HOW you got your piercing, you answered WHY you got your piercing
155 06:24:45 $2.00   Silly Ivan
ALL OF YOU. We saw the comments on that ab video
156 06:33:44 $1.99   SonicHedgehog34
Where do I officially recommend you games twitter?
157 06:38:44 PHP69.00   Nightmareflame Free Supa
158 06:39:03   Nightmareflame I mean this one
159 06:39:47 $1.99   SonicHedgehog34
Is it a licensing thing why you can’t stream it?
160 06:59:39 $2.00   Silly Ivan
Black Mesa is a modern remake of Half-Life
161 07:09:53 $9.99   brian Hello Scarle, how are you my bride? Just starting a Hi Scarle,doing a new bodybuilding routine, I’ll try it for a couple of months and see how it works out. Good luck with the game selections my love.
162 07:37:39 $2.00   Patrick Star :o
163 07:47:39 $2.00   Silly Ivan
mama you're so problematic... I love you though
164 07:50:35 ₫20,000   cindy lee hii scarle MWAH i love u cutie!!!
165 07:52:04 £5.00   christine k
166 07:52:54 A$5.00   enieni scarle!!! i just watched the rest of the stream from yesterday, im happy you liked some of my recommendations <3333
167 07:55:21 $5.00   Silly Ivan
Scarle, I love you and you have never done anything wrong by my measure
168 07:56:23 $2.00   Silly Ivan
I am never sarcastic with you!! Well almost
169 08:01:24 $5.00   Gangster hi whats your favorite rapper not like the new one mine is eazy e
170 08:04:57 $2.00   scootpuff
Recettear: an item shop's tale. look at it later.
171 08:08:35 $5.00   StarCreator hey babe did you want to do it (steam shopping) all night long
172 08:14:32 IDR20,000.00   abdilla faishal wait u getting hot pursuit???? LFG
173 08:24:13 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY Seafood? Krill Issue. Get a Shrimpment of Fish.
174 08:49:57 SGD10.00   kkrockered Is this how to become member Scarle?
175 08:51:55 SGD5.00   kkrockered
Hmm is this the way to become member then?
176 08:53:48 SGD20.00   kkrockered
Ahh I see now to become member you must pay more
177 08:55:39 SGD50.00   kkrockered
Sorry, my ears got busted from your headphone. I believe this is the way then?
178 08:56:27 £5.00   Tharja-iBW I'm already a member but I can't join members again so here's the equivelant. Also yay baby Scarle, Pomu sized Scarle. de baby.
179 08:57:51 SGD100.00   kkrockered
Ahh I see, to become member I need to send you this to make you become big again. Thanks Chat!
180 08:59:03 $5.00   The Professor Keen
But Rocked, the supas are free!
181 08:59:20 R$5.00   Cyssansige There's a legend that says if you supa chat enough, you become a VVIP.
182 09:01:31 SGD5.00   kkrockered
Ahh Supas are free! Is that a membership only feature?
183 09:05:32 SGD5.00   kkrockered
Hmm this youtube thing is too hard. Well I'll try again later. Currently going to sell my kidney, I wonder how much I'll get?
184 09:11:12 $4.99   johari aquart Hey you said you weren’t gonna do DoorDash for at least a month!