記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 70 262.83 \35,231
£ GBP 1 4.49 \724
NT$ TWD 2 150.00 \653
PHP PHP 3 225.00 \536
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \452
VND 2 40000 \227
---- ---- ---- ---- \37,823
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 12月29日
$2.00   Isaac Carder free supa in pre chat
2 12月29日
  Ziryo 10
3 00:13:23 $1.99   Cujo you’ll float too aia
4 00:17:49 NT$75.00   華鳥風月 When I see a new horror game monster now, I always think what will happen to those PL if I put it into my DND campaign.
5 00:19:28 $5.00   Ziryo No blinking, no lip movement, and long, strechy necks...is he really human?
6 00:19:55   strigger93 (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:20:12 $4.99   Flammby_Wolf I bought n played this game the other day and slowly went from “anxiety at each step” to “COME OUT CHARLES I WANNA FEED YOU LEAD BULLET!” Ganba Aia!!!
8 00:22:50 $2.00   Nick Castell o7 Eugene.
9 00:23:49 $9.99   Flammby_Wolf
I think I slowly gained confidence because I was in a call with some friends for moral support. I get spooked easily and it was my first horror game, but it was really fun! Hope u have lots of fun Aia
10 00:25:19 $4.99   Cujo
charles can fornicate…. so…. hear me out on this…. the Cars cinematic universe
11 00:33:58 $1.99   Cujo
12 00:36:08 NT$75.00   華鳥風月
Spider-Train, Spider-Train, does whatever a spider can. Lay some eggs, any size. Catches people just like flies. Look out, here comes the Spider-Train
13 00:37:14 £4.49   IsSpaghetti What kinda BL novel is this
14 00:38:13 ₫20,000   Nguyễn Xuân Huỳnh I hear this game has Aia version call Doo Doo Dork
15 00:39:37 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑] sure ur not a train? cause youre pretty atTractive
16 00:39:45   RizMan Aia the dork go Doo Doo
17 12月29日
  Patrick Connor
18 12月29日
  Dragon Reaper13 I'm back and your the eggy
19 00:43:22 $2.00   Jackson Shaw Hi Aia. looking dashing as ever. Hope you're well
21 00:45:24 $50.00   Patrick Star Boo (28)
22 00:46:10 $2.00   Isaac Carder
23 00:47:34 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
dont worry Aia I get scared easily too...looking for strong brave Aiadmirers to protect me and Angel
24 00:49:46 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
25 00:57:50 $5.00   Justin Curry Haia! How's Heaven's delinquent maid angel doing this evening?
26 00:59:12 $4.99   Cujo
you gotta to meet charles’ cousin, swim swim shawn the submarine
27 01:02:41 $4.99   Flammby_Wolf
He did that trailing thing to me too! Trailed along for like a solid two minutes before finally seeing and attacking. Anxiety inducing fr fr
28 01:07:05 $5.00   Jackson Shaw
Got his ugly Thomas the tank engine knock off lookin Ahh!! great one Aia!(youtube won't let me swear) lol
29 01:08:16 $2.00   Rago get back on track and get the "rails" of the game
30 01:19:44   Xiaoran Han (メンバーシップ入り)
31 01:28:38 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
Talking without your mouth? You telepathetic?
32 01:30:39   Valdore 199 (メンバーシップ入り)
33 01:32:05 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
when did trains get scary? I miss the days of Choo Choo Soul no scary trains! plus the conductor lady was cute..then again this conductor also a cutie
34 01:33:02 ₫20,000   Nguyễn Xuân Huỳnh
Aia dork, doo-doo Aia dork, doo-doo(Aia dork song)
35 01:33:02 $5.00   Nick Castell
So... how's your day so far Aia?
36 01:36:17 PHP50.00   Xiaoran Han
37 01:36:54 $1.99   Cujo
cant take him just yet have lots of TRAINing to do
38 01:37:01 $2.00   implode his Charles x Thomas fics oh no
39 01:37:28 PHP50.00   Xiaoran Han
I was so tense it took my asthma away
40 02:08:35 $2.00   Oscar🚪🔑 dont be sorry its out of your control
41 02:24:55 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Is this Thomas the Tank Engine, Horror edition where you play as Sir Topham Hatt?
42 12月29日
  BitBlaster 5
43 02:49:11 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver ilunas 6th wave.....
44 02:59:24 $2.00   implode
you just can't appreciate her brined beauty
45 03:01:43 $10.00   Isaac Carder
Here is your payment for your services. Our business thanks you for your cooperation and we look forward to future partnerships. Also no records of the "incident" shall be made public, as per agreed.
46 03:05:38 $5.00   Aia's parole officer well while Aia is gone. Quick service announcement. Dont do crimes.
47 03:05:55 $1.99   Cujo
48 03:06:52 $2.00   Isaac Carder
crime :)
49 03:08:38   Grey Hare Archie You have earned the title of, "Pickle Giver"
50 03:27:46 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
Theodore and The Dork :)
51 04:13:56 $2.00   Sanera So you have Choo Choo choosen death, Charles
52 04:14:17 $1.99   Cujo
omg slay charles
53 04:14:39 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Hell yeah brother! Good job Aia
54 04:15:00 $2.00   vante2
55 04:15:01 $2.00   Oscar🚪🔑
good job!
56 04:20:07 $2.00   vante2
Milk or Cereal first, choose your words carefully
57 04:21:22 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
hot take off brand cereal > name brand. Cause who doesnt love Marshmelllow Matey's
58 04:23:03 $2.00   Aia's parole officer
I have some ideas for you.
59 04:25:11 $2.00   zXxSladexXz That's why you have us, let us lift you up.
60 04:28:11 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
There is one singular clip that drew me to you
61 04:29:12 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
Ain't nothin' gonna to break her stride Nobody gonna slow her down, oh no shes gonna keep on moving
62 04:29:41 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
I can't post links otherwise I would.
63 04:29:54   Anourack Phongsavath Hi Aia
64 04:33:28   Shan Shan (メンバーシップ入り)
65 04:36:44 $5.00   Patrick Star
66 04:37:09 $2.00   Gwently🚪🔑 No
67 04:38:01 $1.99   Oscar🚪🔑
No, Can i cuddle with Patrick and gwently instead
68 04:38:08 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
Patrick, gwently come here. Ill snuggle ya >:(!!
69 04:38:32 $2.00   Patrick Star
@Oscar Yes
70 04:38:43 $2.00   Isaac Carder
no actually, they got a point, someone farted
71 04:39:23 $2.00   implode
they're going to start a snuggling ring
72 04:40:15 $2.00   Patrick Star
Can we start a fight ring?
73 04:42:39 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
whats 9+10?
74 04:42:46 PHP125.00   Xiaoran Han
Just like what I said to Scarle, I'm gay but you made me fall for you AIAAAAAAA
75 04:45:06 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
look. the more we propose the more maidens you get by association
76 04:48:52 $1.99   Cujo
made you look
77 04:50:54 $2.00   StarCreator nose boop
78 04:51:42 $2.00   Nick Castell
79 04:52:07 $1.99   Oscar🚪🔑
[nose boop pass] Boop!
80 04:52:07 $1.99   Cujo
my pass ma’am
81 04:52:08 $10.00   nanadayo registering for a nose boop pls
82 04:53:29 $2.00   Aia's parole officer
HAHAHAHA people not following your rules aia?
83 04:54:34 $2.00   Nick Castell
84 12月29日
$2.00   Paws&Pals Is that a glock 1911?!?!
85 04:56:12 $1.99   Cujo
instead of holding a gun you could hold our hands
86 04:56:24 $2.00   Nick Castell
45. huh?
87 04:57:23 $1.99   Cujo
my license ma’am 🪪, need my registration too?
88 04:58:26 $2.00   Vivy Core Jerry, aia being bad again
89 05:00:10 $2.00   Aia's parole officer
Shes always bad its why I HAVE CONSTANT PAPERWORK!
90 05:37:56 $2.00   StarCreator
*sneaky boop*