配信名【#にじARK No.5】100K ENDURANCE!!!!!🦕【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime | XSOLEIL】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 27 38460 \38,460
$ USD 23 268.48 \35,893
A$ AUD 7 181.48 \16,364
SGD SGD 6 65.49 \6,490
HK$ HKD 9 209.00 \3,584
THB THB 9 695.00 \2,685
IDR IDR 5 149900.00 \1,275
VND 1 200000 \1,129
NT$ TWD 5 219.00 \952
PHP PHP 4 262.00 \627
R$ BRL 5 15.49 \393
MX$ MXN 1 49.00 \337
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \284
CA$ CAD 1 1.49 \146
CLP CLP 1 740 \114
HUF HUF 1 249 \88
MYR MYR 1 2.50 \75
---- ---- ---- ---- \108,896
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:06:48 ¥200   DoJ チャンネルなくならなくてよかったね
2 00:07:07 R$5.00   woda This whole stream is just gonna be an excuse to guerrilla arc, isn't it?
3 00:07:43 $5.00   Azuraug Ohakoto!! I hope you hit 100k quick but at the same time I hope you don't cause then MORE KOTOKA!!
4 00:08:26 R$2.00   woda
Collab? I think I remember having a nightmare...
5 00:09:11 $5.00   WarpFactor0 I'm looking forward to more Ark! It's been a blast watching you and you've given me something to laugh at while fighting the flu. o7 Dino Queen
6 00:09:54 HK$10.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊 Good Timezone koto chan 100K LETS GO
7 00:10:12 $5.00   Silverwind 100k endurance plus side quest! Side quest: tame a rex before the end of the stream
8 00:12:34 SGD5.00   カテリナ Kotohime 24 Hrs ARK letsgooo!! Thank you for the totally seiso words lesson yesterday
9 00:21:04 THB100.00   Pomu's Sweat [Vtuber clips] seeing Gorihime play Ark makes me want to go back to play ark again
10 00:36:40 ¥1,600   vanitas Kotokaちゃん!!
11 00:51:02 NT$70.00   白河ウェリン 仕事に戻らなきゃ、コトちゃん頑張れ 昨日のやべーコトちゃん思えば、今日のARKコトちゃん安心感満々
12 00:57:43 $5.00   Kram9k pitzer
13 01:31:34 ¥500   よしだ 献血します
14 01:35:20 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy Road to 100k LESGOOO
15 01:39:07 $5.00   Taihen 100k subs ganbare!
16 01:52:23 HK$50.00   momomorai GANBAKOTO!!!!!
17 01:53:14 HK$25.00   HOT RANDOM ELIRA'S FOREVER CAKE NOISES Early congratulations whenever you hit 100k Kotoka!!
18 02:02:52 HK$50.00   FriendA Hey Kotoka, can't wait for the membership in next year! I have to work so I'll watch the vod later, Good luck on your 100k endurance!!
19 02:04:37 $10.00   Erawan Good luck with your endurance to 100k Kotoka! Heading to bed, but a part of me hopes you are still streaming when I wake up, just means you got to play Ark, a game you're not addicted to, longer.
20 02:04:41 $2.00   Azuraug
Going to bed but ganba with the taming and 100K
21 02:25:24 $4.99   JD Here’s some change to help with the emotional damage. Love you all and ILY our angry strawberry milkshake, looking forward to a new year with you
22 02:37:33 SGD2.00   カテリナ
Congrats on Bloodstalker! Lvl 19 but its a start!
23 02:55:35 SGD2.00   カテリナ
Lvl 145 IKZ. It'll be easier this time fr
24 02:57:06 ¥800   Noir 145ブラストテイムできたら赤スパ投げます
25 03:09:14 $2.00   wildnexus You can do it!!! :kotopien: I believe!
26 03:10:18 NT$30.00   麻薯 masu ganbakoto !!!ganbadesk-kunn!!!!
27 03:30:52 $2.00   wildnexus
At least u gained experience? Painful painful exp
28 03:41:38 ¥200   さくたろ Hi Kotoka! はじめまして。 やっとリアルタイムで配信見れたよ。 これからもよろしくね。
29 04:03:07 HK$8.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊
30 04:03:46 ¥140   Gorilla
31 04:15:56 SGD5.00   カテリナ
I see the Cursed chat reflects the Streamer now. Love the Cursed tho
32 04:17:59 MX$49.00   Shark Bait Koto chan pls rescue the sucker, he’s alive. Lysm
33 04:19:16 IDR5,000.00   Meer (a無言スパチャ)
34 04:20:00 ¥200   たこさん 今のうちに
35 04:20:38 IDR10,000.00   R.E.N.R.E.N (a無言スパチャ)
36 04:21:37 ¥1,600   モツ 生まれたままの姿を見せてくれてありがとう。これで良い年を越せそうです
37 04:31:23 IDR20,000.00   ナイト I think we are way past the point of no return ゴリ姫
38 04:32:29 ¥500   muhi cosidering stream from yesterday, you deserve it
39 04:35:45 ¥200   樰霊 仕事終わった~!こんばんはことちー!
40 04:40:22 $5.00   Taihen
My favorite vtubers are the bilinguals ones that cater to both their English and Japanese audiences. Glad to have you in NijiEN :)
41 05:28:24 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) So, Kotoka.. I had a pet fish once... I fed it a carrot once and it spat it out said "Aueegh".....
42 05:34:44 ¥5,000   ゆきたろう 血の落とし物を届けにきました。
43 05:36:03 ¥10,000   能面 初コメです。英語わからないけど、楽しく拝見させてもらってます。これで美味しいご飯食べてください。
44 05:37:23 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
Speaking of ARK and memes.. did you know that Jesus was actually a Raptor? That's why he went extinct.... for our sins...
45 05:56:32 ¥400   ビーンズ提督
46 06:01:59 $100.00   A Bowl Of Quantum Chicken Soup (1/5) Hello, I have a confession to make. At the start of this year, I was too busy with work to watch any stream. So I minimize it to watch only a few clips a day of ppl whom I really love. I was burned out. During that time, companies keep pumping out new gens and...
47 06:02:17 $50.00   A Bowl Of Quantum Chicken Soup
(2/5)it has the opposite effect on me. I started to have negative feeling about the new peoples and avoid watching their clips. I knew that they did nothing wrong to be hated like this and I was the wrong one. But I was burned out, idc at all..
48 06:02:37 $20.00   A Bowl Of Quantum Chicken Soup
(3/5)However, I knew that if this keep getting longer, I wouldnt be able to confine the hate in me anymore and it would be ugly if I flip out on someone. So I try watching one of your clip, and then your debut. Your energy
49 06:02:57 $10.00   A Bowl Of Quantum Chicken Soup
(4/5)and your love for weird food combo make me laugh and I like you from it. I might be just a nobody for you but I apologize for hating you (and all the new peoples) for no reason.
50 06:03:13 $5.00   A Bowl Of Quantum Chicken Soup
(5/5) I hope that my confession will make you understand that you did change an anti-fan into a viewer and feel encourage from that.
51 06:50:48 SGD50.00   カテリナ
Gotta run. Thanks so much the comfy stream! Wishing you luck for your Dino tames and 100k subs soon. Have a wonderful time in ARK, remember to hydrate and get plenty of rest and food after this! 頑張れ、コト姫!
52 06:54:11 $10.00   wildnexus
Gotta sleep as it's nearly 3AM for me but good luck on the 100k endurance and have fun totally not playing Ark a lot! Thank you for the comfy stream and if you reach 100k before I wake up CONGRATS!
53 06:55:42 $2.00   wildnexus
Also listen to the G4L cover it slaps okay bye
54 06:59:36 PHP125.00   Stari Don't forget to stand and stretch from time to time and get the blood flowing to your lower extremities.
55 07:23:56 €2.00   Ylse Painting my new place, are you winning Kusa- Koto?
56 08:06:21 PHP50.00   telencephal0n
57 08:18:42 THB200.00   Mircheis gtg have meeting in like 5 minutes GLHF Kotoka! hope u reach 100k soon
58 08:23:35 A$14.99   𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕤 I’ve gotta go now unfortunately, but I wanted to wish you good luck on hitting 100k subs you’ve got this kotoka keep up the great work!!!
59 08:32:33 ¥500   ビーンズ提督
60 08:32:42 ¥500   muhi
We love how honest and degenerate you are
61 08:32:59 THB100.00   Bell congrats on getting ineedyou kotochan!
62 08:38:42 $2.00   Gwently🚪🔑 Congrats on the capture bestie
63 08:39:54 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy
Its hard to be deskkun. Deskkun, you have it rough
64 08:40:09 ¥500   muhi
Please help Alban hes perpetually dying in the same spot
65 08:48:20 R$1.49   woda
66 08:48:33 ¥1,000   misce
67 08:49:02 ¥140   こんぱろ
68 08:49:25 $2.00   Silverwind
I don't know the context but
69 08:49:26 CA$1.49   Joe Cool
70 08:49:36 ¥1,000   鴉舟-KARASHUNE- は右クリックで乗ってる人をぶん投げるけどKOTOKAちゃんはリスナーを投げないでね
71 08:50:21 $10.00   SG_bun
72 08:50:32 SGD1.49   chews
73 08:52:36 R$2.00   woda
good things it wasn't marshmallows
74 08:52:50 ¥10,000   まかろん
75 08:55:20 ₫200,000   Taitejhin for balance diet
76 08:55:51 R$5.00   woda
i'd poke fun, but honestly, at this point, you are the very definition of what the word "idol" means on the vtuber community, so you good
77 08:57:12 HK$25.00   momomorai
enjoy a banana bath, our sweet (but maybe a bit smelly) princess
78 08:57:35 THB100.00   Bell
who was that? where did kotochan go??
79 08:57:43 THB40.00   Pomu's Sweat [Vtuber clips]
80 09:02:12 ¥1,000   misce
81 09:09:59 A$100.00   Toasted and Tired I went to work, you were streaming. I got home, you're still streaming. POG endurance
82 09:13:08 ¥1,000   misce
too stoned gtg glhf
83 09:29:13 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy
reach 98k in 9hrs!! les goo!!!!!
84 09:31:41 IDR14,900.00   Meer
85 09:32:29 $5.00   Erawan
I wake up and see you're still at it, I hope you didn't suffer too much in the time between. Lets go 100k!
86 09:32:31 HK$8.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊
87 09:32:45 NT$22.00   熱狗香腸
88 09:33:20 $1.49   うすめYL
89 09:34:19 A$1.49   Kitsune Foryst
90 09:35:06 IDR100,000.00   Viniance Fight! Kotoka!
91 09:36:50 A$5.00   Kitsune Foryst
Have a free supa along with that banana in support of your effort, determination and pursuit of 100k! Fight Kotoka!
92 09:50:24 ¥500   鈴白 kotoka suki
93 10:08:41 ¥200   Synthesize🛠 Welcome back! 長時間がんばって偉い!
You're an absolute marathon gamer Kotoka, I would have yeeted my laptop if I needed to stream for 12hrs +, You got this !!
95 11:01:38 ¥140   Gorilla
96 11:02:50 HUF249   Sasuke Seiron
97 11:03:48 HK$8.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊
98 11:05:41 PHP50.00   Aneed Seamen ive been watching u since 12pm dnt forget to eat
99 11:06:05 NT$22.00   Bae Bae
100 11:06:54 THB35.00   Bell
101 11:08:04 ¥140   こんぱろ
102 11:08:41 NT$75.00   熱狗香腸
103 11:09:18 CLP740   SaltyVanilla
104 11:12:05 PHP37.00   Oni?
105 11:12:33 ¥500   muhi
I don't find Tiktok entertaining, maybe I'm just old. sadge
106 11:15:16 A$50.00   Toasted and Tired
Your chill stream is putting me to sleep so imma go pass out. Good luck!
107 11:25:38 MYR2.50   MK