配信名SKYRIM PART 4!!🗡⚔💥
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 92 439.05 \58,306
CA$ CAD 3 18.00 \1,778
DKK DKK 1 89.00 \1,727
A$ AUD 4 19.00 \1,704
NZ$ NZD 4 15.40 \1,286
PHP PHP 5 440.00 \1,069
NT$ TWD 6 225.00 \977
MYR MYR 4 24.00 \722
£ GBP 1 2.00 \329
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \289
R$ BRL 2 4.40 \115
ZAR - 4 56.00 \56
---- ---- ---- ---- \68,358
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月05日
  Welloy (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:07:01 ZAR14.00   CreamInBetweens Scarle Scuffaguni
3 00:07:12 $1.99   DelStar Hola mi reina de mold
4 00:09:13 $5.00   Theocrass Voice crackling? Someone's finally going through puberty! No shame in being a late bloomer Scarle.
5 00:10:16 $2.00   Frantix3654 I see you saw my list and wanted to make a bet
6 00:10:26 NT$75.00   R-YONG ch. Helloooo Scaroooole ! how are you? tofay we have a family reunion, many ppl in my home so i lock myself in my room. but I have PIZZA!
7 00:12:16 $5.00   JacobOrionGEED_0323 Hello Scarle, this is my first time in the stream as I told the chat earlier
8 00:12:22 CA$6.00   Momohaku Scarle.... when was the last time you cleaned your room?
9 00:12:59 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Evening Scarle, did you clean the pancake batter bottles? If not, go clean it Also here's funds for your fudge.
10 04月05日
  Sweet Steve 5
11 00:13:52 $5.55   Brando Sheriff Time to clean again I guessAlso I took the fudge, if you want it back you gotta schedule a day off
12 00:14:36 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
You got proof Scarle? Pics or didn't happened.
13 00:19:09 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax She has the knife out. What did u do chat?
14 00:20:05 CA$6.00   Momohaku
What's the best way to calm down a knife-wielding girlfriend?Please answer quickly
15 00:20:26 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
You will never cleaan your room on your own unless you stream it. We know how lazy you are
16 00:21:02 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
I'm eating them right now. have some.
17 00:22:03 $5.00   Bintock Almost all tax information can be requested or is stored digitally. Perhaps you can request or log into a database containing your info if not found.
18 00:23:49 PHP137.50   Jake It's okay. You seem like the type of young lady that keeps an organized folder of recipes. Right..?
19 00:26:02 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo) can you use it on me
20 00:27:18 $4.99   DelStar
I had Jack in the box and every time I have it you pop up in my head. I hate it thanks.
21 00:28:36 R$2.20   Guto Lima Are you making a Secret S** Dungeon, Scarle?
22 00:29:15 CA$6.00   Momohaku
Scarle once was arrested for tax evasion.Apparently " I'm so fine there's no telling where my money went" isn't a valid defence!
23 00:29:22   Jobonogo Honestly guys let her cook
24 00:29:25 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
she is building one chat i saw it no cap
25 00:29:32 $2.00   Bintock
But you have to bark every time you are shocked!
26 00:30:50 $99.99   DelStar
Bark for an Aka?
27 00:32:14 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
did i hear supa bark
28 00:32:22 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
29 00:32:57 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
chihuahua or labrador ?
30 00:33:00 $2.00   Bintock
31 00:33:58 PHP55.00   Jake
Oh nyo the poopr widdle puppy is sick
32 00:34:09 $5.00   No Hat Pat One more bark for the team?
33 00:34:26 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
An angry chihuahua bark pls
34 00:34:31 $1.99   DelStar
Yes I’m happy
35 00:34:39 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
you were cute miss scarle arf arf uwu
36 00:34:43 R$2.20   Guto Lima
I cant do AKAS so Bark Funds: 2.20/100
37 00:34:49 $1.99   Biancka Can we get an ‘OOH OHH AAHH AAHH’
38 00:35:39 ZAR14.00   CreamInBetweens
Aww cute PuppyGuni, who's a good girl
39 00:35:59 $2.00   Kenjenkins ya, now do a flip you little dog you
40 00:36:37 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
That was cute, I ascended!
41 00:37:11 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
pay money ask a lady bark like dog, kinda feel bad
42 00:37:44 ZAR14.00   CreamInBetweens
First popsicle stream and now puppyguni I love her
43 00:37:52 $2.00   A Pickled Cucumber Scarle doin something strange for a little change.
44 00:38:07 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson Typical Tuesday circus night at Scarle's stream. Feels like I haven't missed anything at all.
45 00:38:30 MYR6.00   edoge14 So the question is what noise won't you do?
46 00:38:32 DKK89.00   Lonewolf-WLT You know I love the British accent but why not British mommy scolding us for your suffering
47 00:39:10 ZAR14.00   CreamInBetweens
we can all agree that Scarle is a such a good girl
48 00:40:01 $2.00   XenicesGamerXeno Damn.....that sounded hot. Peace out
49 00:40:08   Raelice (メンバーシップ入り)
50 00:41:03 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax
I have slashing, piercing, Lighting, and thunder immunity. And fire and ice resistance. That knife can't hurt me.
51 00:41:28 MYR6.00   Nyaaa Scarle are you related to Raelice or something?
52 00:41:39   XenicesGamerXeno (メンバーシップ入り)
53 00:44:29 MYR6.00   Nyaaa
That is why you shouldn't hold hand Scarle
54 00:46:20 $4.99   DelStar
Would Mamaguni be interested in following the family business on bath water? Asking for a friend?
55 00:48:12 $1.99   DelStar
Bath tub for Mamaguni fund
56 00:50:29 A$2.00   Aizz96 (a無言スパチャ)
57 00:54:06   It’s me KAAA (メンバーシップ入り)
58 00:54:43 $2.00   Red BUENAS NOCHES SENORA, COMO ESTAS? -for mamaguni
59 04月05日
  ボスケンKen me too frfr
60 00:56:30 $5.00   Theocrass
everyday i work to become a better man for Mamaguni. This super is for her!
61 00:59:41 $10.00   Sigilofgremory you need to lube it up
62 01:01:23 $10.00   ryanglazner Amputation is the only way. Bye fingie.
63 01:01:44 $1.99   Jason Carto Woman cut the line, its a thin fiber wire wtf
64 01:03:17 $1.99   Jason Carto
That’s it. We’re child-proofing everything.
65 01:04:35 $1.99   Jason Carto
You’d be a danger to yourself in a safety bubble
66 01:05:50 $20.00   Phe she IS a professional and an icon. We are simply not prepared for this level of slay
67 01:07:06 $2.00   Red
68 01:07:36 A$2.00   wemajor Absent today due to being forced to do work
69 01:07:49 $2.00   ryanglazner
Can I become a paid actor?
70 01:08:10 $2.00   Starstruckkitty I'm new here are dupas free?
71 01:09:11 $9.99   Chris Dennis oh wow free dupas are free
72 01:09:42 $2.00   Cyborg Ed Rule number 1 of Supas, roast Scarle.
73 01:10:05 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
supa dupa free dupa
74 01:10:17 $2.00   Starstruckkitty
slapping deskkun gets u free suppas
75 01:10:26 $5.00   J.D I know Supas aren't free, but I guess these new Dupas are?
76 01:10:35 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
someone said free dupa?
77 01:10:45 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
bark bark free supa
78 01:11:37 MYR6.00   edoge14
This is not a supa this is a dupa, therefore free
79 01:11:40 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
No free supa but yes free duba
80 01:11:42 $2.00   Okuyasu Nijimura『Za Hando』 Free forehead tic-tac-toe dupas? Center square ikz
81 01:12:07 $2.00   Uncle Biff Free Dupas? SCs at a low price!? Satisfactory!
82 01:13:12 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
becuz ive been a bad doggo
83 01:13:26 €2.00   sc24 duperchat???? free????
84 01:18:24 $2.00   dado fus roh dah = first dragon shout in game
85 01:21:03 $2.00   Bintock
The ruin is in my gluteus maximus... Spoilers
86 01:28:24 $1.99   DelStar
*college student that got held back* you mean
87 01:29:28 $5.00   Kibbles Can we go sledding down the mountain and also you got held back?
88 01:31:15 $2.00   dado
there are mods that simulate cold for extra brrrr
89 01:31:30 $1.99   DelStar
Idk maybe stop drinking Red Bull??
90 01:33:27 $5.00   dado
sorry, wasn't suggesting you use them or anything, just that there exist weirdos (me) who want to suffer extra hard
91 01:41:31 $10.00   Jobonogo Basically the sphere opens a locked door, the cube finds the scroll and then Ctrl + C the scroll to the cube, he uses that to open the big box next to you so he can gain a heart of the god creation.
92 01:44:38 $2.00   Doom Guy What level are you?
93 01:44:44 A$5.00   Damon DuskLight Hey there Scarle, how you doing? Enjoying Skyrim? Also don't listen to chat's teasing, take your time
94 01:44:45 $1.99   DelStar
Watch your profanity
95 01:48:49 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
scarle doko oh nyooo
96 01:50:18 $1.99   DelStar
Get something that’s not white claw?
97 01:50:21   Bob K. oh, what is this? first time seeing something like this, LOL Happy tuesday yall! :)
98 01:53:18 $1.99   DelStar
Scarle Zoroguni
99 01:53:43 $2.00   Doom Guy
Scarle try not to get lost challenge (impossible)
100 01:56:04 $20.00   Tibbits001 don't worry, it took me a lot longer than I would like to admit to find the entrance to.
101 02:08:35 $2.00   Samuel Hedge Elder Scrolls V : Faendal
102 02:18:53 $2.00   Doom Guy
the one's that light up are already chosen.
103 02:33:26 $5.00   Samuel Hedge
Get you a girl who looks at you the way Scarle looks at Faendal
104 02:35:59 $5.00   Doom Guy
You have a healing spell. Also there's a spell you can buy called clairvoyance which tells you where to go 92% of the time
105 02:41:04 $1.99   DelStar
How’s mr pickle been doing?
106 02:53:45 $2.00   Doom Guy
conquer your fears and kill that dragon
107 02:56:48 $2.00   Samuel Hedge
Scarle the warrior Here to kick names and take a$$
108 03:00:49 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Good night Scarle and chat, I got work in the morning
109 03:02:52 $2.00   Doom Guy
grab the cube as well
110 03:04:17 $4.99   DelStar
When I squint or see you at the corner of my eye to kinda look like Patrick star
111 03:08:19   Nui Fera (メンバーシップ入り)
112 03:17:44 £2.00   Tharja-iBW Scarle he wants to end the world
113 03:21:09 $5.00   Doom Guy
There's a old lady that plays this game. We call her Skyrim grandma, she's so well known that the developers are putting her in the next game
114 03:29:49 A$10.00   Jonathan Perry would his breathe smell better than a dog?
115 03:55:12 PHP137.50   Tachibana "No matter what I do (woo)All I think about is you (uh huh)Even when I'm with my booBoy, you know I'm crazy over you (check it)"
116 03:57:38 PHP55.00   Tachibana
can we get uhh TLC - No Scrubs
117 03:58:59 PHP55.00   Tachibana
Jukebox: Basically boomer equivalent of aux cord
118 04:03:16 NZ$5.50   MrUnderscoreh Oh Hey Mamaguni hope you doing well
119 04:03:18   Mikael Ore everytime people mention my oshi my heartbeat rises, dance with hapiness and then the cardiac attack stops like a sign, I MUST GO TO HER AND GIVE SUPA
120 04月05日
  Mikael Ore 10
121 04:04:17 $2.00   Mikael Ore and membies
122 04:10:55 $5.00   Mikael Ore
ponny ride funds?
123 04月05日
  XenicesGamerXeno Just tuned in & I wanted to say I'm glad to be an apprentice. I've checked you're other streams & they've put a smile on faceLove ya Scarle
124 04:36:01 $1.99   DelStar
Sus asmr or scarlings? Pick one
125 04:37:03 NZ$2.20   MrUnderscoreh
what if something is stuck in your nose?
126 04:38:02 NZ$2.20   MrUnderscoreh
you would have to pick
127 04:39:09 $1.99   DelStar
Jack in the box or Red Bull ? Give up one
128 04:48:40 $4.99   DelStar
You aren’t a big foodie either, you eat the same stuff every day
129 04:59:08 $10.00   Mikael Ore
I was literally heading to my room and when I take my phone I see that YOU DEBUTED 3D AND I MISSED... Why meeeeeeeee T^T hope you had fun, maybe next time I'll be there to see it, gud night y'all~
130 05:00:24 $2.00   Mikael Ore
131 05:04:59 $5.00   Theocrass
Scarle do you have the DLC? Also just shocked at you being the only Faendal fan in the world lol. Teldryn and Marcurio are easily superior!
132 05:07:33 $2.00   Theocrass
Odahving for new boyfriend
133 05:15:46 $2.00   Theocrass
play the DLC! that stuff is fun!
134 05:22:04 $5.00   Theocrass
Do Dawnguard Scarle! That's the first DLC quest chain and you get a better companion too!
135 05:23:25 NZ$5.50   MrUnderscoreh
Tip; you can assign Favourites for spells and weapons. Hit F and it will show you the list. this is a quick menu to access things.
136 05:36:55 $5.00   Frantix3654
I used to be an Enchantress like you. Then I took a bonk to the head. (Few examples like this)
137 04月05日
  Wynter Solaria (WinterFox) more brain power studying but i shall take a break and watch you. Hope stream has been well
138 05:54:43 $5.00   Charlie Spurr Please tell me we're getting a chat hoodie
139 06:12:52 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
Thanks! fun stream today! mwah
140 06:13:45 $1.49   Pinkerton