記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 38 151.93 \20,420
EUR EUR 8 37.00 \5,441
CA$ CAD 2 27.50 \2,763
YEN YEN 2 1100 \1,100
R$ BRL 2 27.50 \747
CLP CLP 1 2750 \461
£ GBP 1 1.00 \166
A$ AUD 1 1.00 \90
---- ---- ---- ---- \31,188
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月18日
  I like yuri (メンバーシップ入り)
2 04月18日
  Zniko (メンバーシップ入り)
3 04月18日
  TheAscendedBears (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:05:28   Sophie (メンバーシップ入り)
5 00:05:45   Mico (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:08:30   yorios Rollercoaster building intensifies
7 00:11:42   HanicIzKanio Time to box them in and never look at them again...
8 04月19日
  Pupi Mosh pit attraction is popping off
9 00:11:51   C.J. O'Dell Rosemi is adorable as ever especially when she’s freaking it.
10 00:14:59 $5.00   bignanime There's just so much going on.
11 04月19日
  Nark101 One ticket to the Rosemi Rides please
12 00:16:45 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo "Please keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times; we're not paying another workman's comp claim to go retrieve another hand."
13 00:16:49   Cro rosemi coaster makes it turn to night instantly, 10/10 experience
14 00:17:10 $4.99   Loki Hades In darkness they ride!
15 00:17:30 R$5.50   Natsuki Lovelock How much is the ticket to the Great Rosemi-sama's rollercoaster?
16 00:18:43 $2.00   Greg One roller coaster ticket, please
17 00:19:00 $2.00   Slade (a無言スパチャ)
18 00:19:13   Shin Solaire Who let her cook
19 04月19日
  Bryan V they never leave, wring them dry
20 00:19:18 $5.00   Doublej126 Something is wrong with the Gorilla pen. SO the game thinks they're on the loose Those people are terrified lol
21 00:22:55 $1.99   Nihil Marinara trench and/or portal to the underworld
22 00:23:41 $10.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
City Council: "Yeah, ye better put some real good filters on yer taps, unless'n ye want everyone te melt on contact: Everyone knows the water here ain't no good...somethin' 'bout 'skin meltin' acid'?"
23 00:23:56 $4.99   Loki Hades
Davey Jones Locker!
24 00:24:01   Nyoro Eevee Rosemi of the lake, what is your wisdom?
25 00:24:32 $1.99   Nihil
Hell yeah brother! That’s a fine watering hole
26 00:29:34 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
"Rosemiland. You fear to go into that park. The Vtuber dug too greedily and too deep. You know what she awoke in the darkness of the food court..."
27 00:34:13 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
...You realize it's WINE she's pouring in, right?
28 00:35:03 $5.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache I'm impressed, Rosemi. I know you have a bit more work to do, but I personally want to say I would be honored to throw my child from the top of here.
29 00:37:03   Anton Namtet Let's see what my favorite Rose is up to. Why is she making a pond in the middle of Ohio while Runescape music plays?
30 00:37:24 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Wonderful, "Mt-Foxmom's-Spchincter" is now open!
31 00:38:59 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
...shouldn't those be, uhh, "twin peaks," then...?
32 00:41:39 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Reimu's ride should turn the guest into a ghost.
33 00:46:47   Darp New park looks great so far! I can’t wait to try out the Shai-Hulud ride
34 04月19日
35 00:49:05 $5.00   NijiKnight I bought some pet frogs but I forgot to clear enough space to store their food. Where am I gonna put these gnats? Guess I'll figure it out later.
36 00:50:34 $5.00   Slade
you beat the rock, you can beat the mountain
37 00:51:24 $5.00   NijiKnight
Completely forgot that jokes go right through Rosemi sama like ghosts.
38 00:51:41   SchwarzerRegen (メンバーシップ入り)
39 00:52:37 €2.00   Marshall Banana Dix-neuf
40 00:52:58   StrayFaye (メンバーシップ入り)
41 00:56:07   Greg You got this, Rosemi!
42 00:56:20 €5.00   Marshall Banana
Waterfall Tycoon 3. The Dark souls of construction games.
43 01:05:13 $5.00   stevobread Wait, Rosemi! I found a waterfall right here:
44 01:05:49 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
"Why does it look so evil!?" I dunno, it's a mystery to me too why MOUNT DOOM looks evil.
45 01:07:44 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
You might as well lean fully into the "Doom" part, and make the entrance fee, like, someone's liver or something.
46 01:12:14 $1.99   Cshadez Yep Merry Christmas Rosemi.
47 01:14:31 $9.99   Hiban (a無言スパチャ)
48 01:20:19 €5.00   Marshall Banana
Mr Frodo, we cant go back to the Shire anymore. The UI is too messed up to make a proper path.
49 04月19日
  theF00L Man, I love minecart streams
50 01:27:48 $5.00   Lars TheDude "Come to Buta-Land! See our famous 4D geometry!"
51 01:28:41 €5.00   Marshall Banana
I thought we were making a waterpark but it's turning into a Mario 64 level.
52 04月19日
  Gonzalo One more month with this cute Rose
53 01:33:00 $2.00   destiny13777 if you trip down the stairs its like a small slide
54 01:37:02   Deep Seed Luna 石川 “僕たちのOshiがこんなに可愛いわけがない” - featuring Rosemi and rosebuds stand alone edition - may I get our protagonists thoughts ?
55 01:51:23 $5.00   stevobread
I'm guessing when they said make it a circle they just meant to have the front and back open
56 01:51:59 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
You are *really* having fun with the new emotes, aintcha? Lol, very cool to see them in action. OH ALSO DON'T WORRY HERE'S A SMALL LOAN
57 02:01:22 €5.00   Marshall Banana
It's ok Rosemi. When someone wants their money just take a loan to pay them so you can borrow back later (not financial advice please don't sue me)
58 02:02:35   KMG Imprisoned for eternity
59 02:07:09 CLP2,750   Kahzel this is what happens when you do no market research rosemi
60 02:08:47 €5.00   Marshall Banana
2 hours in and you sold a sandwich congrats
61 04月19日
62 02:10:41 $1.00   Slade
63 02:10:45 $1.00   RizeFi (a無言スパチャ)
64 04月19日
  victor p rosemi sama do you have any bad or traumatizing experiences on amusement parks? once i went on 'The Hammer'' and i regret it so bad
65 02:13:34   Leman (メンバーシップ入り)
66 02:14:04 $4.99   Ahri Suzumiya It’s almost summer and local amusement parks are looking for young and happy ride attendees. This is perfect for you~
67 02:14:37   Johnny okay super gross story, when I was a kid i went to state fair and they had this thing called a UFO it spun you around super fast and I liked it 1/2
68 02:15:36 $5.00   Johnny I went to ride it again and someone threw up in and 3 people came out covered in it and they closed the ride down after that. super gross
69 02:17:35   Majin Mike Threw him into the waters of mount bloom
70 02:17:44 €5.00   Marshall Banana
With that hairline he can only be a Gollum.
71 02:19:48 £1.00   Holo (a無言スパチャ)
72 02:20:11 ¥100   Danuki (a無言スパチャ)
73 02:20:25 $1.00   Brandermau (a無言スパチャ)
74 02:20:39 A$1.00   ChickenParfait🪄 (a無言スパチャ)
75 04月19日
76 02:22:01   Ahri Suzumiya When I was a kid I remember I was at a theme park and sad. A food attendee saw me and gave me a free Oreo beaver tail to cheer me up. She was so sweet
77 04月19日
  bep this stream is very good the rosemi energy has reinvigorated me and i no longer need a nap omg new emote i like this face
78 02:29:03 €5.00   Marshall Banana
I think this is the moment when you flee to Brazil and rename yourself Rosinha to escape the loan sharks
79 02:37:14   Chronic 🙏 (メンバーシップ入り)
80 02:39:51   raregekota WHATS GOOD ROSEMI???
81 02:43:04 CA$5.50   Ghost of Pomu - Elira's 2nd Eye Observer I'd like a chocolate ice cream please
82 02:55:35 $5.00   The Rogue Admiral how was the danger park? was it fun? did they have a big slide? DID YOU DIE?
83 02:56:12 $5.00   Destin My fave team is playing a playoff game can i get a cheer for their opponents so my team will win (go knicks)
84 04月19日
  DevSleeps hey Rosemi how many people have you yeeted to their demise yet? hope you're having fun!
85 03:13:46   4tonmike 4トンマイク judgemental boat rider
86 03:17:05   VeKK :)
87 03:21:29 CA$22.00   bariloaf ROSEMI I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR A FUN STREAM
88 03:21:53   RedRoomDisco I recommend baby broccoli and baby cauliflower
89 03:23:20 $2.00   Theocrass eat the eggplant raw like an apple yummy
90 04月19日
  William Luong 5
91 04月19日
  Akiryu Vel Steamed broc kinda pog. There's also eggplant omelet if you want to try
92 03:30:35 $5.00   Roy Konen Ch. 光年ロイ Yes, a LOT like Demise. Expect Demise to be back, considering how the Master Sword looks like all rotted.
93 03:32:23 $2.00   Roy Konen Ch. 光年ロイ
You can "see" Demise for a moment in the trailer.
94 03:54:15 ¥1,000   tongpooとんぷー
95 03:54:22 R$22.00   Jojora Thank you for the stream, it was super fun. Hope everything is going well with your off-stream work