配信名something.....【NIJISANJI EN | Scarle Yonaguni】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 168 706.93 \90,400
CA$ CAD 9 27.00 \2,576
NT$ TWD 14 510.00 \2,153
A$ AUD 9 20.97 \1,872
EUR EUR 4 8.00 \1,109
PHP PHP 6 411.00 \957
NZ$ NZD 2 10.00 \816
IDR IDR 3 60000.00 \507
£ GBP 1 2.00 \312
WON KRW 1 3000 \310
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \177
R$ BRL 1 2.00 \50
---- ---- ---- ---- \101,439
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月16日
  Vision (メンバーシップ入り)
2 01月16日
3 00:06:58 $2.00   Kibbles Mom! Stwawbewwy said I'm tsun tsun
4 00:07:15 $2.00   StarCreator grats on breaking out of prison!
5 00:09:05 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax How am I? I went to bed drunk and woke up with a hangover from that last stream.
6 00:09:13 A$2.00   wemajor Anti-Pickle fund 579/4500 Fall Guys POG
7 00:09:14 $5.00   quietrioter update on my grandpa, hes doing alright. still not home, but he's so much better
8 00:09:19 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉) The jailbreak stream was so fun lmao
9 00:09:42   華鳥風月 I felt so moved that Scarle you escaped from prison just for hanging out with us Scarling.
10 00:09:42 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Evening Scarle, I love your collab and interaction with Kyo! I was laughing so much my stomach hurts
11 00:10:31 PHP37.00   Pucca
12 00:10:40 $5.00   Rashzakea Feeling very spoiled right now 'cause we get two of your streams in one day again Your collab with Kyo was so fun to watch
13 00:11:35 $5.00   Frantix3654 Just came back from Anime Impulse. Tried my best to get ALL the Scarle merch I could find. Also did my part for the booba tip o7
14 00:11:35 $10.00   Vancouver6T the collaboration was so funny. I hope you can finish the game together, it feels you learned how to play games.
15 00:11:50 $4.99   Greg D Scarle, Can We JUST HAVE A CHATTING STREAM, Please, I want to have you take a Chill night.
16 00:11:51 $5.55   Brando Sheriff Congrats on finding the way out! Stream had me dying
17 00:12:16 $1.99   Greg D
Scarle: Don't tell me the odds.
18 00:12:18 CA$2.00   Ni’atima Nala chat if u vote jump king ill supa 50$ cad
19 00:13:49 $2.00   dado report from niji degen tiers:Scarle = FACEBOOK MOM
20 00:14:50 CA$2.00   Momohaku Scarle.... you're always on Twitter lol
21 00:15:22 $4.99   Greg D
So, Scarle, If you were able to order any food, no Budget, What would you order? Also, U ever look @ your vods and say "Why did I say this." Cuz same.
22 00:15:23 $2.00   SA Soldier Tbf I just dont want genshin
23 00:15:24 NT$30.00   華鳥風月 Perfectly balanced, as all things should be...
24 00:15:52   Scazura Udon Life (Hello!)
25 00:15:53 $5.00   HaruTheRogue Was It right of me to let my little brother use my car to a girls house at 11 pm?
26 01月16日
  Ni’atima Nala 10
27 00:18:18 $1.99   Greg D
..When 1 year happens, We watching ur 1st stream?
28 00:18:27 NT$30.00   華鳥風月
Crazy idea, How about play both in the same time?
29 00:19:17 $2.00   Kibbles
wow it started where you last left off
30 00:19:25 $2.00   SA Soldier
Such progress after a total of 24 hours of this
31 00:19:43 $1.99   Greg D
Actually, do you ever go back and watch ur streams
32 00:21:27 NT$30.00   華鳥風月
We Love U dropped in and hanging out with us
33 00:22:24   strigger93 (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:22:33 $4.44   Brando Sheriff
Pre-emptive Desk-kun hospital fund
35 00:22:20 $2.00   Kibbles
I give it 5 minutes till you get mad
36 00:22:47 $5.00   Kazzie Bolaños Hi Scarle!! The tip jar was a great success >:3 People loved my cosplay of you, too! You're the best for a reason
37 00:22:47 $2.00   Mercedes Darnell u make my sleep schedule scream may I have a kiss?
38 00:23:47 PHP125.00   azure_blade Something apparently means malding. Praying for your sanity
39 00:24:46 $5.00   Pinkerton AI was fantastic! I may have lost hearing in my left ear after the hopconcert tho...
40 00:24:56   Kazzie Bolaños (メンバーシップ入り)
41 00:27:01 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
I wish I can go and meet you too
42 00:27:09 $2.00   quietrioter
If you're ever at a texas con, find my booth
43 00:27:34 $5.00   Pinkerton
I met up with a bunch of folks from Milliecord. There's another pic of us in a tweet somewhere...
44 00:27:51 $2.00   quietrioter
Black Label Costume and Prop
45 00:32:36 $2.00   Cyborg Ed Skydiving simulator. Also meet and greet when?
46 00:32:43 $2.00   Rashzakea
Started a new playthrough? Pog
47 00:33:36 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
Git gud Scarle, git gud
48 00:33:53 $5.00   Scazura Alhaitham honkers be looking real good rn
49 00:33:57 $2.00   No One dont worry scarle. No One supports you. haha punny
50 00:34:40 A$2.00   XangelMusic Just hop on up, just hop on up. easy does it
51 00:35:52 $5.00   quietrioter
baby girl what's yo name. let me talk to you. let me buy you a drank
52 00:36:30 PHP50.00   azure_blade
See? you needed them prayers. *Prayges hard*
53 00:36:43 $2.00   Red She's been possessed by the ghost of the house. D:
54 00:37:31 NT$30.00   華鳥風月
親方! 空から女の子がっ!!
55 00:37:53 $2.00   Kibbles
oh good I didn't miss a thing
56 00:39:38 $2.00   SA Soldier
Face down a$s up, that's the way we play Jump king
57 00:40:53 NT$75.00   華鳥風月
I just quote Laputa: Castle in the Sky and said " Boss, this girl came down from the sky."
58 00:41:38 MYR6.00   edoge14 From rap god to rick rolled. Great
59 00:44:37 CA$2.00   Sanjeev Rao This is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come
60 00:46:40   Dan Stephenson (メンバーシップ入り)
61 00:47:06 R$2.00   Edson Augusto Andrade Lima Keeping sanity with music.
62 00:47:36 $8.88   Brando Sheriff
If I turn my head upside down, you're winning
63 00:49:48 $2.00   Roughtimes Should I be happy or afraid that you are my oshii?
64 00:50:57 $2.00   Frantix3654
Try Get Low by Lil Jon. Fitting where u are rn
65 00:51:07 £2.00   Yugoxgc How about Karaoke. Scuff Autotune would add to it
66 00:51:30 A$2.00   XangelMusic
All the things she said
67 00:51:35 $5.00   Mikael Ore hips don't lie! good night everynyan! scarle is crazey! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
68 00:53:33   二天流 Scarle your voice is perfect, you DON'T need autotune.
69 00:53:59 ₩3,000   푸푸_PUPU Honey, I love you today, too!
70 00:54:56 $5.00   Rashzakea
Your voice is beautiful without autotune, but we're happy to enjoy your singing with it until you're comfortable
71 00:55:02 $1.00   Nine the 3rd jr (a無言スパチャ)
72 00:55:29   Adelle o i forgot abt this thing
73 00:56:27 $5.00   SA Soldier
If you think they're being to sweet maybe you'll listen to am Honest bully. You sound great without auto tune and using it really does hamper it a bit
74 00:56:51 A$2.00   XangelMusic
can we pretend that airplanes...
75 00:57:50 $5.00   AdrenalStorm Can I Smash your Mouth... er can you sing Smash Mouth?
76 00:57:51 $1.00   sailormoon4eternal (a無言スパチャ)
77 00:58:37 $10.00   Dan Stephenson The singing is helping melt the miles away for this old trucker. Just keep on enjoying what you're doing - your antics always amuse! (it's pronounced Stevenson, BTW. ;p)
78 01:03:36 $1.99   bob god i want to be roomiechans bra
79 01:04:37 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15 Welcome to the jungle, In this Jump king Game. It's all we'll ever see ain't that quite a shame.
80 01:04:59 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
I promise you're good at singing. And you'll get better with practice. You've got potential. Unlike Jump King.
81 01:05:34 $5.55   Brando Sheriff
For motivation, pretend there's Al-Haitham booba at the top
82 01:08:08 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
You made the song more sus than it already is.
83 01:08:38 €2.00   M0NIK4 being Scarle's bra means death so I understand Bob
84 01:09:31 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
And you wonder why you get demonitzed...
85 01:11:41 A$2.00   XangelMusic
Onii-chan~ uwu~
86 01:12:21 $1.99   MakaMakaHiya …I come back to this?
87 01:13:26 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Please Expose her KYO
88 01:13:50 $1.99   MakaMakaHiya
Help I’m scared where is my oshi who is this
89 01:14:14 $2.00   StarCreator
... is this why you were in prison
90 01:15:00 $2.00   SA Soldier
Debut Scarle puntability
91 01:15:11 $1.99   Yuzu-Chi Omg! FEEESH is here!
92 01:15:49   QarmiQuakes (メンバーシップ入り)
93 01:15:54 $5.00   Paws&Pals If it wasn't for the fact that u have already said so much sussy stuff and ur room is a warzone, u would be a strawberry shortcake character
94 01:16:11 $2.00   Evanit0 punting Scarle to the moon
95 01:16:28 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
Can you say Onii-Chan in a uWu voice? For science.
96 01:17:33 $2.00   Paws&Pals
Punt me to the moon and let me rest among the sus.
97 01:19:26 NT$75.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Can you say the famous tsundere lin "baka hen tai urusai mo shiranai" in UwU voice? go see a doctor cya later
98 01月16日
  DelStar 5
99 01:26:00 $2.00   DelStar can you do any vtubers outside of nijisanji?
100 01:29:10 $2.00   Moleyswag We always love you Scarle
101 01:31:48 $5.00   DelStar
isnt it time to order something other than Jack in the box? do a poll
102 01:33:37 $4.99   QarmiQuakes Boy smell just so happens to be my favorite script. I never thought I could love you more. I’ve been waiting for this
103 01:33:38 $2.00   zXxSladexXz What did I just tune into?
104 01:33:59 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
I lost like 2 yrs off my life
105 01:35:01 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
I lost chat.
106 01:35:02 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
What if you combine mommy + uWu voice?
107 01:34:53 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
That gave me my 2 yrs back
108 01:35:11 CA$5.00   caikplease why is this what i hear while trying to draw.... i'm glad i'm wearing headphones
109 01:35:31   Great Apple I just tuned in and what is going on
110 01:35:39 $2.00   Rashzakea
Chat, I am so sorry I suggested this...
111 01:35:41 $2.00   DelStar
can mr pickle please do boy smell?
112 01:35:56 NZ$5.00   Lone Mistborn You know, if I wasn't watching you do this on screen right now, I would've easily thought that someone else was doing it
113 01:36:17 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
wont clip the UwU one but will do mommy one, tskr
114 01:36:23 $2.00   SA Soldier
After that boy smell thing I need another week off
115 01:36:39 $5.00   Elyusia [Guardian] Has anyone seen my handcuffs? Wait a minute, why is Scarle wearing them? And why is she cuffed to that chair? Wait, who took my whip?
116 01:38:27 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
A beautiful rendition of the acclaimed "Boy Smell"
117 01:39:03 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Is the stream winding down for the night already?
118 01:39:30 $2.00   Moleyswag
Monetization? Who needs it
119 01:39:42 $5.00   Dan Stephenson
Demonetization lesgoooo.
120 01:39:55 CA$2.00   Banglog are we supposed to be tiny and near you b00ba?
121 01:40:15 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Scarle was built for yabai game content. >_>
122 01:40:36 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
123 01:40:57 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
You are and I couldn't be prouder
124 01:41:22 A$2.00   XangelMusic
Everyone wants mommy while I want Onee-chan
125 01:42:58 $100.00   AdrenalStorm
uWu with mommy
126 01:43:12 $2.00   SA Soldier
That Yandere...ok I'll stay I guess
127 01:43:17 CA$5.00   caikplease
do you think god stays in heaven out of fear of what he's created...?
128 01:43:25 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
In Alabama Mommy can be Onee-chan
129 01:43:41 $10.00   Elyusia [Guardian]
Try saying this in momma voice: Well well well, what do we have here? You're in luck. I have a little something special just for you. Oh you want it now? Well if you really want it, then bark for me.
130 01:45:40 $2.00   Elyusia [Guardian]
Your welcome chat.
131 01:46:20 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
I kinda love it here
132 01:46:22 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
Just pretend you're an anime mom who inhaled helium lol
133 01:47:10 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
What?? I was saying something nice!!
134 01:47:24 $5.00   Zalfuse Low voice: Everything is gonna be okay, your gonna have a pleasant nap. Forget about the stress of work and just have a relaxed night.
135 01:48:44 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Low Voice: We're no strangers to loveYou know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking ofYou wouldn't get this from any other guy
136 01:51:04 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Ash Kyocham
137 01:52:16 $5.00   Dan Stephenson
You got me from Macon to Savannah. Leaving my trailer at the warehouse and driving my truck home for my weekend. Thank you for being awesome! TSKR!
138 01:58:02 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
You should try Evanito just release the inner simp
139 01:59:34 $2.00   Cyborg Ed
Look up the Warhammer 40K Mechanicus and voice it.
140 02:01:20 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
We talking Warhammer? Praise the God-Emperor!
141 02:02:16   Segues Can we get a “THE ONE PIECE IS REAL” with Ara ara?
142 02:04:39 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson Your top 5 sad anime?
143 02:06:22 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Have you seen Violet Evergarden?
144 02:07:57 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
Watch Clannad Afterstory. Totally won't make you cry. Especially the Dango song :)
145 02:08:24 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Heading to bed, good night Scarle and chat!
146 02:10:03 $2.00   Will Z Watch Aria The animation (not scarlet bullet)
147 02:10:09 $5.00   Bintock watch "Grave of the Fireflies"
148 02:11:08 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
An Anime That Leaves You Feelin Empty Is Great
149 02:13:20 $2.00   Frantix3654
I always wanted to cosplay as Hillachurl and dance
150 02:14:15 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Have you seen bobobo-bo bo-bobo saddest anime
151 02:15:17 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
How about the anime GTO? Great Teacher Onizuka inspired me to become a teacher.
152 02:15:58 CA$2.00   Banglog
guilty crown is my favorite 2010s anime
153 02:16:09 A$2.99   Lee Have you watched “a silent voice” ?
154 02:17:17 $5.55   Brando Sheriff
What about Blast of Tempest? Literally my favorite anime of all time
155 02:22:58 IDR20,000.00   slowhand_DNP now I know how to draw scarle's attention w/o supa
156 02:24:41 $2.00   DelStar
[ Message Deleted]
157 02:25:17 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
It's time for Foster Freeze is goated
158 02:27:59 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
That Door Dash guy: "No last minute orders. I can go home and see my family finally. W-what the... Who the f--"
159 02:28:45 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. I do be late, How's Scuffaguni doin?
160 02:29:10 ¥200   てすらときゃすたあ_Tsrtcaster Do you BLEND your Subway?
161 02:29:34 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Just call me Necro already, my name's a mouthful
162 02:30:23   Sile Necrosis Ch. (メンバーシップ入り)
163 02:30:57 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
164 02:31:34 $2.00   Bintock
you buy gacha and become poor to get his pants
165 02:33:00 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Scarle is more Thirsty than a fish on land.
166 02:33:51 $5.00   AdrenalStorm
Step 1: Order food from Doordash. Step 2: Mix everything in Blender. Step 3: Finish stream from toilet.
167 02:35:24 $5.00   Bintock
imagine papa Guni watching stream when you yell "Mess me up daddy!" shaking my head
168 02:37:45 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
listen to your mother
169 02:38:13 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Momaguni single?
170 02:38:39 $2.00   AtagosRaven One of the male characters has jiggle physics
171 02:39:13 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 Scarle lets us prayge for him to come to us
172 02:40:37 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Elden Ring stream when?
173 02:41:19   Sile Necrosis Ch. Scarle, EVERYONE dies in Elden Ring, it's nothing unusual ^^;
174 02:42:02 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Scarle likes them bad boys. Good thing us chat is bad at everything
175 02:42:59   Helplesschikn I want a Paimon irl, she's too adorable and floaty
176 02:45:03 $2.00   DelStar
i already waste all my money on a 2d girl tho....
177 02:45:11 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
If you like finer older men, then you might like a certain character called Big Boss.
178 02:46:40 $5.00   J TheRealMcCoy So whose your little red friend?
179 02:46:56 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle you would love Metal Gear it's all old men
180 02:50:10 $2.00   Scazura
cha-ching! (contributing to alhaitham funds)
181 02:50:45 $11.11   Brando Sheriff
Al-Haitham booba funds
182 02:50:55 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Alhaitham Thirst funds
183 02:51:06 IDR20,000.00   slowhand_DNP
let's claim alhaitham together
184 02:51:09 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Sorry, Scarle here's your Genshin Funds
185 02:51:50 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Older men funds
186 02:52:09 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
This a Superchat Bully stream?
187 02:52:14 $2.00   AdrenalStorm
-1 Liver. +1 alhaitham
188 02:52:29 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Gacha fund
189 02:53:26 A$2.99   Kales Lags Helping for the big tiddy Al Haitham funds
190 02:53:28 $5.00   Dan Stephenson
I heard older men are supposed to bully you?
191 02:53:35 PHP50.00   azure_blade
Did someone call for an Alhaitham trust fund?
192 02:55:22 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Here's my part in the funding. I just hope the last person I'm delivering this Jack in the box to will tip me properly.
193 02:55:23 $5.00   Dan Stephenson
Got it. I'm NOT supposed to bully you. Tracking.
194 03:00:21 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
wait I throw money at Vtubers who are pretty... am I a bimbo then?
195 03:02:40 $2.00   Scazura
ASMR: Date night but your date's easily distracted
196 03:05:30 $1.99   Norma Sir, he always will have a seat …right on my face
197 03:06:32 $2.00   Red
I pray to god that this is what Roomie-Chan hears.
198 03:07:14   N0m (メンバーシップ入り)
199 03:10:46 $19.99   Ann whats up scarle hope you get alhaitham on both accounts ur my #1 oshi so i root for you
200 03:11:33 $4.99   Nice Demon Queen Have you been playing Genshin Impact the entire livestream?
201 03:11:47 $10.00   TheMessage 04 Just watched the new Puss in Boots movie yesterday, it was dope asf, it got me motivated to keep on continuing my dream.
202 01月16日
  Mero Nya Ch. Yay, I can listen to Scarle while I fall asleep tonight! Good night, Scarle. Your voice is so relaxing, like beautiful music
203 03:17:12 $10.00   TheMessage 04
Got work later on so I'm heading to bed, Don't worry I will have a "wholesome" dream about you Scarle
204 03:19:54 CA$5.00   Mero Nya Ch. Good luck with the game, by the way! You can do it, miss pogchamp . I'll get a great sleep listening to this, so I hope you get a nice rest too!
205 03:31:33 $1.00   Brando Sheriff
206 03:44:37 $5.55   Brando Sheriff
Does this mean all your previous moans have been burps the whole time
207 01月16日
  ARBITOR117 Are you being a degenerate again?
208 03:54:50 NT$30.00   熱狗香腸 pomu got dawngrade to paimon ?
209 03:58:21 $5.00   ARBITOR117 Question, would you ever be willing to play Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot? Since, its a good anime game.
210 01月16日
  Brando Sheriff 5
211 01月16日
  SideswipePrime606 5
212 04:28:40 $2.00   ARBITOR117
play Halo
213 04:35:57 $10.00   Donald Aversano III im back to support da booba queen! how is u 2day
214 04:41:21 $20.00   ARBITOR117
When you play without thought, that is playing with your instinctings. That is what playing with no thinking is. Aka the "Flow State" in martial arts terms. The form of doing without thought, or at a job, "auto pilot".
215 04:44:44 $5.00   ARBITOR117
Goth clothes, only if I get all the cuddles and snuggles. hehehehehe
216 04:50:04 $2.00   ARBITOR117
Sex can get very weird at times.
217 04:50:24 A$2.99   Kales Lags
218 04:52:50 $2.00   ARBITOR117
How do I activate sussy baka Scarle?
219 04:53:58 $5.00   ARBITOR117
Yor not always sussy, but your headpatedable Scarle. :3
220 04:57:29 $2.00   Kibbles
You do know there is no bone in the pp right?
221 05:00:45 $2.00   Ann
this is nice to study to thank you for this convo
222 05:03:09 $2.00   SA Soldier
Your mind needs to wander into some Therapy
223 05:03:51 €2.00   M0NIK4
bad dragon=giant monster tentacle Toys
224 05:03:58 $2.00   Kibbles
It is a terrible substance you should never do
225 05:05:22 PHP50.00   Aki's Good Boy Share a photo for us who doesn't know
226 05:06:41 $2.00   Raziel Faustus chat knows for scientific reasons
227 05:06:53 $2.00   SA Soldier
Who ever mentioned her bad dragon...shame on you
228 05:07:34 $2.00   Kibbles
Are you saying you don't like them?
229 05:07:35 $2.00   AtagosRaven
Bad Dragon is a seggs shop for furries, thats why
230 05:07:50 CA$2.00   caikplease
231 05:08:24 NZ$5.00   Lone Mistborn
Okay idk what's more amusing: you discovering what this is, or staying on that site long enough to see what other stuff they had
232 05:08:47 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Wait i just back from dinner what happened?
233 05:08:49 $5.00   KAIJU MYSTIC I always been a lurker and I can't believe this was the first thing I even interacted with in Chat
234 05:09:31 IDR20,000.00   abdilla faishal clipper free content thank me start this*run to Vc
235 05:12:25 NT$30.00   R-YONG Clips. (R用烤肉)
Scarle learn new things everyday
236 05:17:48 $1.99   John steenstra Can I hear a low voice ara ara~ pleeeaasse?
237 05:18:24 €2.00   sango323 Ren could do a bad dragon collab
238 05:18:39 $2.00   Raziel Faustus
are you familiar with the art of hr giger scarle
239 01月16日
  Arthur Morgan (メンバーシップ入り)
240 05:26:52 $5.00   Arthur Morgan Scarle seriously don't look this stuff up I know you might be curious but 177013 can scar you for life
241 05:28:14 €2.00   sango323
drip markering For DEHYA just dropped .
242 05:38:06 $2.00   SA Soldier
Scarle asking the Tsundere to bully her, typical
243 05:43:14 $5.00   Solaire Of Astora Hi, Scarle you look gorgeous today. I am very tired, buenas noches, MWAH
244 01月16日
  pikaaa 4 months POG