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$ USD 6 316.99 \45,867
A$ AUD 2 105.00 \10,105
EUR EUR 2 55.00 \8,664
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NT$ TWD 3 435.00 \2,022
HK$ HKD 1 78.00 \1,440
PHP PHP 1 250.00 \654
---- ---- ---- ---- \71,968
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1 07月04日
  yoyolaufen (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:01:21 NT$330.00   Xin Mom, i have a lot to tell you . Thank you for putting a lot of time and love in creating contents . I hope you take care of yourself.i love you forever
3 00:01:32   tehshiyu (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:03:45   Momma S.j. Merchant Hey Momma Nina! Hey HEXY!! You sound awesome to me. Can't wait for the fun. You will see this video for a long time my sweet Momma Nina! Love, Saleema
5 00:04:03   TGG333 (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:05:02 HK$78.00   Judith Creepypasta & SCP have the best horror stories
7 07月04日
  MsMelChan🧚‍♀️ Thanks for keeping all of the vods I'll be coming around often
8 00:05:38   Chronos The VN Wierdo 9 months of mombership, time for a baby now.
9 00:05:38 A$5.00   Rayne Love ya fox mum. Gonna miss you so much. All the luck where ever you go, full of success and joy in all your endeavours.
10 00:06:09 $5.00   Soorya sup mom happy 4th, we love you and think you're the most shining amazing fox mom evah!
11 00:06:04 CHF20.00   Magister Generalis Hey Mom! I just want to say that you made my day after you replied to my tweet. I was crying so much… and if you‘re still sick i would recommend you neo citran. It will beat the sickness into submission.
12 07月04日
  MsMelChan🧚‍♀️ 1
13 00:12:21 €5.00   Kairos Akuma Good Morning Hex! Good Morning Nina! Thanks so much for the collab today! I'm sure it will be awesome!
14 00:13:39 €50.00   Leon Legend You have imposter syndrome but there is nothing sus about you.
15 07月04日
  2lazy2name Got the news, so I wanna use this while I still can. Even if I haven’t watch all ur streams, I really enjoyed ur content. Im gonna miss u
16 00:36:21   잴리【jælly】 (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:36:50 $2.00   Ozmin Weller: Lord of Chaos. *grabs popcorn and turns off all the lights.*
18 00:39:13   Chain Thunderbolt (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:40:07 $200.00   ZerotheBlade Not sure if it because I am nothing but negativity or trained in purification rituals, I don't have issues with ghosts and demon. Or could it be that I consider myself part demon, they leave me alone because they think I an ally.
20 00:41:07 A$100.00   Armades | アーマデス Free?
21 00:41:38 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson Good morning, Nina! I'll sit here quietly listening to you guys today. Have fun!
22 00:47:47 PHP250.00   Obsessed Dreamer mom's voice acting is so tskr. so amazing
23 00:50:19 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu) Candle Cove is THE CLASSIC CREEPYPASTA, I know lots of people(including me) fall into the CreepyPasta because of it. I recommend An Egg & Mr.WideMouth
24 00:53:15 $5.00   ULTRA★CUNNY Godzilla NES is my personal favorite creepypasta. It's a pretty long one, though.
25 01:06:05 NT$30.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
Nina mama is god!!! Let's drink her blood(red wine
26 01:33:44 $99.99   Mumi Kori I love you Momma Nina