配信名【LUCIUS】how bad can I be?【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 37 212.99 \27,951
A$ AUD 5 16.99 \1,543
CA$ CAD 3 12.00 \1,174
YEN YEN 1 1055 \1,055
IDR IDR 2 70000.00 \608
MX$ MXN 1 65.00 \449
MYR MYR 1 10.00 \307
PHP PHP 1 50.00 \120
---- ---- ---- ---- \33,207
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月05日
$5.00   Johnny Lacone A game practically made for our dragon. Let us see the chaos!
2 00:03:30 MX$65.00   D-Dragon They made your childhood into a videogame? NO WAYBtw, those Onceler refernces.....smh
3 00:05:02   Nabby (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:05:12 $2.00   JTshark_ I hope you know 10 hours is a healthy sleep cycle
5 00:07:15 $5.00   UMadYet - since when did selen become a horror game vtuber
6 00:13:41   Philip Phua (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:17:51 $10.00   warren the last Lord of cinder i always knew you were evil
8 02月05日
  Perfected Flaws
9 00:19:08 CA$2.00   FoxeyeValkyrie Selen Lucious Taksuki
10 02月05日
  MakotoArtz I know someone who's name is illuminati, middle name lucius. should I be scared
11 00:20:39   Max Wehr The S in Selen stands for Rosemi
12 00:22:17 $5.00   Mr. Monday Take this superchat by pressing Mouse 2 and then Mouse 2!
13 00:25:13 $5.00   Gup they call him Lucious "Two Shirts" the most infamous serial killer of all time.
14 00:25:58 $5.00   warren the last Lord of cinder
the reason you have two shirts selen because you secretly adopted
15 02月05日
  Jonny Yoo
16 00:29:27   Wild Cat (メンバーシップ入り)
17 02月05日
  prettyywin a sock? you're free selen <3
18 00:31:46   warren the last Lord of cinder (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:40:03 $5.00   Airborne Ninja Didnt you kill your maid?
20 00:40:26 $5.00   Aefen Selen would rather kill Gene than clean her room
21 00:45:43   NightStorm(MOTIVATED Schum) (メンバーシップ入り)
22 00:45:57 CA$5.00   Thai Danh Are you sabotaging things? Is your father Satan or is it actually Hitman
23 00:50:54 $2.00   Manuel Pascual can this game handle you playing on 280fps
24 00:51:39   MeltedPhoenix Satan-Len is too busy playing with beach balls to reap souls
25 00:54:03   The Anime Neckbeard you didnt you just glitched the door out and then walked back up to it so you could open it again lol
26 00:58:25 A$2.99   MeltedPhoenix True evil is lying on your Resume, apparently
27 00:59:15 A$5.00   Rantam He's gonna be okay, right? Heads grow back, right?
28 01:11:51   FunontherunCO (メンバーシップ入り)
29 01:20:54   Luna (メンバーシップ入り)
30 02月05日
31 01:34:24   Furashii (メンバーシップ入り)
32 01:51:14 $2.00   Shangar Selen: Huh, that statue's smoking, weird.
33 01:55:28 ¥1,055   白獅子 This is my first SPA, excuse me for using the translation tool. I became a fan of yours last year when I learned about your support of Seren! Keep up the good work!
34 02:00:26 $5.00   Gup
I'm totally giving this Supa of my free will. Selen totally didn't use mind control on me.
35 02:01:12 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15 Selogan Pauluski
36 02月05日
  Min / 敏
37 02:27:06 A$2.00   Trudon need a Selen mind blown for the next emotes.
38 02:28:35 $5.00   Shangar
They're just the help. They aren't even real people.
39 02:35:42 $5.00   Gup
40 02:36:46 $2.00   Aefen
41 02:37:36   Echo Tensei (メンバーシップ入り)
42 02:37:36   Ersanven Uncle Tom is going for the Naked Wrestling Title next year in WrestleSanji
43 02:42:04 $5.00   Shangar
Don't worry Selen these are educational photos
44 02:46:30 $5.00   MEEP she was weak, she died falling in snow
45 02:48:18 $20.00   PR Time to make a tomlette
46 02:56:19   Codyxman time to grow up and do your laundry
47 03:00:22 $5.00   Shangar
No, Selen. The help aren't people.
48 03:01:08 IDR50,000.00   RagingNousagi Oh No The Spanish Inquisition is Coming
49 03:03:55 $10.00   Ziryo First she loves tutorials and now she hates them. Now she's complaining about murder!? What happened to our murder-happy Selen!?
50 03:14:42 $1.99   David McCarthy Why kiel Uncle Tom! He gav you car insurance?!?!
51 03:15:33 $20.00   Eon R
52 03:18:33 $2.00   A Pickled Cucumber Soflen Lockedtsuki
53 03:26:44 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
TBF they might not have known about the patch, still great stream Selen
54 03:33:24 $5.00   warren the last Lord of cinder
i did't realize i mean you have Petra how can see be evil
55 03:35:01 MYR10.00   Hagatou "penguin evil laughing in the background"
56 03:35:25 $5.00   Anton Namtet I love how you were the only one who was a shoo in for Obsydia instead of Lazulight
57 03:36:45 $2.00   Nhân Man I remember alot let players usedto play lucius
58 03:36:53 IDR20,000.00   RagingNousagi
are you suprised? Selen is cute but 100% Evil
59 03:39:42 $5.00   Anton Namtet
To describe vibrant evil of Lazulight and Obsydia you're the most like an actual supervillain some hero has to fight rather than just an edgy girl
60 03:43:48 $10.00   warren the last Lord of cinder
the legless lizard look like a snake but is a lizard
61 03:44:00   TheZonderman this information makes me angry
62 03:44:55 $10.00   who its almost like how selen is 70% neck
63 03:45:09 A$5.00   Trudon
evolutionally snake are lizards. legless lizards have evolved mulitple times in many different groups.
64 03:46:23 $5.00   warren the last Lord of cinder
did you ever hear about the emu war in Australia that Australia lost
65 03:46:30 A$2.00   Trudon
Have you seen legless amphibians.
66 03:47:51 $2.00   Nhân
Do you like go to Disney land?
67 03:50:42 $5.00   warren the last Lord of cinder
another fact about Disney is that if you die or give birth they will try to get you out of the park before delivery or you are announce dead
68 03:51:18 PHP50.00   Fudgetop Have you seen the Winnie the Pooh horror film?
69 03:51:54 $2.00   Nhân
I missed when Disney used to be good tbh
70 03:52:09 $10.00   Axle_j daily reminder for all that winnie the pooh: blood and honey is a real movie comin out
71 03:53:24 CA$5.00   TheZonderman when is selen public domain?
72 03:56:03 $5.00   warren the last Lord of cinder
finally i can slumber