配信名【STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER】where's my red lightsaber【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 30 201.98 \27,442
A$ AUD 5 34.99 \3,207
£ GBP 4 19.00 \3,104
MYR MYR 7 51.00 \1,550
MX$ MXN 5 193.00 \1,458
EUR EUR 2 10.00 \1,445
CA$ CAD 1 5.00 \499
PHP PHP 1 50.00 \123
---- ---- ---- ---- \38,828
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月06日
  あかり (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:02:36 $5.00   Anton Namtet Selen waking up bright and early to play Dark Souls, lets go!
3 00:05:31 MX$25.00   D-Dragon Dew it
4 00:05:52 $5.00   Gambit_Gamble EA is on the game
5 00:06:31 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Master of Plankmu This is what EA's paywall is for: to fund Selen's based Star Wars streams
6 00:12:07 $2.00   joshua pou it hurts
7 00:13:29 £2.00   oddball-boy DRAGOONS THE TIME HAS COME EXECUTE ORDER 66
8 00:16:47 €5.00   Marshall Banana Selen be like "I'm walking here" while stomping on everyone.
9 03月07日
  Mojey Those kids are gonna be hairy as hell
10 00:21:31 $5.00   Gup Could be worse, at least didn't kill the younglings herself
11 00:21:53   Tayzor Azul Hey Selen, you think you will do Borderlands series ?
12 00:22:15 €5.00   Marshall Banana
She betrayed them all, not just the men, but the women and children too.
13 00:22:31 MYR6.00   Xanxus998 and with that the stream is demonetized
14 00:22:47 A$5.00   Valkyyr Imagine the Jedi, hero of the people, coming over to you and laughing at the fact your neck is broken lmao
15 00:22:52   SG_bun G O N K
16 00:23:08   F0XBlade All praise G O N K
17 00:23:19   ice dragon - female fanbase GONK
18 00:24:45 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Do you have a hall pass young padawan ?
19 00:26:04 £5.00   oddball-boy
20 00:27:04   Deli (メンバーシップ入り)
21 00:29:13 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Spider caught you slacking gurl
22 00:29:59 MX$65.00   PS2 Junkie Hey Selen if you want to play as a Sith why not ask perms for Star Wars:Force Unleashed 1 and 2? is not by EA btw
23 00:35:58 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
A 0.5 Jedi / Sith
24 00:45:14   ZyraZain (Lead OOPP) Damn Selen, he's already dead!
25 03月07日
26 03月07日
  Azure Sapphire
27 00:56:05 $5.00   Cgood X Don't hug Selen she's scared.
28 00:57:17 MX$65.00   Alaん Tellez We need a Selen wookie impression
29 00:57:27 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Bot dont know not to touch the vtuber Jedi
30 01:04:37 $2.00   Gator "just a poncho" how dare
31 01:05:43 $5.00   gamrage You can just have him go without a poncho for the rest of the game out of spite.
32 01:06:41 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Selen can i interest you to invest in poncho koin?
33 01:08:20   Neko Kun Selen really do have Zoro class direction sense
34 01:18:31 $4.99   Astral Dragon It took awhile but, I finally received your B-Day merch the other day! And I am very happy with it, was definitely worth the wait.
35 01:28:55 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo ...order 66 was just a mob hit?ITALLMAKESSENSENOW!
36 01:29:10   suckapunch565 If you can't trust nobody, Trust only in the force, Selen...
37 01:30:42 $5.00   Gup
So Order 66 was just Palpatine's way of getting out of his gambling debt to the Jedi Order?
38 01:43:18 MX$13.00   Alaん Tellez
39 01:47:03   damdan13l (メンバーシップ入り)
40 01:49:19 PHP50.00   FREDERICKS haha imagine dying to a storm trooper
41 01:54:33   Diego he just wanted to dance
42 02:08:27 $50.00   Medi He cheesed you
43 02:10:45   Hudson (メンバーシップ入り)
44 02:10:52 $5.00   Peter Campi After this, we're going to have to call Selen the "cheese" to Nina's wine.
45 02:11:16 A$5.00   FistfulOfHerbs All hail the!
46 02:11:52 $5.00   joshua pou
47 02:21:03 MX$25.00   D-Dragon
Like the good ol days after 7 11, right?
48 02:29:26 $5.00   Gup
the tunnels are technically the fast travel
49 02:30:11 $10.00   Fenny Ferrister I would like to report that I'm making a frozen pizza. I accidently added chili powder instead of red pepper flakes. I have either ruined everything or discovered something wonderful.
50 02:31:00   whiskeytango 10 selen are you a fan of star wars?
51 02:32:31 A$5.00   WMercy Fun fact, wan is jp for a dog's bark, so Selen-wan sounds like a furry arc
52 02:33:55 $5.00   Kyoudai wording selen...wording
53 02:36:48 $20.00   Jonesypoo Droid sees Selen in the halls at school: what? no hug?!
54 02:39:35   Jonesypoo selen if the empire isn't so bad what'd they do with all the younglings?
55 02:43:38 $5.00   Delta 57 Dash New merch idea: Selen T-shirt with "Real Gamers Don't Parry" written on the chest
56 02:43:56 A$5.00   FistfulOfHerbs
droids: "You don't like hugs Selen? Too Bad "
57 02:46:41 $5.00   Delta 57 Dash
I can't believe you killed Wile E Coyote
58 02:55:02 $5.00   gamrage
Saying you had her reminds me of those dogs that bark from behind a gate and become completely silent when the gate opens.
59 02:56:06 $5.00   Ethan Gavette As much as I like the light side, having the villains go back to it is an overdone cliché by now
60 02:56:50 $5.00   Atheta If you're interested in giving it a try, Star Wars the Force Unleashed is an older adventure game, but you play as the Sith
61 02:58:37 $5.00   Raidenn_vt (雷電) You would love Knights of the old republic you can choose to be light or dark side and hurt people for fun
62 02:59:25 $5.00   JustPhoYou If you wanna try a Star Wars FPS Star Wars Battlefront 2 has full servers...occasionally lol
63 03月07日
64 03:01:29 $5.00   Doublej126 There's also Star Wars Squadrons which is EA. That's all flight battles though
65 03:05:16 MYR15.00   Narzz have you watched Star Wars Vision, the animated short stories of star wars made from different studios?
66 03:07:06 $2.00   Michael Fang Is it possible to learn this power?
67 03:09:29   (メンバーシップ入り)
68 03:09:48 £2.00   oddball-boy
69 03:11:20 $2.00   Dango Lanford You and Gravity don't get along very well
70 03:16:12 $5.00   Dango Lanford
you ever see those videos of Goats climbing a Dam wall? that should be proof Goats know no fear
71 03:17:21 £10.00   DreamAura This stream is like a burger - satisfying, nourishing, and better with plenty of cheese
72 03:27:32 A$14.99   Randomperson2021 Hey Selen, you didn’t get a red fridge after playing Atomic Heart, did you?
73 03:28:39   Pace Argonaut Ch. "You think storm troopers are gonna kill me?? Send over a goat and then I be scared"
74 03:36:20 $10.00   whiskeytango 10 who is your favorite character in the Star Wars franchise
75 03:52:30 $1.99   PandaWolf Imagine being a space wizard and dying to rats