配信名【SHERLOCK HOLMES CHAPTER ONE】 Wait... why he kinda hot... 【NIJISANJI EN | Finana Ryugu】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 5 18.48 \2,688
EUR EUR 1 5.99 \944
CA$ CAD 1 6.99 \753
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \538
---- ---- ---- ---- \4,923
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09月01日
  Canadian Hippo (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:03:29   keyudragon finally im a 2 year memberfeesh. The badge look so good
3 00:03:55   birb (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:04:42 $5.00   Normal-Sized Phantom Peter Cushing was the hottest Sherlock Holmes imo
5 00:04:51 SGD5.00   Ryesia been recovering from the C the past few days, I'm sooooo happy that I can catch your streams again!
6 09月02日
  Ghost of Pomu - Millie's UNPAID Actor😳 This one's for Ryesia, get better soon homie
7 00:20:01 CA$6.99   The Shadow Finana is that noble man because she’s so precious
8 00:56:01 €5.99   Sakurazoku Hey Feesh, it’s my bd in 1 hour, can I get a finance hbd song ? 🩵
9 01:03:53 $5.00   Normal-Sized Phantom
All this because you found someone's cane on a table
10 01:15:12   Ryesia I swear jon is not real
11 01:56:19 $4.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto- Sherlock Holmes: now, it’s time to count up your sins~
12 02:04:45 $1.49   Solid Takezo
13 09月02日
  Orion Hunter 10
14 02:12:45   Isomer (メンバーシップ入り)
15 09月02日
  Dan Sullivan How did they make a game with more insane NPC dialogue than Shenmue
16 03:45:50 $2.00   Card man wanna hear a joke?