記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 14 36.98 \5,164
£ GBP 3 14.00 \2,527
NZ$ NZD 3 20.00 \1,728
A$ AUD 2 9.99 \933
THB THB 1 40.00 \159
---- ---- ---- ---- \10,511
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月13日
  Eugeneticzz (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月13日
  Swan Flyer (メンバーシップ入り)
3 07月13日
  TheDullaMan (メンバーシップ入り)
4 07月13日
  storm 11gaming (メンバーシップ入り)
5 07月13日
  Dante_Kam (メンバーシップ入り)
6 07月13日
  SleepySandy (メンバーシップ入り)
7 07月13日
  RicOwO (メンバーシップ入り)
8 07月13日
A$7.99   TylerTA Sneaky supa
9 07月13日
  Ann 8 months is so scary I’m so scared that I’ve been your fan for 8 months how do I get out of this hell… Someone save mee
10 00:27:40 $2.00   Delstar scarle have you ever done a wheelie?
11 00:27:50 NZ$10.00   Matt I am too drunk for this but damn I love you all, especially you chat, Scarle is fine but damn chat wooooo
12 00:28:55 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi I wish you the best, Ln'eta
13 00:29:03 $2.00   Frantix3654 All that maiden class for nothing I want my $ back
14 00:32:36   Matt (メンバーシップ入り)
15 00:33:42   Necros (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:33:55 NZ$5.00   Matt
sorry Ma'am didnt realize I wasn't a member D:
17 00:42:02 NZ$5.00   Matt
goodnight babies mwah
19 01:19:15 $5.00   Delstar
only route you need is the one that leads to the showerk. how long has it been?
20 01:29:22 $5.00   Delstar
hey dawg im gonna dip. i was wondering if you could give your homie a kith, thanks playa
21 01:47:00 $2.00   DarkArr0w
sorry Scarle I found a new mommy
22 01:50:21 £2.00   Yugoxgc "Its really really hard " Thats what she said
23 01:51:47 $5.00   Salty Lich Fun fact, I've gotten so used to watching you live that I just spent 10 minutes in a vod trying to figure out why I can't send a supa
24 01:53:24 $1.99   Ann dude homina homina this cat lady bro
25 01:57:32 A$2.00   Starra Poor Scarle F
26 02:05:52 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy Hey Scale mama. Is she single
27 02:17:11 $2.00   DarkArr0w
have she met any human outlast her on bed
28 02:19:27 $1.99   Ann
Can this woman like go away PLEASE…
29 02:26:43 £2.00   Yugoxgc
Is ok Scarle just wash after each 1 chant
30 02:36:34 $2.00   Silly Ivan so she has oneesan aunt energy, like you
31 02:41:51 $2.00   LuisPJ scarle is korny
32 02:47:26 $2.00   Onii San Victory screeaam
33 02:54:30 £10.00   christine k
34 07月13日
  mikazuki (メンバーシップ入り)