記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 34 308.73 \41,274
EUR EUR 1 100.00 \14,619
PHP PHP 9 5957.10 \14,419
CA$ CAD 3 31.00 \3,081
CLP CLP 7 10450 \1,726
A$ AUD 3 11.49 \1,024
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
MYR MYR 3 15.00 \454
---- ---- ---- ---- \77,097
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月13日
$5.00   Pinkerton Hope you're feeling better, Millie! Thanks in advance for the comfy ASMR, looking forward to the VOD after I get back to Tokyo.
2 00:00:46   TsunaSakana Yipee
3 00:05:44 $1.99   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan Thank you Millie for another ASMR!
4 00:05:49 $2.00   Brandermau Thanks for another ASMR Boss!
5 04月13日
  Nice Hat 1
6 00:06:29 MYR6.00   Kon Koffee Thanks for the ASMR as usual :3
7 00:06:48 $2.00   Carlos Thanks for the ASMR boss, time to relax
8 00:07:16 CLP2,750   RowJ Thanks for the ASMR boss! hope u are feeling better~ plus pinky stopped by earlier thanking u for the asmr and wishing you health~
9 00:10:11   Momo💟kyos toes
10 00:10:17 $10.00   MMZero Hope you are feeling better Millie
11 00:11:22 CA$20.00   Orion Hunter
12 00:12:03 $5.00   Siege
13 00:13:56 PHP137.50   Coddiwomple Hope you are feeling better, Millie!
14 00:17:01   Ichot segs, greetings from chile
15 00:17:01 $2.00   TonyTheTiger
16 00:18:17   Retrobanner (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:18:37 PHP55.00   seisomoon ur too good. just woke up & i already feel sleepy.
18 00:22:01 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Sorry I'm late Millie, thanks for the ASMR, really appreciated!
19 00:26:06   Raspberrylila (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:31:46 $0.99   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan
21 00:32:18 PHP40.70   MANUEL
22 04月13日
  dashuskington TSKR
23 04月13日
  Johnny Lacone 5
24 00:47:41 $1.35   Jason (a無言スパチャ)
25 04月13日
26 00:48:34   Asca Rin
27 00:51:22 ¥500   Watty (a無言スパチャ)
28 00:55:12 $20.00   Flight-042 Breathe after me, hee hee hoo...oh wait wrong breathing exercise.
29 00:56:18   Crunchy PBJ (メンバーシップ入り)
30 04月13日
  Nice Hat 1
31 04月13日
  Crunchy PBJ 20
32 04月13日
  Propanecoke 5
33 04月13日
  RowJ 5
34 04月13日
CLP550   RowJ
35 01:04:28 $1.00   Propanecoke (a無言スパチャ)
36 01:04:30 $1.49   Nice Hat
37 01:04:53 $1.00   mr albeezie (a無言スパチャ)
38 01:04:55 $0.99   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan
39 01:04:58 A$1.49   ChickenParfait🪄
40 01:05:07 $1.49   Carlos
41 01:05:20 MYR3.00   Kon Koffee
42 01:05:53 PHP30.00   seisomoon
43 04月13日
  Lightshadow 5
44 01:13:46 $1.49   Pinkerton
45 01:14:50 $1.49   mr albeezie
46 01:15:54 $1.49   Carlos
47 01:21:25 PHP53.90   seisomoon
48 01:28:14   Cami - みどり (メンバーシップ入り)
49 01:28:30 PHP30.00   seisomoon
50 01:29:26 $1.99   Bacon Slayer Bacon
51 04月13日
  Lightshadow Take care of yourself first. It'll only be harder to take care of us if you're not well. Thank you for all the effort you put in for us!
52 01:35:11 $1.99   Pinkerton
53 01:39:02   NobleNoisii (メンバーシップ入り)
54 01:45:16 CA$5.50   IrishstompGaming kekw perplexing cause i enjoy it but she's also blown her voice box out like 3 times this month
55 04月13日
  Nice Hat 1
56 04月13日
  NushiSushi I just like the
57 01:54:42 $0.99   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan
58 04月13日
  NushiSushi 5
59 02:01:31 $100.00   cabbage In dire need of some cyber security
60 02:02:32 $5.00   Carlos
After downloading six Linkin Park songs with wire I paid Millie to protect me. Best purchase ever
61 02:04:16 €100.00   tunaryu 「ᛏᚢᚾᚨᚠᛚᛊᚺ」 WORKS! I'M NOT A CODER ANYMORE
62 02:04:28 CA$5.50   IrishstompGaming
dose it include the hat, may or may not be super important
63 02:08:41   Shin Amamiya シン Code
64 02:10:04 A$5.00   ChickenParfait🪄
coder: become
65 02:10:13   KazuKi (メンバーシップ入り)
66 02:10:24 $5.00   Pinkerton
Next robe upgrade: tin foil hoods
67 02:11:20 PHP5,500.00   Coddiwomple
Protecting myself!!
68 02:14:28 CLP1,100   RowJ
Boss...That's what a CODERIST would ask!
69 04月13日
  Scaramooshie🌼 Everytime I’ve cosplayed u at a con, a bunch of dudes hit on me thanks for letting me borrow ur rizz milkie parfait
70 02:18:34 $2.00   Carlos
innit is British, not Python
71 04月13日
  Smaltin Millie is clearly a coder. You can tell by the awfully specific questions. Protect yourselves.
72 04月13日
$2.00   Pinkerton
Well well well how the turntables...
73 04月13日
  Seduq It takes a coder to identify another coder
74 02:21:42 $1.99   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan
Millie mentioned Python earlier, like a coder
75 02:22:28   Murphy >>> import this
76 02:22:35 CLP1,100   RowJ
don't talk to the guy in japan like that, Coder!
77 02:23:55   The Keksadler No only coders play minecraft
78 02:24:02 $5.00   F0XBlade You were supposed to destroy the coders, not join them!
79 02:24:35 $5.00   Carlos
I finally get it. The reason Millie is so good at defending against coders is because she knows how they work. BECAUSE SHE IS ONE
80 02:25:19   Number101 Confirmed Millie is a hacker
81 02:25:25 $100.00   Scaythly Is this redeemable for protection against sexy voice?
82 02:25:29 A$5.00   ChickenParfait🪄
Why do coders like dark mode? Because light attracts bugs.
83 02:25:44 PHP55.00   MANUEL
millie was asking oddly specific things yup coder
84 02:25:47 CLP1,100   RowJ
I don't play minecraf I watch pretty girls play it
85 04月13日
  Arsonist The C in stands for Coders.
86 02:26:10   Roti I lived in Java... Am I the coder too?
87 02:26:57 $5.00   cabbage
we aren't paid actors we're AI
88 02:27:07 CLP1,100   RowJ
So we have a month without torture~ noice~
89 02:27:14 $2.00   Pinkerton
The 's' in Millie stands for 'seggsy'
90 04月13日
$5.00   Smaltin The S stands for scripter, or coder. Millie exposed.
91 02:29:30 MYR6.00   Nyaaa I'M BACK FROM THE GULAG!! IT'S A TRAP GUYS!!!
92 02:29:36 PHP55.00   Desk Kun Only a Coderist uses Seggsy Voice...
93 04月13日
  Noxa Am I crazy for missing how unsexy and cursed her sexy voice is?
94 04月13日
CLP2,750   RowJ
But you didn't find a single coder and you were a suspect~ welp, thanks boss for the ASMR, rest well~