記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 14 92.94 \13,565
INR INR 2 1200.00 \2,108
PHP PHP 2 750.00 \1,931
SGD SGD 3 12.94 \1,390
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \466
YEN YEN 1 320 \320
THB THB 2 69.00 \284
---- ---- ---- ---- \20,064
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月18日
  Afro (メンバーシップ入り)
2 08月18日
  Gh0st T0wn (メンバーシップ入り)
3 08月18日
  PE4CH 둔둔이 (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:04:32 $10.00   LunaNoctuArts Have fun playing Genshin tonight. While I hope you're able to pull any characters you really want to get, the true 5 Star of the stream is our Crowshi
5 08月18日
  Wei Lin OuO 5
6 08月18日
  almondpocky 5
7 00:05:46 $5.00   romy Congratulations on Wanderer. Or whatever. I was rooting for you the whole time. Totally.
8 00:06:08 $2.00   Komi Komi No sad only Genshin pog
9 00:06:21 HK$25.00   Garnet🃏🔪 Time to watch my favorite show heroes of the night
10 08月18日
  Darla Bubbles 5
11 00:06:36 PHP250.00   Zye Hi Vanta I won't be able to stay. I love what I've seen of Fontaine so far. I hope you enjoy it as well This Kaeya enjoyer will head out for now. Bye bye
12 00:06:51 SGD6.98   glitter I got armpit lady in 30 pity! I always enjoy your genshin streams so here’s some funds
13 08月18日
  Garnet🃏🔪 5
14 00:07:20 $4.99   jake long time no see!! is there an airport nearby or is it my heart taking off?? welcome back crowshi! goodluck youll need it lolz
15 08月18日
  almondpocky 5
16 00:09:03   grey 🌧 (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:09:57 $4.99   Heizou_Minji Here’s a free a Supa for Yelan.
18 08月18日
  courtney 💕 5
19 00:12:33 ₹1,000.00   beauty is terror. future funds for LYNEY, crowshi (don't descend into gacha hell tho, we believe in ya hehe and GOOD LUCK WITH FONTAINE!)
20 00:19:53 $4.99   Edgarven18 I did a 10 pull the other day on a banner that is similar to a weapon banner in Genshin and I got 4 out of 5 new equipment. May my luck bless you
21 00:25:43 $2.00   Evan's Kazoo Covers is this super Mario galaxy
22 00:42:17 $2.00   Komi Komi
Lyneys English VA also voices Blade
23 01:49:44 $1.99   Edgarven18
Spray bottle
24 01:55:32 $19.99   LeeLee Cringe Hope you have an amazing stream
25 02:02:11   archaicbro (メンバーシップ入り)
26 02:04:31 $5.00   Arvie_exists There are NPCs in Fontaine names Luca and sonny....they are cleaners
27 02:21:01 $5.00   Komi Komi
Just remembered that they have steak tartare in Fontaine.
28 02:27:45 $4.99   Edgarven18
I have to admit, I do enjoy how unhinged you become during these Genshin streams. That’s how I get at times with a lot of men in video games
29 02:37:50 PHP500.00   archaicbro LMAO WAIT I HAVE work バンタちゃん頑張って!しっかり勉強しなさい! Chat ur cool!
30 02:38:49 $20.00   almondpocky the tonal whiplash whenever you thank supas now is devastating, TSKR
31 02:42:30 THB40.00   anaaah vantacrow (no) vantacool (yes)
32 08月18日
  lemonadep🍋 1
33 03:05:19 SGD2.98   glitter
I’ve said thank you to a printer
34 03:07:46 ¥320   Genshin, have fun!(原神楽しんでください)
35 03:11:57 ₹200.00   beauty is terror.
crying cause of the sheer amount of quests you need to do before fontaine BUT I RESPEKT THE GRIND AND DEDICATION, crowshi. HYPE SUPA FOR YA (moral support crow)
36 03:12:40 SGD2.98   glitter
Can I ask- which genshin mob is the most smashable
37 03:32:00 THB29.00   anaaah
38 08月18日
  almondpocky 5