配信名【#MillieBDSM】BRUSH, DRAW, SKETCH & MEDIUM ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 33 106.45 \14,703
CLP CLP 9 19250 \3,338
PHP PHP 16 1107.50 \2,746
CA$ CAD 6 22.16 \2,270
EUR EUR 5 12.00 \1,788
£ GBP 1 5.00 \857
SGD SGD 1 6.98 \715
MYR MYR 3 18.00 \546
THB THB 1 100.00 \401
YEN YEN 2 400 \400
A$ AUD 1 1.49 \136
ARS ARS 1 90.00 \53
---- ---- ---- ---- \27,953
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月20日
$1.49   Pinkerton
2 00:05:21 $1.99   C.J. O'Dell Millie is so talented and a joy to watch
3 00:05:31   OZ we are ready bdsm master
4 00:06:28 $5.00   Pinkerton
She's gonna teach us to BDSM like one of her French cats.
5 00:06:51   Doge64 Oops sorry Millie but I accidentally ate my money sadge
6 00:07:02 SGD6.98   Enna's Megane is an Aloupeep in a Robe I don’t have 500 but here is 5 dollars
7 00:07:06   Sidney Sloth i wanted to write more, but some robe enjoyers tied some rope around me wrists...
8 00:09:08 CLP2,750   RowJ I'm just an observer today, so come on, show me some good bondage knots... wait, what! isn't that kind of BDSM? oh...
9 00:09:10 $5.00   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan Best I can do is 5 bucks, I guess I can do a monthly plan of 10 months.
10 05月20日
  Fate Advicus Sensei, sensei! When do we get to learn how to draw the hat?
11 05月20日
  tunaflsh 「ᛏᚢᚾᚨᚠᛚᛊᚺ」 I like to imagine we are drawing hat cosplaying apple
12 00:10:51   RecycledCabbage I love how you're turning around when you're talking
13 00:10:52 £5.00   Sidney Sloth Why are we drawing the apple over there and not the one on your head?
14 00:10:58   Amelek Wait, I thought this is the hat drawing class, had I went to wrong room?
15 00:12:19 ¥200   Cirnein your hat look like apple
16 00:13:06 €2.00   Hey Guys When are we going to draw Fork?
17 00:19:52   Pako (メンバーシップ入り)
18 00:21:45 CLP2,750   RowJ
boss there is a power outage in my street and drawing on the cell phone for the first time it's like ur voice segsy, I do what I can with what I have~
19 00:32:39 PHP137.50   Sir WheatBread This isn't the BDSM I expect but it's the BDSM I need!!
20 00:32:54 MYR6.00   Kon Koffee I'm sorry I overlooked
21 00:43:55 MYR6.00   Kon Koffee
Millie sorry i gtg now got to run some errands
22 00:44:34   Wenzan ping pong
23 00:46:32 PHP55.00   Jas 💚 teacher, can i go to the bathroom?
24 00:47:19   testchief7 (メンバーシップ入り)
25 00:48:27 $5.00   Fakesmiley I haven't enjoyed an art stream this much since you drew the original 151 pokemon from memory
26 00:51:56 CA$2.79   j STOP SINGING WE’RE READY
27 00:52:07 CA$5.50   Ghost of Pomu - Verified BUFF Pentomo Y'all should try embracing the sexy voice, it's good for your health
28 01:00:42 $1.99   WraithSage I don’t think I’m in the right class.
29 05月20日
30 01:13:42 $2.00   Brandermau Do you teach the yiff class as well Millie?
31 05月20日
PHP137.50   Jas 💚
clearly millie has a master's degree in art (not a paid actor)
32 01:21:43 CLP2,750   RowJ
Sorry Millie sensei, I also painted my Ewiwa... I've been a bad student... can you give me private lessons later????
33 05月20日
  Siege 1
34 01:26:03   BluePikmin11 Artists give Feesh big bazangas
35 01:32:59 $5.00   Scaythly I would like to join the waitlist for your commissions
36 01:36:05 CA$2.79   j
37 01:36:54 PHP55.00   seisomoon i need my money back
38 01:37:13   Clau Feels like those meme where step 1 is a circle and step 2 is the finished artwork
39 01:38:03 PHP55.00   Kimmy MILLIE PARFAKE, WE'RE SUING YOU
40 01:38:29 $2.00   Pinkerton
We can check the vod later right?
41 05月20日
  Nark101 judgement free zone btw
42 01:57:49 $1.49   Pinkerton
43 01:57:53 PHP35.00   seisomoon
44 01:58:13 CLP550   RowJ
45 01:58:13 €1.00   zipli (a無言スパチャ)
46 01:58:12 A$1.49   ChickenKaichou
47 01:58:41 $1.49   SeaCrane1
48 01:59:15 $5.00   Zerocopy (a無言スパチャ)
49 05月20日
50 02:01:09   Stan Illuminate Furry = Fairy, Ayoooo lezgoo
51 05月20日
  marumaru-chu 1
52 02:04:13   Michele Tang THE REALISTIC OF THE ART CLASS...
53 02:04:17   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan What I learned from Millie-sensei is that I need to bribe her, suck up to her and I am a constant 2. Would recommend, 2 out of 10 teaching, but 10 out of 10 cuteness in that teaching.
54 05月20日
  BadKarma90 5
55 02:05:10 CLP2,750   RowJ
u know boss... If I say, "hey I was at Millie's BDSM class, the last thing people will think is that it helped me improve my drawing..."
56 05月20日
  Sweet Cerise such beautiful art created today. somewhere else. not by millie.
57 02:11:53   AlyTheChu09 Hello Miss Millie, I came too late to participate for this stream, but I’ll draw a picture of you to make up for it~^v^
58 02:13:51   Lark Blue Sorry Millie I gonna go now because I need to study for my final will watch the vod later
59 02:20:16 MYR6.00   Mirrorline Your's a lot better Millie frfr (I'm lying)
60 05月20日
  Moromokitte You're coping way to hard millie
61 02:26:14   Ryuuji (メンバーシップ入り)
62 05月20日
  seirA (メンバーシップ入り)
63 05月20日
  Calluv When Millie says 2/10, she actually means 10/10. Every 1 is an 11. Chat is so talented fr
64 02:32:08   ピス (メンバーシップ入り)
65 02:33:53 $5.00   Siege 500ish yen tuition fee
66 02:34:00   Nicola Chiara Aloupeep (メンバーシップ入り)
67 02:34:53 CLP2,750   RowJ
Thank you Millie sensei for another amazing drawing class, I've been to this class 2 times and I still don't reach sensei's level, i love sensei art~
68 02:35:32 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 I'm no artist but this really fun to participate Millie!
69 02:35:58 PHP55.00   seisomoon
when is the yiff class
70 02:36:07 $2.00   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan
I learned that I am a constant 2.
71 02:36:14 $2.00   Pinkerton
I shared all my notes was that not enough???
72 02:36:23 ¥200   Cirnein
I learn nothing! thanks you!
73 02:36:53 $5.00   OZ I expected no less for a bdsm class from you. Thanks Millie. by the way at what time does yeeff class start?
74 02:37:32 PHP55.00   D_Wandering_idiot It's fun drawing with everyone
75 02:37:38   Sura What I learned in Millie's BSDM class is...
76 02:37:38 $2.00   KeyLeech I learned dont be colorblind or you'll lose points
77 02:37:40 $2.00   Zingly06 I learned that I need a new teacher. Sorry Millie.
78 02:37:52 $5.00   Scaythly
This was fun. My art sucks but it was fun. Too bad my apple was too NSFW for twitter
79 02:38:03 $5.00   marumaru-chu i learn that lying is okay and that sensei is a cheater
80 02:38:42 €5.00   tunaflsh 「ᛏᚢᚾᚨᚠᛚᛊᚺ」 I didn't feel any self improvements. Can I join the YIFF class?
81 02:39:04 CLP2,750   RowJ
Guys, don't be mean to sensei, she does not give low scores, the truth is that she only knows how to count up to 4~ again, thanks for the fun~
82 02:39:10 €2.00   Hey Guys
Yiff Class when?
83 05月20日
  じゅうろうざ_Jurouza 1
84 02:39:41 $5.00   SeaCrane1
If you or a loved one enrolled in Millie's BDSM classes you may be entitled to financial compensation
85 02:39:56 $2.00   Zingly06
Seriously tho. Thank you for the stream Millie!
86 02:40:10 PHP55.00   Desk Kun I learned how to tie a knot, and gag someone...
87 02:40:19   Purinko Millie Sense, Thank you for the class. U missed some submissions. hope u will check out my art later and give it a rating.
88 02:40:21 ARS90.00   Lector Amatus It's okay, I'll wait an entire year for yiff class
89 05月20日
  marumaru-chu 1
90 05月20日
  Nice Hat 5
91 02:41:50   ArmanGee when will enrollment start for the yiff class?
92 02:42:18   Lolo oh no, I'm afraid of the sexy voice
93 02:43:30   Juperos (メンバーシップ入り)
94 02:44:01 PHP55.00   P~roxy sexy kareoke? 1/10. yiff class when?
95 05月20日
  Nano Hitaka truly the Sex Incarnate
96 02:44:25   Geo Lin if it is public you will be charged for war crimes
97 02:44:27 PHP55.00   Desk Kun
Sorry, it was the class from two blocks down...
98 02:44:57 $2.00   Pinkerton
So you're the cause of declining birthrates?
99 05月20日
  Nekoya Shiki Your solid perfume arrived mid-stream! Actually smells really smexy and I am flushge
100 02:45:24 THB100.00   Kan Thank you for the stream Millie! It's so much fun to draw in this class next time i wll get 5/10 maybe lmao
101 02:47:09   Saladdd thank you for the stream millie. come
102 02:47:16 PHP55.00   Desk Kun
You get 5/10 if Millie can count up to 5...
103 02:47:23 $5.00   Jonathan Arocho🎲🪄 Im going to tell the person we raid that we learned BDSM from Millie
104 05月20日
105 05月20日
  domaaa hat my beloved
106 02:48:58 CA$2.79   Luminala Ch. today was really fun millie, thank you
107 02:49:06 PHP55.00   P~roxy
what did the fox say? yiff yiff yiff yiff
108 05月20日
  Johnny Lacone 5
109 02:50:29 $2.00   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan
110 02:50:40 CA$5.50   Ghost of Pomu - Verified BUFF Pentomo
No Hat? I sleep; No sexy voice? TIME TO BURN THE WORLD
111 05月20日
112 02:50:46 PHP55.00   Desk Kun
are we going to the yiff class next?..
113 05月20日
  marumaru-chu 1
114 02:51:08 PHP55.00   Stan Illuminate I'll sacrifice my sleep for the blursed karaoke.
115 02:51:44 CLP1,100   RowJ
MILLIE MY BELOVED! why has it not disappeared yet?
116 02:52:17 $5.00   SeaCrane1
Wait if this is how it works, seggsy voice my beloved
117 02:52:28 $2.00   marumaru-chu
my last ounce of money
118 02:52:34 PHP137.50   smolfox BRING THE HAT BACK :<
119 02:52:49 $2.00   OZ
we did it chat
120 02:53:06 $5.00   Pinkerton
Wallet-kun is dead. Long live high-interest mortgage-kun.
121 02:54:07 €2.00   Hey Guys
122 02:54:24 $2.00   SeaCrane1
I showed this to my therapist and they quit
123 02:54:27 CA$2.79   j
124 02:54:18 $2.00   GoldenPeaches Blurssed
125 02:55:31   Akai Batchat Yoshi?
126 02:55:43 CLP1,100   RowJ
ok, now I will do it with more enthusiasm!
127 05月20日
  RoveZ Is the cute voice gonna be used in the yiff asmr
128 02:57:46 $2.00   Pinkerton
Try this: Yiff class enrollment begins next Monday
129 05月20日
130 05月20日
  Ouwu of Character ૮ ´͈ ᗜ `͈ ა Millie you scared my bunny