記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 127 563.68 \75,865
NT$ TWD 13 930.00 \4,103
£ GBP 2 7.00 \1,132
MYR MYR 5 36.00 \1,092
PHP PHP 6 375.00 \917
A$ AUD 2 9.99 \915
CA$ CAD 2 7.00 \695
EUR EUR 2 4.00 \570
NZ$ NZD 1 5.00 \419
---- ---- ---- ---- \85,708
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:08:10 $5.00   Rashzakea C'mon Scarle, why bother dating all these people? Chat's right here
2 00:08:15 $2.00   Charlie Spurr if you had rizz you would know how PPs work lol
3 00:08:35 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson Hey Scarle, one of your Scarlings needs help picking a color for her dress so she can snag herself a dong... err... date. Please advise.
4 00:08:57 A$2.00   wemajor PFF 1288/4500 No tussle, you stinky
5 00:09:27 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch. oh hi Scarle hbd! How's your day? r u good?
6 00:11:07 $5.00   Ryan1269 i got scammed for $100 today so im sending you $5 because ik it'll go to a good cause. also id love for you to do a uno stream love you scarle.
7 00:11:35 $1.99   WraithSage Its L Rizz herself, Scarle!!!
8 00:12:28 $1.99   Norma Depends on the weight of their wallet
9 00:12:45 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Scarle if you want to be the rizzler, you need to complete all of the routes in this game first and then get the Callum date!
10 00:13:48 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu) When in doubt, black is an excellent color to go with. Black is a classy color goes with anything, so it’s an ideal color to select for a date.
11 00:14:11 $4.99   Greg D I hope this doesn't sound para social, but I think I would date you, or at least try! you seem like an interesting person... with questionable habits
12 00:14:15 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax GIRL, DID YOU HAVE AN ELDEN RING STREAM AND FOR GET TO INVIDE ME?! HOW DARE YOU! (jk I was busy)
13 00:15:48 $5.00   Ryan1269
it was so dumb. i was tryna save money and buy the new ps5 dualshock edge controller on fb marketplace. blocked me afterwards, id love to date u btw.
14 00:15:49 NT$75.00   R-YONG ch.
I got a really short hair cut today, too short i can clearly see my head shape and my mom said im ugly lmaonot barber's faultshe warned me
15 00:15:56 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax
I wouldn't go on a date with you, You'd be going on a date with me. : )
16 00:16:12 $2.00   Rashzakea
What about unlimited supply of kisses
17 00:16:13 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
In her native tongue, she is dovakin---Dragonborn. Fus R-r-r-r-ro dah!
18 00:16:20 $1.99   Greg D
To Steak house, a quiet beach, then Home.
19 00:16:30 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
No no, we must go on a date at Red Lobster and only order free cheddar biscuit!
20 00:20:32 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
21 00:21:01 $1.99   Norma
Cancelled my date on twt for u bby <3
22 00:21:15 $2.00   Ryan1269
you know who has the best bread? you obv duh
23 00:22:02 $5.00   bluetears / 藍の涙 RedLobster is mid. - Says by a Vtuber playing Cracker Barrel BGM as their intro. OKAY
24 00:22:57 $2.00   Coyote briggs We're easy to please, yeah we watch you. (joking)
25 00:22:57 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
ma'am fap noises are illegal you're under arrest
26 00:23:49 NT$300.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
But...I'm already a grown up, I don't need mommy escort me on a date. So don't come with me, MOM. Yes, I have my wallet and keys. GZ, we are having the first date, WE ARE not going to do anything. Yes, I'll be home at 9.
27 00:23:51 PHP50.00   shifting signs happy birthday
28 00:25:08 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
That is a very fleshlike phallu- I mean phone
29 00:25:38 $1.99   Greg D
Scarle, Now we need a Resturant bread Tier list.
30 00:26:49 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
ok the date is off Scarle
31 00:26:54 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
Are you done? I'm done
32 00:27:10 $2.00   Kenjenkins dang, got the whole squad laghing with that one
33 00:27:24 $1.99   WraithSage
Scarle got them dad jokes rizz
34 00:28:00 $2.00   Cyborg Ed It was in fact not funny.
35 00:28:05 $4.99   DelStar Not only is your thumbnails from early 2000s so is your humor
36 00:28:27 $1.99   Greg D
Scar can drop men's pants, but Not these jokes...
37 00:28:30 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
38 00:28:38 $2.00   Bintock You're best joke is when you cook. JK JK JK
39 00:28:51 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
Vtubers and the comedic stigma
40 00:29:18 $2.00   Rashzakea
I can look past your bad flirting but...
41 00:30:01 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
I like it. maybe because English is not my first language, I love 'play on words'. They think you are a dork, I think you are just adorkable.
42 00:30:08 $1.99   Greg D
U had an emo phase, these jokes are as depressing
43 00:30:16 $4.99   DelStar
“Ohhhh brother this guy stinks!”
44 00:30:35 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
and the audience of the Apollo goes, "boooooo..."
45 00:31:05 $4.99   Norma
Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, we'd call them bagels.
46 00:31:08 A$7.99   Kales Lags According to my readings, it seems that your rizz levels are well below zero that it may even reached to Bikini bottom
47 00:31:21 $1.99   Greg D
U are actually Cute, Don't Forget ur love n light!
48 00:32:01 PHP50.00   K1RARIN キラリン i am paying you to stop please
49 00:33:15   Seth Van Rook (メンバーシップ入り)
50 00:33:37 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
Susan, come back. We miss you.
51 00:33:45 $4.99   DelStar
Hey Scarle I got a joke for you what’s the difference between a raccoon and Scarle? The raccoon actually makes people laugh
52 00:34:58 $2.00   Ryan1269
53 00:35:21 $0.99   Nadia Jupiter
54 00:35:33 $2.00   KikiKitty What's cringe and causes internal pain? YOUR ACT!
55 00:35:46 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
*Gets up from table* ENOUGH from the clown! I'm putting out a bounty. 500,000 dead. A million alive so I can teach her some manners first.
56 00:36:09 $5.00   No Hat Pat Did you hear about the 2 nuts that got arrested? One was a salted.
57 00:36:26 $9.99   Greg D
Remember, you are an entertainer, you've kept a community for 6 months, and we love ya... But Man, your dad jokes Hurt me.. What's a pickle when they get rich: A Dil....do...
58 00:36:31 $1.99   Nadia Jupiter
Apparently our queen is in a silly goofy mood
59 00:36:32 CA$5.00   BoredPanda Her jokes ain't making me laugh, but her every attempt to make one is.
60 00:37:21 $1.99   Greg D
Dill Dough...
61 00:37:46 $5.00   Kenjenkins
these jokes are dryer then your cake, to bad you cant do these over (love you)
62 00:38:24 $4.99   Yuzu-Chi Hey Scarlings, what do you call a bakery that is stinky, out of date, and makes me wanna hurl? Scarle! /JK JK
63 00:39:18 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
F it, here we go. what's the difference between a piano and a fish? You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.
64 00:39:50 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
Did you know that the first French fries weren’t actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece.
65 00:40:25 $5.00   Rashzakea
Girl you're beautiful enough to be on a runway, but damn these jokes make me want to run-away
66 00:40:40 $0.99   Nadia Jupiter
67 00:41:21 $4.99   Greg D
“What Do You Get When You Cross a Mentally Ill Loner with a Society Who Abandons Him and treats him like trash?" U get what u deserve *Confetti Bang*
68 00:41:35 $2.00   Frantix3654 You heard a new tea made from almonds and peanuts?
69 00:42:08 $2.00   Frantix3654
Teas Nuts
70 00:42:10 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
Why should you never date a tennis player? Because love means nothing to them.
71 00:42:14 $2.00   Cyborg Ed
God did I do something wrong to deserve this?
72 00:42:19 $2.00   Bintock
we are laughing at each other here LOL
73 00:42:46 $1.99   Nadia Jupiter
That was a knee slapper
74 00:44:05 $1.99   DelStar
Can we start 10 dates I want to actually laugh
75 00:44:06 PHP50.00   Kenneth Do you go to Google Play to cancel membership?
76 02月25日
  SleepySheep Sup I going to bed cause I dont feel good have fun byeee
77 00:44:59 NT$30.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
What do you call a blind deer? No-eye deer.
78 00:47:20 $2.00   Bintock
The best jokes are those you make yourself :)
79 00:47:26 MYR15.00   Nyaaa What do you get when you breed a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite
80 00:47:31 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
Siri, play Hurt by Johnny Cash.
81 00:47:35 $2.00   Kenjenkins
girl your the only joke ill ever need
82 00:49:37 $1.99   DelStar
And you got mad at kyo for not knowing Sanrio?
83 00:49:45 MYR6.00   Nyaaa
What kind of sins you want to commit.. Johnny sins
84 00:53:13 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
King Charles, the artist formerly known as prince.
85 00:56:30 $99.99   DelStar
Scarle happy birthday. You’re a very talented individual I know you say you don’t have any talents, but truly you’re great. Happy birthday and always remember you’re awesome.
86 00:57:02 $2.00   Bintock
Hopefully you meet Mordecais voice actor in class!
87 02月25日
  Xiao_Cool i love you scarle mwah
88 00:58:42 £5.00   Yugoxgc imagine getting paid for talking to yourself... Happy Birthday BTW Scarle kek
89 00:58:52 $1.99   DelStar
I sorta L word you too probably maybe
90 01:01:28 $1.99   Nadia Jupiter
have you watched owl house or Steven universe?
91 01:01:34 $5.00   Bintock
You have a talent for drawing people in and making them involved in whatever you are doing. Excellent Skill to have and you are a natural
92 01:02:03 $5.00   Rashzakea
It may not be your birthday, but we're gonna spoil you anyway 'cause you're wonderful and we love you Happy birthday bby
93 01:04:08 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu)
Hey, Scarle! you know what time it is? it's birthday time! It's your birthday, and we want you to have fun! It's your birthday,so let's party everyone
94 01:04:59 $1.99   Nadia Jupiter
I bet scarle would like jet from avatar too
95 01:05:27 $2.00   StarCreator did I hear birthday? congratulations!
96 01:09:58 $2.00   Pinkerton So you're into what... professional bending...?
97 01:10:48 $2.00   Pinkerton
Huh, guess my old PE teacher was right...
98 01:11:39 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
If you like to learn how a real pro bends, I can give you some PRIVATE LESSONS!
99 01:11:43 $5.00   Pinkerton
And I quote: "Make sure to stretch well. Your future girlfriend will thank you."
100 01:13:52 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Membership watch along of M Night Shamalalalayan Avatar so we can react to and trash talk it?
101 01:13:57 £2.00   Yugoxgc
So you want a Tsundere Guy?
102 01:14:40 $2.00   DelStar
cory in the house anime watchalong
103 01:18:00 $2.00   DelStar
"i just want to talk to her, i just want to talk"
104 01:20:05 $5.00   Seth Van Rook how the hell did your mom not notice you having a stab wound on your side? Are you that good an actor lmao
105 01:20:50 $4.99   Greg D
Scarle, I know you struggled w/ anxiety, Did you ever have an ANGER moment, Where you snapped, or were u Always anxious to the point of Inaction?
106 01:21:44 $2.00   DelStar
girl you cant even handle spicy without crying
107 01:22:09 $20.00   Customer Support Johnson
Love you (platonically), Scarle.
108 01:23:52 CA$2.00   Banglog same I was stabed with a pencil in school
109 01:25:07 $1.99   Greg D
Man, u must have seen some Things from ur friends.
110 01:25:33   lovely_zoey The time I got slammed to the ground by my out friend and when we play fight it looks like we are fighting 🫠
111 01:27:56 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
so... you're saying donkey punches aren't off the books for you? Joking!
112 01:28:07 $1.99   Greg D
So... U put Emotions deep inside, DEEP down?
113 01:35:54 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Did Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens go to the same high school you did?
114 01:37:46 $5.00   Rashzakea
Thank you for sharing these things with us. It legit means a lot that you're so comfortable with us that you want to talk about these things
115 01:40:39 PHP125.00   UnknowinglyDerpy Speaking of Emo, can i blame you for pushing me back into the rabbit hole of 200s emo music?
116 01:41:33 PHP50.00   Tachibana Tiger or Cougar?
117 01:49:36 $2.00   Bintock
he bottoms are used as a slave class. JK!
118 01:50:23 $1.49   Pinkerton
119 01:50:47 $1.00   NotoriousBSG82
120 01:51:38 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Alfredo sauce not sitting well with your stomach? Sounds like you're about to bottom out on the toilet
121 01:51:55 $1.99   dabombishere123 No context supa: Scarle is the tastiest beef stew
122 01:52:01 MYR3.00   Liz :] (a無言スパチャ)
123 01:59:07 NZ$5.00   Lone Mistborn No important message. Just have a supa
124 02:00:20 $5.55   Brando Sheriff just got here and saw you gone for a bit, you alright?
125 02:00:42 $2.00   Rashzakea
Lactaid. Supplements. Baka.
126 02:01:35 $2.00   Bintock
Drink something over 40 percent alcohol Forstomach
127 02:01:53 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
I love your zatsu and all contents
128 02:02:39 $2.00   Pinkerton
Full-time nurse fund for Scarle.
129 02:02:31 MYR6.00   Nyaaa
Soul plane watch along when?
130 02:04:17 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Scarle zatsu's are my fav streams no cap no lie on God fr fr
131 02:07:52 $2.00   Rashzakea
This movie looks awful... let's watch it
132 02:09:09 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
133 02:11:03 $2.00   Bintock
It's not as risky as blazing Saddles!
134 02:11:33 MYR6.00   Nyaaa
If both not available, there is Big Momma movie
135 02:19:05 $2.00   Chris Tooley Scarle will get to the game... eventually LoL
136 02:20:24 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Next stream title: Scarle Stream. "I do what I want!"
137 02:20:45 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
I'm judging you harshly Scarle
138 02:24:32 $2.00   SA Soldier Has the Rizzsard of Oz got a date yet? (doubt it)
139 02:35:31 €2.00   sango323 was he a lasombra ? they have money
140 03:04:01 $2.00   Isaac Himler EU More Like PU
141 03:11:41 $2.00   Red Your negative rizz is showing
142 02月25日
  alysia ♡
143 03:34:29 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
we're trying to help you with body count Scarle!
144 03:35:30   Nanami (メンバーシップ入り)
145 03:36:59 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Got work in the morning, good night Scarle, and chat!
146 03:41:39 €2.00   sango323
she asking a fed question
147 03:44:23 PHP50.00   Tachibana
148 03:51:43 $4.99   TheCerealmaker Oh man almost missed my at least weekly Scarle being my oishi fee
149 03:55:55 $2.00   Rashzakea
I take it back, chat has the no rizz
150 03:57:39 $2.00   Red
151 04:06:07 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15 Scuckle Yontrguni
152 02月25日
153 04:08:59 $1.99   WraithSage
Chat exposing there lack of rizz
154 04:10:25 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Way to go Scarle you got +0.1 more Rizz
155 04:16:38 $2.00   Clay Ben Treece Jr. good morning Scarle how are you doing
156 04:22:57 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
She gave him her moms number
157 04:26:43   Ashlynne Dietrich ayo what'd i walk in on?
158 04:29:16 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle is so Rizzless she attracts people with negative Rizz
159 04:33:51 $5.00   Ashlynne Dietrich i think there's a radio station somewhere that tells people to give weirdos their number so they can mock them on air. Calling it the "loser line"
160 04:34:38 $49.99   Posterizer I’m super late! But I hope you had a LOVELY birthday! I must watch the VOD and see what festivities went on! MUCH LOVE! Thanks for all the laughs and smiles QUEEN! YOU DA BEST!
161 04:54:28 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
162 04:55:37 $5.00   Theocrass she asked us to show feet
163 04:59:07 $5.00   Theocrass
i've only been here 3 minutes but i like the guy from the first game way more ... AND WHERE'S CALLUM
164 04:59:39 $1.99   A Dry Bones Production Remember kids, NFTs better than Goth girls
165 05:00:49 $2.00   Will Z Scarle, FYI the Genshin Gatcha is NFTs...
166 05:11:35 $5.00   peppament She said her position was Reverse Cowngirl Scarle. She wants to win and dominate
167 05:25:00 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
Scarle....well, thanks for the story
168 06:03:56 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Morning Scarle, just getting ready for work here in a bit, who did you manage to rizz so far?
169 02月25日
  KoshkiBlin Hello Scarle and Scarlings did you know you get a FREE superchat with your membership? That's right it's free! Also I love you Scarle muah