記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 30 124.92 \16,223
£ GBP 3 13.00 \2,037
YEN YEN 3 1420 \1,420
EUR EUR 2 7.00 \969
CLP CLP 1 2500 \382
A$ AUD 1 2.99 \263
WON KRW 1 2000 \204
---- ---- ---- ---- \21,498
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月03日
2 01月04日
  müller (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:05:09 $5.00   squadalawereoff1 let's grow wosemi!
4 00:05:56   Takanuva Will you be doing any pulls for the new trap archetype waifus?
5 01月04日
  陰キャ Rosemi-sama, do you have any interest on opening real Yugioh card packege ? I've seen Kagami-san spent about 30k bucks on them today
6 00:12:02   Alaん Tellez Rosemi is so good at Altergeist that they are sealed so their opponents have a chance
7 00:19:29 $5.00   Glngerbread Man Have you ever played a Black Rose Dragon deck?Just thought that would thematically fit you. Also, any chance of you trying out the Pokémon TCG?
8 00:21:57 $5.00   Rubbish Soldier Hey Rosemi, reminder that you are toadally awesome!
9 00:24:06 $4.99   MudArcade The police are on the way! You are guilty of being too cute!
10 00:24:43   No Creativity Satan have mercy plz
11 00:28:19 $1.99   MudArcade
Firearm sound impersonation please
12 00:28:37 $2.00   Rubbish Soldier
Wait till you deal with Runicks, no fun allowed
13 00:33:40 $5.00   Anthony Norwood The only way to make that a better starting turn is to add the Fire Prison field spell
14 00:36:41 $1.99   Lolik Queen of Games. Have everyone quit the duel
15 00:36:55 ₩2,000   렘닛 This game lets you win without knowing the reason
16 00:40:03 $5.00   awkwardparakeet Read Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic and have fun with the ludicrous amount of text
17 00:40:11 $2.00   Kuma Teddie how long is Endymion text, again?
18 00:40:32   thanh đức dương old man say NO
19 00:42:22   렘닛 (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:48:43 $10.00   Anthony Norwood
Fire Prison makes it ss only Link monsters can attack and players can only link summon monsters equal or higher to the highest link rating on the field. Works really well with evil twins.
21 00:51:55 $2.00   Nyoro Eevee Wosemi: "My turn!" Opponent: "You mean OUR turn."
22 01:08:26 $2.00   SA Soldier Is the best altergeist player Rosemi-Sama winning?
23 01月04日
  Kiryuu 23 So lucky
24 01:17:14 $5.00   Izzy Hey, you wanna flip a coin for a private Island?
25 01:17:36 $5.00   Alex Jacobo OMG!!! The #1 Altergeist player Rosemi Runicklock!!!
26 01月04日
  Blooper {Reloaded} You might have lost, but you know what:You really really pissed him off, and that's a win in a way
27 01:28:50   dechaphet Time wizard of tomorrow
28 01:39:45 $5.00   FelixBrehh Sushi funds for gambl0r
29 01:46:10 £10.00   Ultra Despair Mikan My Hungry ass could not play Suships
30 01:46:33 $5.00   Dingus Time to reopen the debate. Are suships seafood?
31 01:47:45 $2.00   Alternate the real strat is to starve out the opponent
32 01:48:19 $4.99   Loki Hades Suships are seafood, but not if it’s a Viking suship sailing inland
33 01:49:58 $1.99   Lolik
Not sure what’s going on.I’m glad Rosemi have fun
34 01月04日
£1.00   Holo (a無言スパチャ)
35 01:50:59 $1.00   Haizmi (a無言スパチャ)
36 01:51:22 ¥100   Danuki (a無言スパチャ)
37 01:51:23 $1.00   Haizmi
38 01:56:07 $5.00   Anthony Norwood
Look at this Chad attempting to play Altergiest against the Altergiest master
39 01:56:36 €2.00   Private investigator Nag Show them you're the real Altergeist pro!
40 02:08:29 A$2.99   Evilhero Dogma77 Careful wangtang rosemi might send Selene after U
41 01月04日
  J + Y Hello!
42 02:19:15   Yami (メンバーシップ入り)
43 02:22:43 $5.00   CBD_Gaming We will watch your altergeist career with great interest rosemi
44 02:24:10 £2.00   V-O-V Im wangtang lawyer, we want to discuss his release
45 02:24:13 $4.99   Roy Konen Ch. 光年ロイ Thank you for the lovely background noise as I work, Altergeist Goddess.
46 02:25:28 ¥320   D D よっ!
47 02:27:36 $2.00   Alex Jacobo
You still have the title of #1 Runick Royalty
48 02:30:52   Slugsea that's what I thought, I don't understand anything
49 02:46:15   larkill (メンバーシップ入り)
50 02:48:28   Shuya Kamito I didn't know I could do this lmao... Anyways, I just want to say you're the first EN member I watched (bc of this game) and my first oshi too.
51 03:01:11   Alternate (メンバーシップ入り)
52 03:02:36 $5.00   Theocrass sending you my energy like you're charging up a spirit bomb. you got this Rosemi!
53 03:03:29 $4.99   Lolik
Watching this stream makes me wants to play even though I’m confused what’s going on. ^ ^ hope I have fun playing it . Probably will use a waifu deck
54 03:04:47 €5.00   Marjanaama Also tried to match you with my Skull Servants deck, too bad I only ended up matching WangTang
55 03:04:58 $10.00   TheDuelLogs (a無言スパチャ)
56 03:05:45 $4.99   Roy Konen Ch. 光年ロイ
Thank you for the stream, Altergeist Goddess. It made my work shift better.
57 03:10:30 ¥1,000   tongpooとんぷー
58 03:10:47 CLP2,500   Kahzel WangTang the alter queen we did not want, but the one we deserved.