記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 15 84.99 \12,264
CHF CHF 2 20.00 \3,221
CA$ CAD 2 15.00 \1,632
YEN YEN 1 1000 \1,000
AED AED 1 25.00 \981
EUR EUR 1 2.49 \392
£ GBP 2 2.00 \365
PHP PHP 1 125.00 \326
R$ BRL 1 10.00 \297
NOK NOK 1 20.00 \268
---- ---- ---- ---- \20,746
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月30日
  Loki Hades (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月30日
  Slade 1
3 06月30日
  Slade 1
4 00:06:04 €2.49   RohanLuvsBaguetteMan Hi rosemiii! How are you doin
5 00:07:03 $19.99   Mori Mouse I love dirty chai, but it costs almost as much as this supah
6 00:07:27   Wutson (メンバーシップ入り)
7 06月30日
  ⪨Lazy⪩ Hey rosemi sama I have not been a rosebud for long and I am not here as much but I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY SO SO MUCHLove u ALLLL
8 06月30日
  Alex Tremor
9 00:09:30 $2.00   Its A Mystery you are very cute and energetic 2day so deredere
10 00:11:18   Ross Smyth (メンバーシップ入り)
11 06月30日
12 00:12:23 $5.00   Trim The Masked Rosemi please make sure you get the step stool it's so good
13 00:12:26 CHF10.00   Magister Generalis For ages now i was always thinking that if you remove the rose, you would pretty much have Motoko Kusanagi hair. Am i the only one?
14 06月30日
  LEONARDO, NINA'S 🍯 I hope you have fun with Terraria. it's truly addicting minecraft but with laser guns and magic. Big hugs ty for all the good streams you do
15 00:15:34 AED25.00   Shin Solaire YOU WILL SURVIVE!!! GAMBATE!!!
16 00:18:01 $2.00   Vivy Core GOOD LUCK ROSEMI!!!!
17 00:18:53 CHF10.00   Magister Generalis
Motoko Kusanagi is the most badass female lead in Manga and Anime history. She's the main Character from Ghost in the Shell (greatest Anime and Managa of all Time)
18 06月30日
  William Luong 5
19 00:29:32 $5.00   Vivy Core
Hand vac dono
20 06月30日
21 00:36:54 $10.00   Iron Maiden Weeb Shut up and take my money!
22 00:37:32 $5.00   Slade i named my dog c-more butz after futurama dog, great show
23 00:45:19   アルバロ (メンバーシップ入り)
24 06月30日
  Matheus Aguiar
25 01:12:32 £1.00   Holo (a無言スパチャ)
26 06月30日
  Slade 1
27 06月30日
28 06月30日
  DisturbedOne Hi
29 01:53:04 $5.00   stevobread I think we need some kind of wildlife biology equivalent to the NA map stream
30 02:04:29   ユリ There is also a boss that you get by fishing
31 02:12:31 NOK20.00   Calamity How are you love?
32 02:21:27 £1.00   Holo
33 02:23:05 $5.00   FelixBrehh get slimed kid
34 06月30日
  Porkchamp Bread Are you going to go see the fnaf movie?
35 02:58:14   Alaん Tellez Is there a goal this stream?
36 03:12:05 CA$10.00   junkman test
37 06月30日
$5.00   Josh S
38 03:22:51 CA$5.00   Shinoling this superchat is paid for by rosemi
39 03:23:30 $5.00   stevobread
Don't give me any more of an existential crisis than what I already have! I swear I'm gonna meet you someday
40 03:23:42 $5.00   Sir Dupdup Can we get a SAP Game by the way thanks for the free Supa
41 03:25:19 $5.00   Xtreme would u punish us if we eat the truffle u asked us to find?
42 06月30日
$5.00   Anton Namtet How would you feel if they announced a Final Fantasy character was coming as a guest character in Tekken 8 and reveal it to be Jack Garland
43 06月30日
  OBJECTI0N its last day for grimace shake apparently T_T, it swelled my face so i hope you are stronger
44 03:35:26 PHP125.00   double cheeseburger Hey Lord Rosemi-sama I need help with this noctis combo, it's df2 df4,2 uf3u 2,2,2 s! 1 ff4 the ff4 keeps dropping, thanks for the help amigo
45 03:35:33 R$10.00   Jojora Thank you for the stream, you did great today
46 03:36:18 ¥1,000   tongpooとんぷー
47 06月30日
$1.00   Slade