トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   55     310.22   44,317円
 HK$  HKD    2      75.00    1,365円
 MX$  MXN    5     160.00    1,141円
  A$  AUD    3       8.49      815円
 CLP  CLP    1       5000      809円
 CHF  CHF    1       5.00      748円
 PHP  PHP    2     250.00      626円
 CA$  CAD    1       5.00      538円
 NZ$  NZD    1       5.00      431円
 EUR  EUR    1       2.00      286円
 YEN    1    1        140      140円
 ARS  ARS    4     104.00      105円
---- ---- ----       ----   51,321円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/17
MX$20.00   Miguel Macias no maidens gang
2 09/17
  Miguel Macias 1 件の Pomu Rainpuff 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
3 09/17
A$2.00   Zhumingz All in
4 09/17
$2.00   StarCreator
5 09/17
  Miguel Macias 1 件の Pomu Rainpuff 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
6 09/17
ARS20.00   WildestDuck RIP TGS waiting room my beloved 7
7 09/17
$2.00   Seymour
8 09/17
$1.49   fake NEET
9 09/17
$2.00   StarCreator
woomy wainpuff is my oshi
10 09/17
  Akira Xu (メンバーシップ入り)
11 09/17
$1.49   outcast777
12 09/17
$2.00   Cheliax
13 09/17
$49.99   Izzy Also here’s like fifty bucks or something. It’s not like you’re my Kami oshi or anything…Baka
14 09/18
  StarfishAlice (メンバーシップ入り)
15 09/18
$0.99   Solid Takezo
16 09/18
¥140   樰霊
17 09/18
  Uyen Duong (メンバーシップ入り)
18 09/18
  Miguel Macias 20 件の Pomu Rainpuff 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
19 09/18
$2.00   Murphy
20 09/18
21 09/18
$2.00   fake NEET
22 09/18
ARS14.00   WildestDuck
23 09/18
PHP125.00   Dysmas Hi Pomu, it's my birthday today and I wanted to celebrate it with you and everyone! Could I get a birthday wish from you and Pomura?
24 09/18
$2.00   Debatable
25 09/18
  Kenny Powers
26 00:01:55 MX$50.00   Miguel Macias
forgor to press "go live" ore no kamioshi wa konnani pon wake ga nai!
27 09/18
  Pineapple Semtex
28 00:03:07 $2.00   StarCreator
I'm oomu!
29 00:03:33   Stuffed_Shark I'm Oomu!
30 00:04:44 $2.00   Kiflaam Excuse me miss, what is "oomie"?
31 00:06:45 $1.99   Solid Takezo
Pomu Rainpuff. The fairy of Sax
32 00:07:46   nidoking042 _ET'S _O _A_Y! W_EE_ OF FO_TU_E!
33 00:10:25   Matias Gauna (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:11:01   Realm Obliv cast your bets on how quickly pomu goes bankrupt
35 00:12:17   Sugar Sloth Im not American so I cant play. Win for me please
36 00:13:59   BeeDeeJay grrw
37 00:14:54 $2.00   Kiflaam
mini round x2, main round x1, mini>main>mini>main
38 00:17:16 $5.00   nidoking042 I'd like to buy an owl. I know it's not a letter. I just want an owl.
39 00:19:39 $5.00   Kiflaam
to get the million, you have to land on the million, win the rounds, pull the secret million card, and solve the final solo puzzle.
40 00:20:28 $5.00   Murphy
never change
41 09/18
  Breeze What did poor Ethan do to deserve this?
42 09/18
  Ryan Systjia Loves the toxic Fairy in the wheel of fortune gameplay
43 09/18
44 00:22:20 $5.00   Nature's llama A cruise I was on a man went overboard, had to stop and search.
45 00:23:24 $5.00   WesternTelecom I'D LIKE TO BUY A VOWEL
46 00:23:52 $5.00   Ahri Suzumiya Cruise I went on, I ate so much salmon and crabs.It was fun
47 00:24:56   Applepieman Pomu Brokepuff
48 00:25:04 ARS20.00   WildestDuck
My oshi is bankrupt let's go
49 00:26:41 CA$5.00   Shzu Vowel funds for pomu
50 00:27:48 $2.00   Favian Rodriguez the amt rolled is how much the letters are worth
51 00:28:33   BiggusTickus6 (メンバーシップ入り)
52 00:29:21   Moe Mothmann I only ever watched Family Feud
53 00:29:59   Silmerion TOWERING REDWOOD TREES
54 00:30:21   Troggz93 its obviously Trogs
55 00:30:44 $2.50   fake NEET
56 00:37:22 $4.99   goldfishgrass2 You should always buy vowels and pick e it’s the most used letter in English
57 00:39:06 $2.00   Splagoon I guess you're paying for dinner tonight!
58 00:39:10 $10.00   NoFaceLord Where's are split lol
59 00:39:24 CHF5.00   Magister Generalis That thumbnail
60 00:39:43 $5.00   osos $69,420 let's go!!!
61 00:40:03   Link0306 you know you had to do it to them
62 00:40:56 PHP125.00   IBrowseStuff All according to KEKW
63 00:41:10 $2.00   Murphy
She's Vanna WHITE not Vanna GREEN
64 00:43:45   sango323 only you could make me watch thia video game, love ya streams pomu , thanks for being you
65 00:47:26 $4.99   Izzy
[I] [L][O][][] [P][O][][U]!!!!
66 00:51:26 $2.00   flashtirade Wanted the W, got the L
67 00:51:40   Yen Shang Our money!!
68 00:53:53 €2.00   sango323 pomu im sorry i manifested that bankrupt
69 00:54:28 $2.00   Rogue You haven't reached Dan from GG tier luck yet lol.
70 09/18
71 00:59:52   Voicecrack DT Pomu has failed English this day
72 01:00:08   skyXpiercer can't wait to stay at my comfy gaast room
73 01:00:28 $5.00   osos
74 01:00:41 $10.00   Hayden Sanders Sorry Pomu, I'm going to Japan with Hannah...
75 01:01:33 $2.00   Just Gomi Pomu! how could you write such a thing on stream!?
76 01:07:29   PetitAngel No Championship Patch for Pomu.
77 01:08:33   Nick Castell I'm sorry you couldn't go to Japan pomu
78 01:08:41   WittiestTuna The real victory is Hannah didn't win
79 01:08:53 $5.00   Rayechel Pomu Rainpuff more like Pomu Richerthanhannahpuff
80 01:10:40 $4.99   Darp Its poker time baby lets gamble
81 01:18:14   Noirlyn【Noween】Small guy (メンバーシップ入り)
82 01:40:38   Kazimiro Leija (メンバーシップ入り)
83 01:43:57 $5.00   osos
Olivia won because she has jiggle physics
84 01:49:09   Skylaria (メンバーシップ入り)
85 09/18
  Moe Mothmann 5 件の Pomu Rainpuff 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
86 09/18
  NijiEnjoyer 5 件の Pomu Rainpuff 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
87 01:49:57   jamu (メンバーシップ入り)
88 02:07:18 NZ$5.00   MrUnderscoreh Change for the Bankruptcy
89 02:08:53 $20.00   NormanB Pomu "Hot-Dogged Coochie Rainbluff. The gamerest name around
90 02:10:23   Owlowl Akaashi who's winning?
91 02:40:45   TheAnime Neckbeard Uki edging with wheel of fortune is my new kink
92 02:43:20   Allen Sky Big Money, Big Money, No Whammy, No Whammy
93 02:49:39   Shadow Lag (メンバーシップ入り)
94 03:03:16 $5.00   Ravelord Nito Selen and Ike's character looks like Riddler from the new Batman movie
95 03:18:42 ARS50.00   WildestDuck
Thank you for this absolutely unhinged stream so many great moments Also like the new(?) hairdo it’s very cute
96 03:18:45 $2.00   StarCreator
this was the most fun I've had in so long lollll
97 03:18:55 $22.32   fake NEET
Thanks for the hilarious collab!
98 03:19:07 $10.00   RonG I've been dying the whole stream!!!
99 09/18
  Crepuscular Taco Great stream Pomu
100 03:19:23 $10.00   WesternTelecom
pomu is a word smith
101 03:19:45 $5.00   Zest This was one of the funniest streams I've ever seen
102 03:19:53 HK$25.00   Asai 莫白泽 GOOD NIGHT POMUUU!!!
103 03:19:45 $5.00   WireSun7 Thanks for the laughs Pomu
104 09/18
  tangerine peel🐏
105 03:20:26 HK$50.00   Lemon Lemon
106 03:20:18 $10.00   NijiEnjoyer For an "Introvert", you're probably the best collab host in EN! So much fun, thanks for the great stream
107 03:21:17 $9.99   Non-chan Very fun stream thanks Pomu
108 03:21:34 CLP5,000   Fenfenryl Thanks for the awesome stream, Pomu
109 03:22:03 $5.00   Pinkerton Thank you for a great stream, Pomu! I'll never forget hot-dogged coochies!
110 03:22:04   {Terminated ~ Legacy} COWABUNGA
111 03:22:40 A$1.49   ChickenKaichou
112 03:23:00   shadeshift Thank you pomu this stream is really fun
113 03:23:17 A$5.00   Zhumingz
This was such a fun stream Pomu, definitely got so much laughs. Time for that trip to Japan and France
114 03:23:52   kyeomiwonnit (メンバーシップ入り)
115 03:24:24 $5.00   zeru33 | Cpt. Ember Squadron🍗 game knows what you want.
116 03:26:36 $10.00   WesternTelecom
Was there a place in Japan that you really liked? Also, was there a restaurant that you loved?
117 03:30:43 MX$50.00   Miguel Macias
I was eating when Luca guessed "BONE" and I spit my food LMAO
118 03:32:15 $2.00   luwud Check out Luca's vod, he's got cool hand tricks.
119 03:32:38 $1.49   SliceSabre
120 03:34:42 $5.00   WesternTelecom
please dont update us on the uncle, but i hope your gramdma is ok
121 03:35:29 $2.00   Alpha310 (無言スパチャ)
122 09/18
MX$20.00   Miguel Macias
last sc!
123 09/18
$5.00   SRV Zephyr spite supa
124 09/18
MX$20.00   Miguel Macias
oops sorry, impulse sc also bonk pomu!