記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 11 69.94 \9,239
YEN YEN 4 5100 \5,100
PHP PHP 4 724.00 \1,722
THB THB 3 269.00 \1,053
SGD SGD 1 10.00 \988
WON KRW 1 5000 \526
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \454
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \422
COP COP 1 10000.00 \270
IDR IDR 2 30000.00 \253
MX$ MXN 1 25.00 \172
NT$ TWD 1 30.00 \129
---- ---- ---- ---- \20,328
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月09日
  TENGOKU (メンバーシップ入り)
2 01月09日
  Cygnus Sonolumen 1
3 01月09日
  Nao (メンバーシップ入り)
4 01月09日
  ciexloo (メンバーシップ入り)
5 01月09日
  POG POG POG!!!! (メンバーシップ入り)
6 01月09日
  S.vanila 1
7 01月09日
  S.vanila 5
8 01月09日
  即墨彼闇 (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:03:12   Chihu (メンバーシップ入り)
10 01月09日
  RenClips hello renren so excited for todays stream !! if i get scared, can i hold onto you ?
11 01月09日
12 00:10:24   CH (メンバーシップ入り)
13 01月09日
  Tumao 5
14 00:12:10 COP10,000.00   Dust Rider[Hunting party] It's almost midnight. It's a dark and stormy night so I am sure nothing bad will happen.... Right? Right.
15 01月09日
  Amelia * PAT PAT (メンバーシップ入り)
16 01月09日
17 00:15:58 $4.99   Alaina** Spooky time~
18 00:16:49 ₩5,000   lulu (a無言スパチャ)
19 00:27:39 $10.00   Fox Trueba Ayo hopping over from one liver's stream to a Ren stream. Excited to hear some spooky stories
20 01月09日
  Dataconsumed thank you for the gifted renvaderz are always so generous thank you, hope you'll get spooked Renren
21 00:30:11   Sawb just passing by to say hhi, i'm not good at scary stories, its not even Halloween yet. gotta run good night!
22 01月09日
  gawk gawk gawk gawk scarles boo
23 01:15:27   Rime_oxo Happy New Year, renren
24 01:16:49 A$5.00   Wynter Solaria (WinterFox) "dont think its australia.." but i am in australia and its lagging like hell. but yes please have this as a weekly ghost story telling
25 01:19:29 $5.00   VirtuousLiberty Likely coincidence but, when you said "I want a ghost story to happen to me" you might have done something. Tech acts up when spirits manifest.
26 01:40:20   Yoruu1201 (メンバーシップ入り)
27 01:43:39   Isabel (メンバーシップ入り)
28 02:07:33   イヤ all these scary stories but the scariest one is the thought of a life without u uwu
29 02:22:26 MX$25.00   Luxx🍒 Hello RenRen!! Loved this Stream~
30 02:23:52 IDR20,000.00   Gytte Oei Please read Ghost on my left arm Ren thank youu!
31 02:31:44 $4.99   Alaina**
Being pregnant I actually get a lot of nightmares. It’s common in pregnancy. I’ve also dreamed of meeting my child but they were a baby not grown yet.
32 02:37:40 IDR10,000.00   itsxuan (a無言スパチャ)
33 01月09日
  チミ Chimyy yeahhh
34 01月09日
  Suki Chau (メンバーシップ入り)
35 03:19:24 HK$25.00   KAT🌹キャサリン tks for the stream and my mind keep looping : Ay, ay, ay I'm your little butterfly. Green, black and blue, Make the colours in the sky
36 03:19:49 ¥1,600   わなるWanaRu holy water spray funds... and renvaderz remember that nothing can cursed u through the screen(welp I'm gonna pray before I go to bed tonight AREN
37 03:23:02 $10.00   Sweet16tori Well I am definitely not sleeping tonight. But I appreciate your reading streams
38 03:26:16 $4.99   Alaina**
This was such a fun stream thanks Ren! I hope you actually get sleep tonight lmao.
39 03:31:54 ¥500   カエデ୨୧kaede Still shivering and I think I might not able to go to the toilet at night for a while after today’s stream. But it was fun tho!
40 03:32:17 PHP499.00   Reo Shxiem Reo here! The fact that you noticed my art means a lot to me! But anyway, I guess I'll spend tonight's sleep with the lights and covers on Thank you for the stream!
41 03:32:18 ¥2,000   Alpha I don't like scary stories, but I enjoyed it today! Thanks to Ren and Renvaderz And I enjoyed your try to keep the horror mood;) too cute!
42 03:32:53 $4.99   Alaina**
I’m working NOC shift and I have 6 hours left this is great lmao
43 03:32:54 $10.00   Syusaki This was a fun stream! Shout out to the dental surgery OP because that happened to me as a kid too so I cried the entire car ride home
44 03:33:22 SGD10.00   Miyu The scary stories reading is awesome! Ren Ren u narrate it so well and Renvaders, the stories are so good! Good job everyone
45 03:33:11 THB100.00   noomnim Thank you for the stream Ren I think I'll have to sleep with the lights on tonight.
46 03:33:31 PHP50.00   marian_ jae I was terrified, but I enjoy listening to it!
47 03:33:36 ¥1,000   もえそちゃん おつかれさま!I was surprised that everyone had a SPOOKY experience. I'd like to watch this stream again and again as it would be a good way to learn English listening.(while trembling(((•﹏•))))
48 03:33:52 PHP125.00   ringolatte Thank you, Ren! Also, for those Renvaderz who shared their stories, now I'm ready to attend mass later 🫣 *a part 2? * btw sweet dreams everyone
49 03:34:05 PHP50.00   asahi's goatee Aia aia aia~ I'm your little butterfly
50 03:34:15 NT$30.00   lin KITTY thanks for reading ren
51 01月09日
52 03:34:38 $4.99   Mossy (a無言スパチャ)
53 01月09日
54 03:34:48 $5.00   Sweet16tori
Already have funny videos set to play after this. It's almost 2am here
55 03:35:06 $4.99   Alaina**
Renvaders cudos to you because y’all got some great writing talent! Thanks so much for the stream Ren!! This was lots of fun.
56 03:35:47 THB69.00   Memewtation You did so good today Renren can’t wait for part 2
57 03:37:27 THB100.00   VIICVIIC Otsuren!