記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 58 263.51 \35,418
EUR EUR 8 58.00 \8,529
CA$ CAD 8 57.20 \5,748
CHF CHF 5 32.00 \4,790
£ GBP 1 20.00 \3,333
PHP PHP 1 550.00 \1,313
AED AED 1 25.00 \915
MYR MYR 1 30.00 \908
A$ AUD 1 10.00 \904
BGN BGN 1 5.00 \377
ARS ARS 3 540.00 \335
SEK SEK 1 20.00 \259
R$ BRL 2 7.20 \195
NZ$ NZD 1 2.20 \183
THB THB 1 40.00 \156
NOK NOK 1 10.00 \127
---- ---- ---- ---- \63,490
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月18日
$2.00   Cheliax
2 04月18日
$1.49   outcast777
3 04月18日
$2.00   Seymour (シーモア) Minecraft minecraft minecraft
4 04月18日
$1.49   fake NEET
5 04月18日
  xinqi (メンバーシップ入り)
6 04月18日
$0.99   KingChrono
7 04月18日
$0.99   Ray Mack
8 04月18日
$1.49   Solid Takezo
9 04月19日
$2.00   StarCreator craftmu
10 00:02:32 $5.00   Ray Mack
Maidmu's Midday Minecraft
11 00:02:48 $1.49   Haizmi
12 00:02:50   Anthony Teasdale Welcome back to block game Pomu!
13 00:03:25   VolumeZer0 good to catch you live again! glad you had a fun time in japan
14 04月19日
  Taco the Crepuscular Welcome back home Pomuster!
15 04月19日
  kollapsi【ˢᵗᵃʳᵍᵃʸᶻᵉʳ】 hello pom i missed u !!!
16 00:04:52 CA$5.50   Virulent ビルレント The return of midday minecraft and a new Touhou game got announced. Today is a good day
17 00:05:23   オクタクル rare time where my sleep is wonky enough to catch pomcraft live from the start so
18 04月19日
  spannerbrain hey Pomu, welcome back! I enjoyed listening to your stories vod today when I was working!
19 00:07:07   Carateca hi umpo i'm playing minecraft 3 hope you have fun
20 00:07:17 CHF10.00   Magister Generalis Hey Pomu i sadly missed your last stream. Welcome back! I hope that you had a fantastic time in Japan! And btw: thank you very much for spartan kicking me into the mgs franchise rabbithole.
21 00:08:55   Sophie moooooo
22 00:10:06 CA$22.00   RocaDeearCenjar Pomu Boreas decides to punish Millie by encasing her in ice. To thaw the ice and save her, you and Selen have to become blood sisters and hug Millie's frozen body. Will you and Selen exchange blood with each other?
23 00:10:35   Supaishy Imagine being called into your boss's office because you didn't meet your minimum cookie quota that quarter
24 04月19日
25 00:13:09   Cooper White PPOMBU! So happy you're back!
26 04月19日
  Waterstrom TFE boomer pomu then
27 00:16:45 ARS225.00   ima rafan Let him build, we can attack the place like a Kaiju
28 04月19日
  Murphy 5
29 04月19日
  Vivy Core 1
30 00:22:49 $4.99   Saint Guillotine Do you ever have reoccurring dreams? I have one where I’m fighting off wild animals like lions and wolves with my bare hands.
31 00:23:30 $5.00   HH_Point
32 00:24:04   Tony Chillix (メンバーシップ入り)
33 00:24:41   marsie (メンバーシップ入り)
34 04月19日
  Cooper Black It's just saying you ARE the blessing. Also 3 months until golden
35 00:25:44   hamstardd (メンバーシップ入り)
36 00:26:12   NinjaTendo "Small luck"
37 00:26:16   Manuel Graciani Wish I could play Minecraft but I'm at work right now.
38 00:26:24   Ylse From one blonde to another, you're the smartest fairy I know
39 00:26:52 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille hi pom
40 00:27:24 €6.00   Floofy Hoots I enter stream and the first thing I hear is "it's a nipple~". Never change, Pomu
41 04月19日
  CaseyRaptor I have obtained the silver, six more months and the goldenshall be mine.
42 00:29:11 €25.00   Strange Mortim Glad to have you back pomu! Also will the I'm Pomu T-Shirt be available anytime soon?
43 00:29:58   Isomer (メンバーシップ入り)
44 00:35:41 AED25.00   Shin Solaire \[T]/
45 00:38:51 $2.00   Vivy Core PANICS
46 00:39:43 $2.00   WildestDuck BLESS YOU TSKR GOZAIMASU
47 00:40:56 $2.00   SsHobo Give us more middle aged dad sneezes pls
48 00:41:33 $22.32   Ray Mack
I missed the sneeze, can you do it again
49 00:41:50 NZ$2.20   Cheeseburger Mac Pac Good morning Pomu, I hope you get diamond!
50 00:42:22 $5.00   Just SCAM one omurice but with a sneeze instead of a love beam plz
51 00:42:44 SEK20.00   tunket pomu you sneeze good can you be my dad
52 00:43:39 $2.00   StarCreator
bless you
53 00:43:56 CHF5.00   Tree Bobber Guys, if Pomu doesn't have a nose, then how does she sneeze?
54 00:47:25   Floribi i missed waching you play minecraft while working
55 00:47:39   sango323 just give us a number
56 00:48:10 A$10.00   trish how much for the pomupuffs please im asking for a friend please please pelase
57 00:48:13   Zantheed so you're saying there's a chance?
58 00:48:35   Rockbiter Thanks for gathering here folks, we'll be starting the bidding at 2 pomu leaf
59 00:49:40 €2.00   sango323 is this why you have to puff the pomus b4 stream
60 00:50:57 R$5.00   Bessux Do you sell them in a jar?
61 04月19日
  hozonov I love having more Pomcraft
62 00:53:14   zel (メンバーシップ入り)
63 00:53:57 $10.00   Inconspicuous Janitor Can't stick around but I wanted to drop and say Welcome Back, Pomu! Hope you enjoyed your vacay! Also have you ever considered playing Devil May Cry? They're really something, especially Dante.
64 00:55:28 THB40.00   Cirnein Hey Pomu. Minecraft. Also welcome back!
65 00:55:35 BGN5.00   Chovek My bf dropped his puppetmu in a swamp yesterday and the resident frogs allegedly stared at it very intensely, you are the frog lord even irl
66 04月19日
  bri HAPPY FOUR MONTHS POMUUU!! had a rough day today but im so glad you’re back!!! love and missed you!!! CHUUUUU
67 01:04:45 CA$5.50   Coren Secretly listening to the stream as a podcast at work. NO ONE SNITCH.
68 04月19日
  Blong ブロン Good but always tiredGlad to have you back streaming again!
69 01:06:06   Arvulus (メンバーシップ入り)
70 01:08:11   Shizu (メンバーシップ入り)
71 01:10:32 $2.00   fake NEET
You can talk about Monster Girls!
72 01:10:35 €6.00   Floofy Hoots
Someone just said idol podcast with Maririn, and that honestly sounds like it'd be awesome. Or like a broader akiba theme podcast
73 01:11:09 R$2.20   Carateca Podcasts about viewer stories are really cool
74 01:13:22 $2.00   Vivy Core
Prisoner of war in the war of love
75 01:13:59 CHF10.00   Akumu so happy that you're back again pomu!
76 01:14:58   spicy tofu Speaking of cuffed, I just proposed to my fiance and she said yes! Just wanted to share some good news
77 01:19:42 €6.00   Floofy Hoots
I think Pomu may have been a caterpillar that became goo before becoming a fairy too, hence the jelly obsession.
78 04月19日
  ThatGuyJomar Beboop hi pom
79 01:26:39 CA$5.50   Coren
Hex code? Nah, gimme the virtual gorilla code for this colour.
80 04月19日
$5.00   Ria Sorry for asking about your hex code, got me scarle-t in embarrassment, but it's okay cause you're so kyo-ute Pomu
81 01:28:18 $20.00   kellykgreeneart Pomuu! I'm sad i was late for morning pomcraft But I'm watching stream from my new job!! I have a personal office for the first time I already have some of my niji merch up & will spread the good pom word to all these normies
82 01:28:39 $5.00   averagegatsby29 Finana
83 01:29:18 $2.00   wildnexus Gosh how Enna-barrassing
84 01:30:31 €6.00   Floofy Hoots
Omg, now you have to (Al)ban yourself, Pomu.
85 01:30:52 CA$2.20   Virulent ビルレント
I'm so scared I'm Petra-fied
86 01:31:26   J.R. Finana
87 01:31:56   Atenza Pomu
88 01:32:06   kellykgreeneart I think I missed something LOL
89 04月19日
  Matt Ewiwi is another name for
90 01:32:11 $5.00   JP Ng eL+ira+ no lazulight pun
91 01:33:04 NOK10.00   Souleater14 (a無言スパチャ)
92 01:33:05 $2.00   SliceSabre Feeshin 4 some Pendora before the rainpuff comes.
93 01:33:05 €2.00   sango323
i want to Elirat your bread
94 01:33:06 CA$5.50   Coren
She Finana my Nina 'till I Kyo
95 01:33:21 $5.00   wildnexus
The only thing I can think of is: It's a said day for Rianpuff which ... is weirdly on brand. I don't regret if I get Pomu-lled
96 01:33:59 $4.99   Usny i was going to make a dirty joke but it’s too fulgur
97 01:34:02 CHF2.00   Tree Bobber
Chat has opened Pendora's box with these puns
98 01:34:12 $5.00   Ria
Seven Eight Nina
99 01:34:47   JCred4 FUN FACT: peepee poopoo
100 01:37:16 $5.00   Clinton Griffin The cops canceled the investigation of the stolen toilet.. They realized they have nothing to go on...
101 04月19日
  Rohgu i just got home from work to see pomu and my new gold pp badge, hi pomu and chat!
102 01:40:47   Gup 3rd time, was in fact, not the charm.
103 04月19日
  Jonathan hi pomu
104 04月19日
  Mero Nya Ch. Hope you had a great vacation, Boss
105 04月19日
  Tony Chillix Welcome back Pomu!Miss you so much. How's your Cookies clicker doing?
106 01:50:08 CA$5.50   Mero Nya Ch. Excited Pomu is so cute, lol . Congrats!
107 01:53:47 $5.00   bignanime If Minecraft always like this?
108 01:54:08 $5.00   saku i too wish to be k-worded by [Intentional Game Design]
109 01:55:21   Heyght3 Hello Ms. PomuPuff! how have you been?
110 01:57:04 $1.49   Erik_W1
111 04月19日
112 01:57:57 $5.00   saku
113 02:00:16 $5.00   fake NEET
Pomu brought her tadpoles to a bastion fight
114 02:01:18 $1.49   Erik_W1
115 02:01:42 $5.00   Vilaio King(ryugal #9ish) POMUUU. I went to zettai ryouiki with my gf like u said 2 weeks ago. It was so embarassing but fun. Thanks for the recommendation ^_^
116 02:03:52 $5.00   Erik_W1
Hey Pomu, would you say your hair is banana colored, lemon colored, or corn colored?
117 02:05:48   Lotria I got back from my japan trip 2 weeks ago and wanted to tell you that you now have to share oshi status with the Japanese rail system now
118 02:14:38 $10.00   TheJollyRamRancher hey pomu. it just struck me today how good your english is. sorry it's off topic but I'm really impressed. you sound really natural
119 02:14:58   Perigrim s No need for therapy, pomu is my therapy
120 02:15:56   Trashboat1234 Enjoying the stream while I work. Good to have you back Pomu!
121 04月19日
  Minyoohs hi pom
122 02:21:31 CHF5.00   Tree Bobber
Pomu your streams are addictive, stop being so damn entertaining and good at streaming in general.
123 04月19日
  Ready 13 Your streams are always a good time.
124 02:30:31 $2.00   Vivy Core
Doc, Pomu told me I dont have take them any more
125 02:31:45 $2.00   ChaoticSn0w Guess I'll stop taking my anxiety meds then.
126 02:31:53 $2.00   Jester Im in line to get my meds right now. LETS GOOO
127 02:33:28   GasparLewis I am excited to stop taking my meds when they finish because this leg infection is wack and I miss being able to wear a shoe on my foot. WFH though!
128 02:34:58 $5.00   Jester
I start my new job next week. Its 12hr shifts mon-fri. Wish me luck Ill need it
129 02:35:57 £20.00   Duke of Tako Hi Pomu, coincidentally I'm coming off some meds I've been on for years (Dr approved). Finally got to zero last week. Withdrawal feels terrible, but chilling with your streams is making it a little easier. Thank you!
130 02:38:04   The Very Hungry Singularity hi pomu I'm pomu
131 02:38:49 $5.00   MasterWalt Hi Alaska, I once did a 12hr Shift for 30 days straight, no days off
132 02:39:40   jlumba81 Fyi 1 species of frog in Alaska, no Pomus tho.
133 02:39:43 $5.00   miya alaska was founded in 1959 so pomu's like at least 64 yrs old
134 02:40:31 $5.00   Jester
Many hours = More money = More spending on supporting
135 02:40:47 $5.00   drifter233 if were sharing our successes, in the 3 weeks since I started my own business, Ive already made my first $1k in the books, and another $500 scheduled
136 02:43:10 $5.00   Cooper Black You gotta be careful of the ALASKIAN BULL WORM. I hear they eat fairies.
137 04月19日
  Jade the darkbright 🗡🪶 I do declare that I'mand I have missed Minecraft with you Pomu
138 02:50:00 $10.00   Jonathan Pomu I try not to remember the sinkhole incident
139 02:51:08 CA$5.50   Coren
Instructions unclear: working 85 hour days to build donor warchest and then watching the stream when I'm a ghost.
140 02:51:31   PetitAngel (メンバーシップ入り)
141 02:59:41 $2.00   Saxmith pimo puff is back
142 02:59:53 $1.49   Murphy
143 02:59:57 $0.99   Solid Takezo
144 04月19日
  Tobber I have a sudden urge to say I'm glad Pomu is home I'm recharging my Pomu Energy
145 03:00:20 $1.49   WildestDuck
146 03:00:24   TinyZu When did this happen?
147 04月19日
  Nicola Chiara Aloupeep Hewwo Pomu Wainpuff, missed you while you were in Japan!
148 04月19日
  juice box 5
149 04月19日
  juice box my bad luck gift
150 03:16:15 MYR30.00   addeen
151 03:19:33   umax66 It's Wednesday my dudes
152 03:19:40 PHP550.00   ヤンカ government money
153 04月19日
  フレノ Good morning Pomu and welcome back
154 03:28:36   Yano Rizu (メンバーシップ入り)
155 03:29:14 $2.00   Sneckcheezy You got that right
156 04月19日
  Mimika ☆ welcome back pomu!
157 03:44:17 $5.00   Talthar Are you excited for Minecraft Legends?
158 03:49:42 ARS225.00   ima rafan
This truly has been the most "small luck" stream I've seen in a while, sasuga Pomu
159 03:49:54 €5.00   Reivun Bad omen 5 time ?
160 04月19日
  Saint Athracht 5
161 04月19日
  Upsidedown Dogeparty Thanks for the most stream of all time on my birthday
162 03:53:17 $22.32   fake NEET
Thanks for the most midday minecraft stream of all time!
163 03:53:23   cat (メンバーシップ入り)
164 04月19日
  Michael 206 (メンバーシップ入り)
165 03:56:46 ARS90.00   ima rafan
VTuber is so silly
166 04月19日
  Jax I am flabbergasted