記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 17 181.99 \24,828
EUR EUR 5 16.00 \2,308
£ GBP 2 10.00 \1,631
THB THB 1 179.00 \702
DKK DKK 1 20.00 \386
R$ BRL 1 2.00 \52
---- ---- ---- ---- \29,907
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:14   KingGuy AKLC Still Eat something gurll
2 00:02:40 R$2.00   fulano Bad at games mom! \o/
3 02月27日
  ryanglazner 10
4 02月27日
  Michael 206 Hewo Ninaur, I wanted to say I wished I could've had time to spend time with you for valentine's a few weeks ago
5 00:05:59   Zovi Sapphire we are to blame! *nodders*
6 02月27日
  Patrick Connor Just noticed I've been in the Mombership for two months, thank you Nina!
7 00:18:38   akantor980 (メンバーシップ入り)
8 02月27日
9 00:21:39   El Plasa woah we're halfway there
10 00:25:41 $5.00   Talthar Nina, how is your day going? I hope you and everyone is having a wonderful day/night/timezone!
11 00:27:29   wolf_o_fate do you plan on eventually adding mods to kenshi? iirc there is one that lets you wipe-out/take over the major factions. ty for making my days brighter
12 00:27:56   Vegeta Oujisama rawr x3 nani kusa gives me strength
13 00:33:44   zehaal312 this might not make sense right now but beep is best boy
14 00:47:55 €2.00   Gyro Juggler cant blame us you always do a good job
15 02月27日
  Sophie 5
16 01:04:20 $10.00   Lago de Fuego This new browser blocks all ads, so here's some compensation for the lost ad revenue. My birthday is tomorrow! Thank you mom, for the present of going online to say weird stuff while playing games!
17 01:11:40   Daniele Gandini he is a george for sure
18 01:13:09 $5.00   Ozmin Weller Nina Swole Kosaka Gains
19 01:21:58   Misfit Ah Fox Mom becoming a queen and finally creating her fox empire after the apocalypse. Great game choice by the way
20 01:23:12 $2.00   Isaac Carder come into the fog mother... come into the fog...
21 01:42:37 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi Cue the motivational music!
22 01:46:31   Totalizator (メンバーシップ入り)
23 02:00:21   Zuuni (メンバーシップ入り)
24 02:03:45 $10.00   zack ngl I love listening to you or watching you, makes the immense physical pain I've been having for months now a bit more bearable and my mental health is not that bad either
25 02:05:08   Kuroe Minato (メンバーシップ入り)
26 02:17:17 $4.99   Loki Hades The crabs are awesome in this game without spoiling anything. I have like 80 of them in my last playthrough
27 02:19:10   Julie hi mom!
28 02:19:45 $2.00   Isaac Carder
into the fog... into the fog... into the fog... :)
29 02:29:07 €2.00   acceptable casualty God gives his funniest battles to his silliest
30 02:30:37 $2.00   Kiflaam Beep.
31 02:30:58 $2.00   Isaac Carder
32 02:31:32 DKK20.00   zehaal312 beep
33 02:32:04   Jeshua Samuel Beep is my oshi
34 02:41:38 £5.00   Jack Just joined the stream to hear Nina talking about allowing people to smell her. I feel I have missed alot
35 03:05:05 €5.00   Gekido Thanks for introducing me to this game. I was sceptical at first but I'm now I'm hooked into Kenshi and its (cruel) world
36 03:06:27 £5.00   Gorbz Chungus is a shōnen protagonist, and this is his training arc!
37 03:22:50   Вадим Шевченко Нина, ты посмотрела видео где ты искала батарейки?
38 02月27日
  Helyn003 Hello Ninamama! Have a beautiful day
39 02月27日
40 04:32:13 THB179.00   Amie_Million I’m having a test today, please wish me luck! I love you momm
41 05:35:14 $5.00   Windows 95 Startup Sound Parasocial? I can hardly handle one of them!
42 05:35:29 $5.00   Dan Sullivan *90's cool guy advertiser voice* It's NINA or nuthiiiiin
43 05:48:41 €2.00   acceptable casualty
Beep-ussy be dry, like Desert Sand
44 06:27:25 €5.00   PreOrderBonus95 Hey Mom. You play a great selection of interesting games, and your streaming hours are really convenient to catch. Appreciate ya. Keep being you Mom
45 06:32:21 $10.00   ryanglazner Free the Fox Mom Fund
46 02月27日
  八雲よみ /Yakumo Yomi Take a day off, Mother
47 02月27日
  Customer Support Johnson 50
48 07:03:26   modallus (メンバーシップ入り)
49 02月27日
  Starless2 🎰 5
50 02月27日
  Customer Support Johnson 50
51 02月27日
  Davren Helsmere 1
52 07:09:23 $2.00   Kiflaam
I forget, what sounds do SCs make?
53 02月27日
  Starless2 🎰 1
54 02月27日
  Customer Support Johnson 50
55 02月27日
  Starless2 🎰 1
56 07:21:36 $5.00   Rhett Olson Have you ever considered a Paradox mega campaign? Transfer a save from CK2/3 > EU4 > Victoria 2 > HoI4?
57 02月27日
  Leonardo M 50
58 07:23:23   Acadien Mother
59 07:28:21 $100.00   ReiAyanami8 (a無言スパチャ)
60 02月27日
  Starless2 🎰 1
61 07:33:04 $10.00   Dan Sullivan
I'm going to clip this dubious claim of yours the next time you play a horror game
62 02月27日
  Dan Sullivan 10