記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 23 141.89 \18,694
£ GBP 3 24.99 \3,972
EUR EUR 2 15.00 \2,133
CA$ CAD 1 5.00 \491
R$ BRL 1 10.00 \255
---- ---- ---- ---- \25,545
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月06日
  UnclePutte (メンバーシップ入り)
2 02月06日
  kmarple1 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 02月06日
  P. 〜 (メンバーシップ入り)
4 02月06日
  h (メンバーシップ入り)
5 02月06日
  4tonmike 4トンマイク (メンバーシップ入り)
6 02月06日
  Bozo Ranger (メンバーシップ入り)
7 02月06日
  ่Jeanne (メンバーシップ入り)
8 02月07日
$10.00   CharlyBrown (a無言スパチャ)
9 00:08:27 €10.00   Snowscarf i made it i love that you never start on time give me time to make it just came back from the gym and have japanese Tack out
10 00:09:54   Soorya a fox mom is never late, nor is she early, she arrives precisely when she means to
11 00:09:57 $4.99   Mr. Maradok Smol Nina when?
12 00:10:50 £5.00   Lauren Tonkin What would you love more A: To be in a room of fluffy baby bunnies or B: Be kissed by a dozen puppies
13 00:20:44 $9.99   BlkSwn Slacking at work to watch a Nina Kosaka stream. The American dream
14 00:25:10 $20.00   tek Thanks for playing this game Nina, its one of my favorites and one of the best to watch! Enjoy!
15 00:28:55 $4.99   Mr. Maradok
Fun Fact: Jiggling the mouse will actually make things load faster in this game!
16 00:30:24 $2.00   FalseHonesty this is a trip
17 00:38:09 £17.99   Jonathan Faulkner Hi everyone hope you all have a great day/night today… also wanted to say that you’re such an inspiration Nina thanks for the amazing streams
18 00:39:16 $1.99   Misfit Fox mom law enforcement
19 00:40:50 $5.00   Jason Kruta Nina stop being so funny and entertaining, I'm trying so hard to not giggle like an idiot at my desk at work
20 00:42:40 R$10.00   Grey Hare Archie Nina "If he's old enough to draw, he's old enough for the law" Kosaka
21 00:44:54 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
22 02月07日
  Patrick Fellner Mommy the Cyberpolice
23 00:50:08   RyuSyeJeong (メンバーシップ入り)
24 00:51:44   4-D Latina (メンバーシップ入り)
25 01:14:33 CA$5.00   Inkerlink send money. IS this thing on? help. testing 123. send money to ninA money . fox mom. money. did it work?
26 01:17:30 $5.00   HH_Point Hey Nina, you rock! Can we jam with that angel with the guitar again, that dude was going hog wild.
27 01:54:46 $4.99   Mr. Maradok
Had a shower thought: Dialup dub step
28 02月07日
  Dan Sullivan 5
29 02:10:26   4tonmike 4トンマイク Uh Gah Tay
30 02:13:55 $5.00   Dan Sullivan This game is every AOL log-on I ever made, bad CD-ROM game I ever played and 90's internet satire article I ever read rolled into one. It rules
31 02:20:38   Kyo Shiro (メンバーシップ入り)
32 02:23:10 $4.99   Mr. Maradok
To be fair, at least the stories are written, instead of just word salad
33 02:27:12 $2.00   MisterYura she's at that nice desktop upstate
34 02:29:26 $4.99   BlkSwn
For the vacation jar to visit April in the summer
35 02月07日
  Thanos 10
36 02月07日
37 03:04:16 $9.99   RaydoBaconDude What is this Game, im confused But Im hungry So Ill keep Watching
38 03:06:30 $9.99   RaydoBaconDude
Did you just Send the Secret services to this Guys house?
39 03:12:20   noirpoet97 Hey Nina, sorry I haven’t been tuning in much, life got very busy; I trust you’re taking care of yourself and treating yourself well
40 03:15:55 $9.99   RaydoBaconDude
Thank god for dumb Kids Spewing Dumb things on the Internet, Now I can Punish and make money off of Kids.
41 03:23:47 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi Are you going to sing this to Scarle at random?lol
42 03:24:00 $4.99   Mr. Maradok
This stream was brought to you by — Granny Creams Hot Butter Icecream!
43 03:34:05 $2.00   Seymour "Do I want money? Yes" like this?
44 03:41:21   HodToward (メンバーシップ入り)
45 03:47:10   eurocanard (メンバーシップ入り)
46 03:55:25 £2.00   Thunderbird1005 Hope your having a good day foxy mama.
47 04:17:26 $10.00   eri pan hi nina!! can't watch live today but so excited to see you playing one of my favorite games! i love seeing what resonates more w/ different people depending on their history with the internet. lol
48 04:26:28 €5.00   Professor Helper I see you got a Virus on your HypnoOS System, can I help you?
49 02月07日
  The Professor Keen 5
50 02月07日
  HH_Point 1
51 04:52:43 $5.00   RiotGnight 13 This stream is wonderful. You are on fire today, Nina. Thanks!
52 02月07日
  Jonathan Faulkner 5
53 05:29:50   Orange (メンバーシップ入り)